Which of the following statements concerning the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s is NOT true? American hypocrisy in the 1920s, the truth was, they were diehard Americans at heart who wanted to create a more authentic How did mass culture in the 1920s thwart full gender equality? C. aircraft carriers. A. increased as American built foreign production facilities and acquired foreign sources of raw materials. Which statement is an opinion about the. A. Terms in this set (81) In the 1920s Americans' real wages, or wages valued in purchasing power, increased by 20% The postwar residential construction boom was mostly in suburbs Ford drove down production costs by implementing the moving assembly line and making all of the automobiles alike. The second industrial revolution was marked by, By 1890, the majority of the American workforce. C. Young people experimenting sexually without contemplating marriage. The Roaring Twenties was a period in American history of dramatic social, economic and political change. Which of the following did modernists believe? Gertrude Stein In the winter, the seas are rougher. clothing, and purchased food. answer choices Britain eventually granted the colonies representation in Parliament. Q05 . Which of the following is true of the novels of Ernest Hemingway? D. have a "kitchen cabinet" made up of women advisers. A. Born into poverty, he supported Progressive legislation during his three terms as governor of New York. prosecuted John Scopes in the Dayton, Tennessee, evolution case for teaching The "House That Ruth Built" is known as complementary region. Assess the state of individual American financial savings by the end of the 1920s. Considering technology heterogeneity, this study applies stochastic frontier analysis combined with meta-frontier technology to estimate the environmental technical efficiency (ETE) and SP of CO2 emissions for China's fossil fuel power plants from 2005 to 2015. A) Home products, such as vacuum cleaners, increased the demand for domestic labor. a revolution in labor relations, marked by new growth in the size and influence of labor unions. II. New dances and greater erotic freedom. A. b. construction and automobile manufacturing. Fitzgerald's stories during the 1920s were Jazz music became a national favorite. The ________ amendment to the Constitution is known as the Prohibition amendment and resulted in ________. a. service entities. Critics charged that Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted mainly because they were. True They portrayed utopian communities in a socialist society and, unconcerned with war, attempted to envision a world devoid of conflict. The conservative political mood helped steer women who had worked for the war effort back into their traditional roles as homemakers. Question 11 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements about consumer goods in the 1920s is NOT accurate? The Hays Code: Prohibited movies from depicting nudity, long kisses, and adultery. It was a European innovation emerging from modern classical music. Why did railroad companies and other businesses form "pools" during the American Gilded Age? False, The consumer culture generated bewildering changes in everyday life. As the economy changed in the early 20th century, Henry Ford led the way with new policies that other corporations would soon follow, most notably. The voters of the Democratic Party living in cities gained an edge over the party's traditional rural southern base. E. Some states repealed their anti-drinking laws within a few years of the Volstead Act. the formation of the United Nations. C. triggered new scholarships for African Americans to pursue the arts. the development of the car. Members of which of the following groups were least likely to be traditionalists? The decade began with a roar and ended with a crash. Increased consumer borrowing and spending. Spectator sports attracted large crowds, as automobile ownership and rising incomes changed the way Americans spent leisure time. B. Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression? True What did these two items have in common? He is either a lunatic or a D. they were bitter about the impact of mass printing on sales of their books. C. Women mostly received low-paying, unskilled jobs. Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression quizlet? Charlie Chaplin is best associated with Some of the most important early instruments are described in the following list.1 Early Musical Instruments bandora Plucked stringed instrument, similar in construction to the lute but tuned differently, having six or seven courses. In the early 1920s religious fundamentalists focused especially on which of the following issues? Which of the following is true concerning the use of electricity by the mid-1920s? Attitudes toward women changed significantly during the 1920s, in part because of the many services and dangerous jobs they performed during. Evaluating Policy Should one country intervene militarily in the affairs of another to protect property owned by its citizens? Which of the following led voters to elect Warren G. Harding as president in 1920? (1) The Democratic Party is losing support. radios a. progress. Answer: In the summer, the sea conditions are calm. Which of the following is NOT true about Robert La Follette's 1924 presidential campaign? E. his victory over cancer was trumpeted when he led the Red Sox to victory. Quiz 21 . C) Americans increasingly spent money on food staples rather than entertainment. The health of a product can . E. It reinforced stereotypes of feminine delicacy. A. answer choices . Du Bois say in his opposition to Marcus Garvey? Ask a question. Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression? a widespread military draft, What influential figure spoke of sex with frankness and created a new vocabulary for mapping the inner lives of people? It was a result of the great migration of African Americans from southern to northern cities. Along with Hollywood films, radio grew dramatically as a popular and influential mass medium in the 1920s, and became a fixture of the American home. Which of the following statements accurately describes the effects that winter and summer seasons have on a beach? E. The number of women physicians soared. President Harding issued an executive order limiting the number of non-British immigrants. HarambeJr HarambeJr Answer the car saw a big increase in popularity, with the number of vehicle registrations skyrocketing Explanation: New questions in History b. D . Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of many semiskilled industrial workers in American factories during the Gilded Age? a. Which of the following is true of the attitude of the federal government toward big business during the 'Twenties? For which of the following reasons did alcohol lose out to gasoline as the primary source for fueling engines? a return to Victorian values b. E. the evangelical Christian woman who followed the teachings of Billy Sunday. Women received strong encouragement to enroll in coeducational colleges and universities to prepare for joining the professions. more difficult and time-consuming chores answer choices A. evolution. B ) Seventeenth; women's right to vote Australia's population doubled between 1960 and 2000. member of Congress. During the 1920s, controversies concerning the Scopes trial, national Prohibition, and the behavior of "flappers" were all signs of disagreement over answer choices The return to normalcy Traditional values and changing lifestyles Causes of the Great Depression The benefits of new technology Question 6 30 seconds Q. In 1920, how many cars were registered in the United States? Sigmund Freud Yankee Stadium. Which of the following best describes the new managerial elite who emerged in the 1920s? D. racial equality. Summary. Red Sox Field. Which of the following is NOT true of the McNary-Haugen plan? They often worked as sharecroppers on . With the Republicans in control of the federal government, progressivism disappeared in B. reduced in terms of hours and sheer physical effort thanks to electrification, store-bought clothing, and purchased food. B. increase the number of immigrants coming from Asia. An movement created to promote African American businesses. c. both of the above statements are true. the public's embrace of and commitment to modernism B. sparked a racist backlash against the celebration of black culture and artists. B. Which of these is not a reflection of the changes brought by the 1920' "sexual revolution"? -By the end of the 1920s, nearly one-third of American homes had a radio. Which of the following statements accurately describe the positive face of power? What criticism did Henry Demarest Lloyd leverage against Rockefeller's Standard Oil in Wealth against Commonwealth (1892)? the first flapper to be featured in Life magazine Which of the following were values of the traditionalists who felt embattled by the changes of the New Era? Advances in transportation were less in demand. B. a desire to lead the League of Nations. B. A. he used his status as a professional ballplayer to raise awareness about his charitable work. D. A) women who called for the establishment of laws that would keep dresses and skirts long enough to cover women's knees B) women who defied traditional standards for women with a carefree, self-indulgent rebelliousness a. Inequities and regional variations in wages were eliminated through the Federal Fair Wages Act. 150 Questions. Which of the following was NOT one of the reasons that the union movement weakened in the 1920s? The Klan targeted blacks, Catholics, Jews and women violating sexual taboos. Between 1910 and 1915, two wealthy businessmen subsidized a series of pamphlets called The Fundamentals that called for. E. It reinforced stereotypes of feminine delicacy. Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of many semiskilled industrial workers in American factories during the Gilded Age? 4 Questions Show answers. False, The Kellogg-Briand Pact endorsed future wars. 153 Questions . Play this game to review American History. Fighting for the Four Freedoms: World War II, 1941 . Which of the following factors contributed to explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age? E. They are all correctly identified. (D) Many of its members were elected to Congress. The development of a "mass culture" in the 1920s refers to b. E. It saw a big increase in popularity, with the number of vehicle registrations jumping dramatically. False. Which of the following statements accurately reflects trends during the 1920s regarding women in the work force? What is the margin related to this year's investment opportunity? Which characteristics of immigrants in the aftermath of World War I did nativists find most alarming? disc jockey. It proved impossible to enforce rules since a significant portion of the population disagreed with the law. In the 1920s more and more states adopted a tax on ____ to finance the construction of the roads that made suburban living possible. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian anarchists who were sentenced to death for. What were the professional baseball leagues for African Americans called? What happened in the 1920s Teapot Dome Scandal? E. All of these choices. It became increasingly standardized as the same amusements were available in all parts of the country. D. blacks should focus on the acquisition of practical skills while temporarily accepting second-class status. C. The Klan dropped the elaborate rituals, titles, and costumes of the Reconstruction era in order to attract a mass membership. Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression? It was a period of outstanding literary creativity. With their new feeling of "liberation" gained during World War I, women made gigantic inroads into previously all-male professions. The organisation creates a transformation process for turning resources into outputs. All of the answers given. E. It was strongly influenced by the radical, bohemian art world. What was the aim of the Eighteenth Amendment? Conservative moralists saw the flappers as just another sign of D. It became less important as Americans placed renewed emphasis on individualism. a. a defiant sexual revolution Chain-stores competed with independent businesses. evolution. (A) Its activities were limited to the South. . Why is the period between 1870 and 1890 known as the "Gilded Age"? C. creationism. What happened to the gross national product from 1870 to 1920? E. FOX. In what novel did Sinclair Lewis create a scathing portrait of life in a small midwestern town? to life? a. shipbuilding Business values saturated American culture. A. Which of the following was a result of the Great Migration? It was a period of social activism and political reform that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. 19.In the United States, the decade of the 1920's was characterized by A. a willingness to encourage immigration to the United States B. increased consumer borrowing and spending C. the active involvement of the United States in European affairs D. major reforms in national labor legislation. Which of the following was a result of the spread of radios in households across America? \end{array} B. A. nuclear weapons. Although once confined to sewing machines and pianos, the increased availability of ______ resulted in a steep rise in consumer debt during the 1920s. The case of Babe Ruth illustrates the power of publicity in the 1920s celebrity culture because Based on the data presented in Exercise 6-23, journalize the closing entries. culture. a. C. It is the ability to make things happen for the good of the organization as a whole. Thus, option (b) and (d) is correct. It lost much of its potential market when people turned to the new forms of mass transit available. B) Women found increased job opportunities on assembly lines. It was not confined to the South. C. by independent internationalism with an occasional willingness to enter into arms control treaties. The Waste Land, a poem that became the favorite of many modernist readers because of its sense of disillusionment and its suggestion of a burned-out civilization, was written by B. CBS False, When Hemingway published his first novel, The Sun Also Rises (1926), he used the a. The Roaring Twenties was dubbed the "Jazz Age" by. False, The NAACP favored militant protests over legal challenges as a way to end racial Twentieth; a postwar boom in agricultural exports It was a system of domination and subordination organized with an imperial center and a . Write the letter of your answer in the space provided. In today's era, monitoring the health of the manufacturing environment has become essential in order to prevent unforeseen repairs, shutdowns, and to be able to detect defective products that could incur big losses. The term often used to refer to the "new woman" of the Roaring Twenties was "flappers". as voluntary adherence to moral liberty The Equal Rights Amendment D. the federal government providing massive subsidies to select government contractors. What "Kiss-Me Clubs" lacked in real power, they made up for with, In 1919 Alfred Sloan founded the General Motors Acceptance Corporation, which. The amendment to the Constitution that barred the manufacture or sale of intoxicating A. easier for middle-class housewives because they were able to hire immigrant women and farm girls for household help. b. Marcus Garvey brought his organization, the ______, to the United States in 1916. the need to rearm in the early 1920s. The older craft-based pattern of union organization was ill suited to the new mass-production industries. America's lack of consumerism due to wartime rationing, the desire to restore traditional values and social stability. It encouraged women to equate freedom with choosing the glamorous fashions and styles found in advertisements and magazines. Which of these is NOT a reflection of the changes brought by the 1920s' "sexual revolution"? \text{Variable expenses} & \underline{\hspace{10pt} 300,000}\\ True Roosevelt was not as successful in addressing the nation's growing deficit. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that Prohibition failed? B. B. blacks should return to the rural South because northern migration had led only to the ghetto. A. Although a relatively small number of women were college educated, most of those who were college educated pursued careers outside the home. Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between African Americans and sports such as baseball in the 1920s? Representatives of the Ku Klux Klan dominated the ______ in Indiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Oregon. C. they were diehard Americans at heart who wanted to create a more authentic culture. D. It included heavy penalties and jail time that most people thought went too far. b. It was a rhetorical style employed by members of various political or social movements. What was the major trend affecting business and industry in America in the 1920s? The rise of advertising contributed to a new consumer culture, strengthening the perceived relationship between social status and possessions. O A. I and Ill only Overall wage rates rose steadily in the 1920's b. B. an idealized woman on a moral pedestal. Which of the following statements accurately describes the economic situation of many former slaves following the Civil War? \text{Sales} & \$200,000\\ nicolettib42. The war had made Americans increasingly frugal, resulting in the middle class focusing its attention on the need for government programs to help protect its savings. The Federal Fair Wages Act eliminated low wages throughout the country 3. E. All of these choices. What brought about the end of the Jazz Age? railroad companies. At the beginning of this year, the company has a $120,000\$ 120,000$120,000 investment opportunity with the following cost and revenue characteristics: Sales$200,000Contributionmarginratio60%ofsalesFixedexpenses$90,000\begin{array}{lr} How were skilled workers able to secure new freedoms for themselves in rapidly expanding industries? Which statement best describes the post-World War I American attitude toward businessmen? A. answer choices Which of the following is NOT true of the "American plan" concept of employment? Management was hostile to labor organization c. Unions were labeled as communist d.The Federal Fair Wages Act eliminated low wages throughout the country d . Explain. . The decade saw an onset of a shared sense of safety and prosperity, as Jim Crow laws were abolished and African Americans were rewarded for their contributions to the war. Fundamentalists in the 1920s believed which of the following? Which of the following MOST pushed the development of the airplane? Slavery, Freedom, and the Struggle for Empire to 1763, A New Birth of Freedom: the Civil War, 1861-1865, What Is Freedom: Reconstruction, 1865-1877, Freedoms Boundaries, at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900, Safe for Democracy: the United States and World War I, 1916-1920, From Business Culture to Great Depression: The Twenties, 1920-1932, Fighting for the Four Freedoms: World War II, 1941-1945, The United States and the Cold War, 1945-1953, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. False. modernism's popularity across the United States, uniting Americans in a shared artistic culture. C. Management was hostile to labor organizing. The Palmer Raids and the "Red Scare" phenomena during the early 1920s best indicate which of the following? D. increased because industrialization and crowded urban conditions made homes dirtier. D. Black musicians preserved authentic jazz and explored its full potential. Which statement accurately describes the extremes of poverty, wealth, and opportunity in the United States in the late 1800s? b. n __ b __ lity \hspace{1cm} g __ ntry \hspace{1cm} a __ __ __ tocracy. E. All of these choices. It encouraged women to equate freedom with choosing the glamorous fashions and styles found in advertisements and magazines. Economic and population growth translated into the rise of new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats. The novel This Side of Paradise concerned: All of the following could be associated with flappers EXCEPT: After encountering strong resistance, Mabel Puffer and Arthur Hazzard: In physics, the theory of relativity was developed and explained by: The Universal Negro Improvement Association: Which of the following did W.E.B. Which one of the following is associated with Detroit, Michigan? a criticism of the social elite, including himself. Which of the following is MOST closely related to organized crime, bootleggers, speakeasies, and the temperance movement? discrimination. Sir Francis Bacon. T. S. Eliot III. It was still just a plaything of the rich. B. Which of the following statements accurately describe the expansion of radio broadcasting after the opening of the first licensed radio station in 1920? Which of the following WAS NOT a boom industry of the 1920s? Which of the following statements concerning the equal rights amendment advocated by Alice Paul and the Which lettered pair of words-a, b,c,db, c, db,c,d, or ee-e most nearly expresses the same relationship as the capitalized pair? D. PBS answer choices Scopes Trial Prohibition Nativism "Red Scare" Question 5 60 seconds Q. True True experimentalist writer. QUESTION 2 Which of the following statements accurately describes the bones of the upper extremity? Australia's population increased during the past 180 years. Of all the causes of the stock market crash of October 1929, the greatest culprit was: concerned a state law that prohibited the teaching of evolution in public schools, John T. Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution. Which of the following statements accurately describe the hierarchy of theWeb pages example.org and. E. the creation of Social Security and Medicare in the 1930s. Because the automobile industry had barely begun and transportation was limited, the South remained entirely insulated from the North and the effects of consumerism. Which statement best describes the post-World War I American attitude toward businessmen? 25. B. E. simpler because air conditioning and electric heat made homes cleaner. Which totally unique and wholly American art form was introduced during the decade of the twenties? automobiles. B. Visit a local shopping mall and the lobbies of several major hotel chains. Which of the following statements concerning women in the work force in the 1920s is true? All Rights Reserved, Quiz 2: Beginnings of English America, 1607-1660, Quiz 3: Creating Anglo-America, 1660-1750, Quiz 4: Slavery, Freedom, and the Struggle for Empire to 1763, Quiz 5: The American Revolution, 1763-1783, Quiz 14: A New Birth of Freedom: the Civil War, 1861-1865, Quiz 15: What Is Freedom: Reconstruction, 1865-1877, Quiz 17: Freedoms Boundaries, at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900, Quiz 19: Safe for Democracy: the United States and World War I, 1916-1920, Quiz 20: From Business Culture to Great Depression: The Twenties, 1920-1932, Quiz 22: Fighting for the Four Freedoms: World War II, 1941-1945, Quiz 23: The United States and the Cold War, 1945-1953, Quiz 26: The Conservative Turn, 1969-1988, Quiz 27: From Triumph to Tragedy, 1989-2004. The conservative political mood helped steer women who had worked for the war effort back into their traditional roles as homemakers. Mencken, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald were all A. T. S. Eliot. Some looked to cooperate internationally on behalf of women's rights. Which statement accurately describes the extremes of poverty wealth and opportunity in the United States in the late 1800s. True B. in private he was a womanizing racist, but in the public eye, his 60 home runs in one year made him a hero. National Woman's party is true? Home products, such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners, failed to decrease the demand for domestic labor. the relocation of many African Americans from the inter-cities to the country in search of sharecropping jobs the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North in pursuit of better living conditions and jobs T. S. Eliot Isaac Newton. A. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed as much for their ethnic origins as their crimes. enjoyed record-breaking increases in average income. Along with New York, which city during the Gilded Age financed industrialization and westward expansion with its banks and stock exchange? It spread quickly via live performances, radio and recordings. Which of the following contributed to the precipitous decline in farming income during the 1920s? D. It ended with the onset of the Great Depression, but stands as a monument to African-American cultural creativity. E. battleships. What was the social philosophy of Herbert Hoover, as expounded in his book American Individualism? The Great Depression caused the collapse of the Jazz Age and, with it, helped erode the American belief in freedom at all costs. It was still just a plaything of the rich. (4) A third political party can threaten the two major parties. A. liquors was ratified in: The Klan attracted all of the following groups EXCEPT: imposing its severe view of righteous Protestant morality on others, InQuizitive Chapter 24: The Reactionary Twent, Chapter 23: A Clash of Cultures, 1920-1929, Chapter 24: Great Depression and New Deal, Chapter 15: ANS and Visceral Sensory Neurons, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. Which statement most accurately describes the Progressive Movement? b. Select one: O a. Classical musicians of the 1920s B. American expatriates living in Paris during the 1920s C. American . The following the statements accurately describe information presented in the graph are: Australia's population doubled between 1960 and 2000. Business values saturated American culture. Examples of the "defenders of the faith" of traditional America against modern urban culture in the 1920s include prohibition, which reduced both drinking and respect for the law. Gertrude Stein was a(n) What did Marcus Garvey, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, advocate? See all auctions. The government withdrew wartime price supports for wheat. B. It attracted the support of young women, who looked up to the feminists for their civic idealism. C. He advocated a cooperative, socially responsible economic order shaped by the voluntary action of capitalist leaders. B. the development of the automobile. Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of most American women in the 1920s? an early advocate for women's access to birth control and contraception Ezra Pound the growth of progressive wings in both major political parties E. None of the above. (C) freedom of the seas. the rise of national brands, advertising, and radio and film releases with a national audience. US History: Chapter 24 Practice Questions, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Alan Taylor, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner, Peter B. Now individuals who could not afford to purchase a car at . False, The immigration quota laws passed in the 1920s favored immigrants from northern and The goal of the ___ Plan was to eliminate "closed shops," or companies where only union members could work. b. Many immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe. SalesContributionmarginratioFixedexpenses$200,00060%ofsales$90,000. A. Which of the following statements concerning the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s is not true? Which of the following statements describes the experiences of the new immigrants who entered the United States between 1880 and 1920: They often planned on working and saving money for a few years before returning home: The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against Chinese in nineteenth century California by A. Gases Include NAME, PHONE, and RELATIONSHIP *. E. He argued in favor of higher wages and higher personal income taxes. 350 - 500 words for each model. It lost much of its potential market as people turned to the new forms of mass transit available. It became increasingly standardized as the same amusements were available in all parts of the country. ", described the frenetic, hard-drinking lifestyle and the cult of robust masculinity that Hemingway himself epitomized. politics. C. Henry Mencken, The Sun Also Rises Became a national favorite in wealth against Commonwealth ( 1892 ) of its potential market as people to... Four Freedoms: World War II, 1941 pools '' during the past years! Third political Party can threaten the two major parties included heavy penalties and jail time most. The conservative political mood helped steer women who had worked for the War effort back into traditional. Women changed significantly during the Gilded Age d. it ended with the law economic growth during the Gilded Age,! 1920S b. American expatriates living in cities gained an edge over the Party 's traditional rural southern base as machines. Classical music decade began with a roar and ended with the onset of the reasons the. Mass-Production industries which of the following statements accurately describes the 1920s? households across America businessmen subsidized a series of pamphlets called the Fundamentals that called for during! Women, who looked up to the rural South because northern migration had led only to new. A boom industry of the following is NOT true about Robert La Follette 's 1924 presidential?. And other businesses form `` pools '' during the Gilded Age financed industrialization and westward expansion its! Volstead Act investment opportunity __ b __ lity \hspace { 1cm } g __ ntry \hspace { 1cm } __! Culture which of the following statements accurately describes the 1920s? artists can threaten the two major parties order to attract a mass membership cabinet made! In coeducational colleges and universities to prepare for joining the professions Code: Prohibited movies from nudity! Jobs they performed during is most closely related to organized crime, bootleggers, speakeasies, and and... Favor of higher wages and higher personal income taxes spread of radios in households across America cars were registered the... Gertrude Stein in the affairs of another to protect property owned by citizens. Especially on which of the following flappers as just another sign of d. it became less important as Americans renewed... 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Bootleggers, speakeasies, and the onset of the following statements accurately characterizes decade. Pursued careers outside the home new managerial elite who emerged in the aftermath of World War I American toward.
Boot Fairs In Kent This Sunday, Articles W