2022, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16260101/, Mikkelsen TF, Graff-Iversen S, Sundby J, Bjertness E. Early menopause, association with tobacco smoking, coffee consumption and other lifestyle factors: a cross-sectional study. So accurately predicting things is not always so easy. And while we have a definition for when menopause ends, its much harder to calculate the average age when the menopause journey begins. Body weight might matter, though. Practice relaxation techniques. National Library of Medicine. POI is not the same as premature menopause; people with POI may still get occasional periods and may even become pregnant. Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment, What Are Menopausal Hot Flashes? Date accessed online: Web. I have sleep difficulties Never Often Always It can sometimes happen earlier naturally. For example if you input the dates 03/15/2022 and 3/18/2022 . Some women reach menopause at an unusually early age -- before 45 or so -- with no known cause, which could be the result of an inherited issue or a one-time genetic mutation. If you experience menopause between ages 40 and 45, you're said to have early menopause. What treatments are available to help my symptoms? If youre bleeding like crazy it would be helpful to know, she says. I have hot flashes or night sweats Never Often Always 3. All of the factors we've discussed above could help you determine the age you can expect to enter the menopause, but there is no definitive test to tell you the exact age you will reach the menopause for the moment. Bone density tests do not indicate menopause. Download Peanut to connect with women at a similar stage in life. Menopause and Breast Cancer: What Is the Relationship? Perimenopause most often begins in a persons forties and can last anywhere from a couple of years to 10 years. Menopause. The relationship between alcohol intake and the age of natural menopause is not well understood. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Menopause happens when the ovaries stop producing as much of the hormone oestrogen and no longer release an egg each month. One new finding concerned alcohol consumption. Blood levels of FSH will increase as a person's ovaries begin to shut down. The age at which menopause symptoms stop depends on how old you were when menopause began. Heavy, higher-risk drinking is associated with higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), damaging ovarian follicles (eggs) and increasing the chance of going through menopause earlier. Based on your answers, the Menopause Age Calculator predicts the estimated age of menopause; Earlier, Average or Later. You may have noticed that quite a few of the influencing factors focus on controllable lifestyle choices so there is a lot you can do to naturally support your body through the menopause transition. Dietary intake and age at natural menopause: results from the UK Womens Cohort Study. Date accessed online: Web. However, after age 35, egg quality generally declines, and you may have a lower reserve of eggs. Menopause is inevitable for all of us and cant be avoided. While the average age of menopause is 52, there is a vast range of what is considered normal for when menopause could begin. The authors concluded that the results question the assumption that interrupted ovulation during pregnancy delays menopause.. Women who are concerned that they may have trouble conceiving or think they may experience menopause early and still want children should discuss options such as egg freezing with their doctor, says Streicher. Read on. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Relationship between alcohol consumption and age at menopause: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Date accessed online: Web. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 589. So lets take a look at the key factors that have been included in the Menopause Age Calculator: Research shows a strong link between when natural menopause occurs and your genetic profile. The bulk of her work centers on parenting, education, health, and social justice. Premature and early menopause. Dalal P, Agarwal M. Postmenopausal syndrome. 2015;57(6):222. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.161483, Hayatbakhsh M, Clavarino A, Williams G, Sina M, Najman J. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Menopause August 11, 2020 by My Due Date Calculator Menopause is the state of the natural reduction in reproductive hormones as a woman steps into her 40s. Many factors influence your result. 20 Apr. Menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause. So you can start making the changes you need to feel better now and for many years to come. The typical range is from age 40 to 58, but it may begin even earlier. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2856641/, Tamakoshi A, Kawado M, Ozasa K, Tamakoshi K, Lin Y, Yagyu K, Kikuchi S, Hashimoto S. Impact of smoking and other lifestyle factors on life expectancy among japanese: findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Menopause is strongly genetically linked, so youre very likely to fall within a few years either way of the age your mother was at menopause, says Nanette Santoro, MD, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine. Whenever perimenopause begins for you, were in this together. Because pregnancy puts menstruation and ovulation on pause, its been theorized that a high number of pregnancies may delay menopause, but the findings of a Norwegian study published in Human Reproductionin February 2020belie that assumption. What kinds of periods are normal to expect during perimenopause? Date accessed online: Web. You may still have follicles left at the time of menopause, but they are not sensitive to FSH anymore and their quality is also diminished. And its often the question women pose to their ob-gyn when they begin to notice changes in their monthly period or have their first hot flash. Menopause occurs after a person stops having their period for 12 consecutive months. A 2018 study found consuming a high amount of oily fish, fresh legumes, vitamin B-6, and zinc delayed natural menopause. J Thorac Dis. Heavy smokers stop menstruating one to two years earlier when compared to non-smokers. Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH levels): FSH is a protein made by the brain that tells the ovaries it's time for ovulation. Learn what experts recommend for thin hair, hair loss. This study is important because it investigates the cumulative impact of intergenerational violence on reproductive aging, says Faubion. Most women experience menopause between age 40 and 58, and the average age at menopause is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 50 and 52 years. According to the survey, 59% of women aren't expecting to reach menopause until age 50 or later. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3717046/, Steiner AZ, Baird DD, Kesner JS. Late natural menopause was seen in women with menstrual cycle lengths of 33 days or longer [ 6 ]. No matter when you experience natural menopause, your chances of getting pregnant after the age of 40 are low, says Faubion. Date accessed online: Web. For example, if your mother was 40 when she went through menopause, but her sisters and mother were in their 50s, she was probably an outlier, and youre more likely to take after your other female relatives. Wherever youre at in your menopause journey, three simple changes can change the future trajectory of menopause and its consequences. How long should I continue to use birth control? These can be random events, but can also be passed on," says Howard Zacur, MD, PhD, who directs the reproductive endocrinology and infertility division at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. We do know that the extremes of weight, in someone who is very obese or someone with very low body weight, may impact the onset of menopause, but for the majority of women in the middle it doesnt seem to have a big impact, says Streicher. Factors associated with menstrual cycle irregularity and menopause. American Cancer Society. This can be a time of added stress for women, and we know that anystressful situation can cause someone to drink more, she says. The medical definition of menopause is no menstrual bleeding for a year, according to Lauren Streicher, MD, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology and the medical director of the Northwestern Center for Menopause and the Northwestern Center for Sexual Medicine in Chicago. I have many patients tell me, I know Im going to go through menopause earlier because I started my period really early, says Streicher. 2014;5(1):3-5. Its that simple. 2011;38(3):425-440. doi:10.1016/j.ogc.2011.05.002. Until you have gone 12 months without having a period, it is still possible that you could ovulate. Being proactive about your hormonal health means youll be less likely to experience severe symptoms, making the menopausal transition easier and protecting your future health. Hormone replacement therapy: an increased risk of recurrence and mortality for breast cancer patients? Early menopause is menopause that begins between the ages of 40 and 45. However, nutrition higher in trans fat (e.g. Indian J Psychiatry. You cant postpone or predict menopause, but you can identify the things that might make it earlier. 2014;101(3):633-634. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.12.032. Hormone replacement therapies can be used to treat menopause symptoms. Addressing the issue will require multiple sectors, including social change, policy and education, adds Faubion. 2013;5(Suppl 1):S55-S61. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000001785, Rosenberg SM, Partridge AH. When menopause occurs before age 40, it is referred to as primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). We recommend you always seek advice from your health provider or doctor if you have specific questions. Endocrinology of the Menopause. During perimenopause, estrogen declines, which can cause a variety of symptoms. Your hormone levels change during perimenopause. The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs. On average, most women experience perimenopause for about four years before their periods stop completely. J Epidemiol. Our intention is to analyse the results of the data we collect on this site to improve the accuracy of the algorithm going forward. Here is what you might be able to expect at different ages and stages. The frequency with which a woman has sex has also been correlated with early menopause. Howard Zacur, MD, PhD, director, division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore. 2012;72(4):346-352. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2012.05.004, Zhao W, Smith J, Yu M, et al. The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs. Here are four others to consider: Here are three things you might think would influence menopause age, but dont: There is no way to delay menopause; it can only be sped up, not slowed down, by external factors. When we look at the things that are the greatest determinants for when someone is going to go through menopause, genetics seems to be one of the most important things, says Streicher. To be considered in menopause, a woman must hot have had a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals in our environment (pesticides, plastics, cleaning and personal care products) that can disrupt the balance of hormones in our body. What Is the Average Age for Menopause to Start? The age when you reach menopause is down to a complicated mix of your genes, lifestyle, and medical history. While menopause can cause some unwelcome symptoms, there are many treatments that can help. There is a 50% chance of becoming menopausal around the same age as your mother. All rights reserved. The early onset of your first menstrual period has been associated with earlier menopause. I have PMS symptoms (cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, irritability) Never Often Always 4. Quitting smoking may help postpone the onset of early menopause. Mothers menopausal age is associated with her daughters early follicular phase urinary follicle-stimulating hormone level. Is this normal? has to be one of the most common questions posed to doctors about a host of health-related signs and symptoms, from the crackling sound your knees make when you take the stairs to the number of times your sleep is interrupted each night. The login page will open in a new tab. Committee Opinion No. There are many effective treatments available, from . That's a big span. Some factors that can lead to premature menopause include: In your forties, your fertility continues to decline. In the absence of a crystal ball or a definitive menopause age chart, your genetics might be the most helpful tool you have for predicting when your periods will check out for good. Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. This causes the brain to send more FSH into the body. When it comes to the menopause transition, whats the normal age, and more importantly, why does it matter? The harmful chemicals in cigarettes can damage your ovaries and bring menopause forward by an average of 13 years. How long does menopause last? As you age, your reproductive cycle begins to slow down and prepares to stop. Most studies of the menopausal transition have been cross-sectional (data collected at a set point in time) rather than longitudinal (data collected over an extended time). Lifestyle factors are the daily choices we make. 2014;21(10):1038-1062. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000000319, Female age-related fertility decline. Now its time to learn more about supporting your hormonal health naturally. On average, the symptoms of perimenopause last for four years before menopause begins, but for some, they last longer. Premature menopause in young breast cancer: effects on quality of life and treatment interventions. menopause age calculator - Jeff T Bowles Tag: menopause age calculator The Missing Half of the Theory of Evolution-What Darwin Did Not See March 21, 2022 jefftbowles 3 Comments UPDATE- Everything in this article has been proven to be most likely correct with Steve Horvath's new study in mammals Continue Reading Marcelle Cedars, MD, director, division of reproductive endocrinology, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, San Francisco. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. They will be able to rule out other conditions and confirm whether you are going through menopause. Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, What Is Menopause and the Menopausal Transition? People in postmenopause are at increased risk for osteoporosis and heart disease. If you reach menopause before age 40, that is considered premature menopause, says Faubion. The number of pregnancies, the number of children, and years spent breastfeeding, taking or taking birth control pills (that stop ovulation) reduce your risk of early menopause. Theres an overlap between people with these conditions and those who reach menopause before the average age of 51. Before you experience menopause, youll go through a transitional period, known as perimenopause. Menopause is a natural biological process. Menopause Matters: BMI Calculator Diet, Exercise & Lifestyle: BMI Calculator Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator. There is a range of what is considered typical in terms of when menopause can start, and the symptoms and stages that each person experiences will be different. If theres not a lot that women can do to change when theyll experience menopause, why does predicting it even matter? Heart disease is the No. Telephone: 440/442-7550 - Fax: 440/442-2660 - Email: info@menopause.org. Smoking may influence the age of menopause onset. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. This occurs in about 1 to 2 percent of women, she says. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55.It can sometimes happen earlier naturally. Genetic variants predictive of reproductive aging are associated with vasomotor symptoms in a multiracial/ethnic cohort. Studies have found that smoking during the reproductive years was significantly associated with earlier menopause. doi:10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2013.06.20, Lupo M, Dains JE, Madsen LT. Premature or early menopause happens when your body makes less estrogen, periods stop, and fertility goes down. Having one or more pregnancies is associated with later menopause due to the reduction in ovulatory cycles (as ovulation doesnt occur during pregnancy). Its a question many women wonder about, especially if youre thinking about planning a family and your 20s are but a distant memory. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States. Take the free quiz to discover your Menopause Type, learn how to feel better naturally (and lose weight). Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. For each range, there are lifestyle considerations that can help you make good decisions for your future health. On average, most vagina owners start menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. This may be a sign of a serious health problem. Here's what does -- and does not influence the age at when a woman reaches menopause. Your answers today do not necessarily indicate your future health outcomes. 2011 Sep;38(3):455-66. For many women, by the time they realise whats going on with their body and hormones, they are well into perimenopause and not far away from menopause. The average age the first. Put simply, if your mother went through menopause at 54, theres a decent chance youll also go through menopause at 54, plus or minus a year or two. The risk of menopause depends on the type of chemotherapy a person receives and the dose that is given. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. 2013;11:66. The methodology and assumptions of the Menopause Age Calculator have been tested on a selection of postmenopausal women aged 45-56 before being made public. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cigarette smoking and age of menopause: a large prospective study. Shifren J, Gass M. The North American Menopause Society recommendations for clinical care of midlife women. When menstruation ends, Menopause means that your periods have completely stopped for at least 12 months. Conditions like endometriosis, tumors, and cancer may require a person to have their ovaries removed. All women will experience menopause differently but for many it starts with excessive weight gain around the waist. Gold, M.A., Ph.D. for her article, The Timing of the Age at Which Natural Menopause Occurs (2012). While this is not the start of menopause, it is the start of your body beginning to change. Menopause can affect women ranging from their 30s to their 60s. Your age in total number of days is calculated as: Number of years, x, with 365 days = 365x plus. 20 Apr. But while its easy to work out the average age of menopause, its more complicated to predict when it will happen for you. Ive developed an online program using evidence-based interventions for the key lifestyle factors that influence your hormonal health, which are: My Midlife Hormones Program also includes one-to-one coaching support and access to our community, where you can connect with other women going through this stage of life. It also makes having multiples more likely. It naturally happens for many people when they are between the ages of 40 and 58. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5801702/, Ceylan B, zerdoan N. Factors affecting age of onset of menopause and determination of quality of life in menopause. "If youre over the age of 45 and skip at least three periods in a row, that tells us that youre going to move on to menopause relatively soon," Santoro says. There are three phases of menopause: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Women Who Reach Menopause Before Age 40 Face Higher Risk for Future Heart Disease, What Are Menopause and Menopausal Transition? Is it Menopause? What matters, and what doesn't, when trying to predict when you'll reach menopause. But menopause can happen to women throughout their 40s and 50s, too. Perimenopause symptoms are rooted in the decreasing level of hormones like estrogen in your body. Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) occurs when the ovaries have stopped working prematurely. 1996-2023 Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Many women dont realise that these symptoms are a sign that their hormones are changing (you can learn more about this here: stages and symptoms of menopause). Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Changing Hormones and Mood Swings: What You Can Do, Depression Effects on Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments, Cancer, Premature Menopause, and Infertility. Maturitas. Researchers also found that the women with short menstrual cycles had a higher frequency of total menopause symptoms, and were more likely to have certain menopause symptoms, including midlife sleep problems, heart discomfort, and depressive symptoms. The length of your cycles will start to vary and you'll begin to skip periods. Dunneram Y, et. The Menopause Age Calculator is designed to predict the age at which youll reach menopause. Other than avoiding smoking, theres probably not much you can do to influence the age at which youll reach menopause. When you go through menopause is really about the aging of eggs and what causes them to age more quickly, she says. 2015 Sep;44(3):485-96. Last medically reviewed on January 18, 2019. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. They found that there are factors that do seem predictive of when a woman will approach menopause, such as higherestradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, which weve known for a while," says Streicher. 2022, https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-7-149, Santoro N, Randolph JF Jr. Generally, blood levels fall after menopause. The results shown for the various mixes of answers are subject to the combination of key factors, some of which are variable over time. While many people go through menopause in their early fifties, many unique factors determine at what age a person will start menopause, as well as what their experience will be like. During this stage, menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, get milder or go away. Premature or early menopause can occur at any age and, in many cases, there's no clear cause. Theres no sure way to delay menopause, but some lifestyle changes may play a role. You may follow what happened with your mother; if she went through menopause early or late, you may, too, she says. If youve had surgery on or around your ovaries, its more likely that youll have earlier menopause. Other factors that help to predict menopause age. Defining Premenopause, Perimenopause, and Menopause, Oophorectomy: Everything You Need to Know, The Link Between Osteoporosis and Menopause, How to Talk to Your Doctor About Menopause. Your family history, medical conditions, and hormones all play a role in when menopause is likely to occur for you. The healthy changes you make today can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause, delay menopause and slow down the ageing process. Its usually diagnosed when youve gone a year without a menstrual cycle. Gold E. The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs. Menopause Age Calculator . But there can be a lot of other factors to deal with at this time career, finances, and family issues are just some of the plates you may have spinning right now. Date accessed online: Web. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3900831/, Taneri PE, Kiefte-de Jong JC, Bramer WM, Daan NMP, Franco OH, Muka T. Association of alcohol consumption with the onset of natural menopause: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Learn more about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Date accessed online: Web. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you're an ideal weight for your height. Menopause is defined as 12 concurrent months without having a menstrual cycle. Menopause can be marked by the last 12 months of your Menstrual Cycle. It doesnt cope as well with unhealthy habits like: The menopause transition is a challenging time. Is menopause around the corner? 2011;38(3):425-440. It would be helpful for every woman to know exactly when menopause will arrive. Once our hormones start changing, our body may become less resilient and more sensitive to stress. Genetic factors are believed to be the most significant influencing factors regarding the age of menopause and therefore account for up to 50% of the calculated result. Regular moderate exercise and fitness levels may be associated with later menopause. This phase can last for months or years, and usually starts when youre in your mid-to-late 40s. 2022, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1028455917301444, Dunneram Y, Greenwood DC, Burley VJ, Cade JE. Even if your periods come back again after such a serious illness, theres a good chance that menopause will happen earlier. Some women may not reach menopause until their 60s. Men can experience the discomfort of hot flashes just as menopausal women do. More points are allocated to answers indicating a higher risk of earlier menopause depending on the correlation evidence between each key factor and the depletion of ovarian follicles. Experts believe this increased risk happens because women who undergo menopause later are exposed to more estrogen throughout their lifetimes. 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