Question: Am I correct are all safety camera vans are in direct contact with the police whilst parked on the side of the road? Queensland has implemented a penalty of four demerit points and a fine of $1,033 for using a mobile phone while driving. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have been fined for speeding 36mph on the A525 but was not aware of any signs to say it was a speed camera area also no road signs to state the mph speed limit. JustAnswer are an online solicitor with a 5 trial. Law enforcement are not above tricking speeding drivers and will often point their laser guns through a closed window. If your speeding they'll snap it so fast you car has no chance of hiding from it unless you bend your plates in a particular fashion. The Snooper 4ZERO Elite BT features a GPS database of fixed and mobile speed camera location, it also features a radar and laser detector to detect in-use radar/laser based mobile speed camera vans. Question: Does a mobile speed camera van have to be labelled and have camera stickers on it? They are usually installed high above roads at a right angle to allow clear pictures of the front seat of . Ive been done for 7 over during the day time and I still noticed the flash so chances are you got lucky, Theres a little peace of mind. Speed enforcement is an automated process conducted by the camera. Its typically in accident hotspots. Just wanted some help to see if I was at fault and if the camera got me. Its a bit sneaky, but the last time I had a fine, I paid 5 for a trial of an online solicitor called JustAnswer. Mobile cameras have a knack of seeing you before you see them. Going from 60 to 40 then to 30. I feel a mobile camera would encourage drivers not to exceed the 30mph limit. We select sites using strict criteria, including an assessment of speed related crash history. Results of the 2017 evaluation conducted by MUARC estimated that the Camera Detected Offence Program (CDOP) was associated with an overall reduction in police-reported casualty crashes of between 24 and 30 per cent from 2013 and 2015. Let the provider know if you cant attend a speed awareness course because youre ill. Government revenue from fines and forfeitures, which includes fixed and mobile camera offences, speeding and tolling offences, is expected to grow by 7.9 per cent to $478 million in 2019-20 . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He/she could be using a device such as handheld radar or laser gun, or could simply be using painted lines on the road. The NIP can be sent out at a later date/time. It looks across the road at about 20-30deg angle to cover all the avaliable lanes and to ensure you cant tailgate the car in front of you to avoid it. In Queensland, if you're a learner or P1 licence holder under 25, your passengers cannot use the phone's loudspeaker. Answer: is not connected with any UK Police or other local authority. Retractable, double-sided signs, which advise 'Your speed has been checked' are installed on the rooftop of all mobile speed camera vehicles. It is not a legal requirement. . We receive questions all the time from UK motorists relating to mobile and other UK speed cameras. There are 18 unmarked mobile speed camera vehicles in use across Queensland. I noticed the van in the distance and slowed to about 29mph. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you see that sign, you know that can expect speed cameras to operate either fixed or mobile. That said, many motorists flash their lights at other motorists to let them know. Answer: If the mobile speed camera catches you over the speed limit, then you can expect a NIP/speeding ticket in the post. The mobile unit was screened by a wall and was only visible as I was along side it as it was pointing down the road in the same direction I was travelling, I have read that the vehicle should be visible from 60metres this was the case as it was behind me once I passed it and at best was visible from 20metres before I passed it. Recent research (Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) Cameron) has determined that the mixed use of both covert and overt mobile speed cameras would produce the best road safety outcomes due to the strong effect that covert cameras have on fatality crashes (as their unknown nature suppresses vehicle speeds across the network thus reducing crash severity) combined with the substantial general effect overt cameras have on casualty crashes. Answer: If the mobile speed camera catches you over the speed limit, then you can expect a NIP/speeding ticket in the post. While they don't look too different from regular speed of red light cameras, there are a few key . If you have been caught speeding, a NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution) is normally sent out to the vehicles registered keeper within 14 working days. hit vehicle can potentially spin out of control or roll over resulting in subsequent road crashes and injuries. The operation and maintenance of speed cameras and vehicles is outsourced to private contractors. Answer: Yes, the Snooper 4ZERO Elite BT includes radar and laser detection and a GPS database for known mobile and fixed speed camera locations. and our However, it is also possible to catch motorists from a moving vehicle. Answer: American police force use a radar device like this from a moving vehicle. Question: Are there any legal reasons why a Community Group supported by their Parish Council cannot use a hand held radar gun to measure speeds of traffic through a village? If you've exceeded the speed limit, assume you've been fined, accept your fate and we can all move on. I think it was a white small van with road safety written on the side. Question: I was recently driving around a bend in the road near to where I live, when a few yards further on later, I became aware of a female police officer pointing a camera at me from behind a car parked in front of her (her van was behind her). Driving through a red traffic light increases your chances of crashing into a pedestrian or vehicle that has started moving through the intersection from a different direction. In fact, mobile speed cameras operators could technically choose to operate in an unmarked vehicle with no speed camera sign. Help us improve the content on our website or tell us what is working really well. Images from mobile speed cameras clearly show the colour, type, make and numberplate of the vehicle and record the following information: If you were not driving the vehicle at the time of the offence, you should provide the name and details of the driver by completing the statutory declaration form provided with the penalty notice and forward it toRevenue NSW for processing. However, laser guns are REALLY quick at taking a speed reading - a matter of seconds. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google So it depends on the wording of the legislation in each state too. when crossing in line with a 30mph speed limit sign post. Answer: We've had a very similar question to this before. Question: Is it legal for speed camera vans to operate at night up until 9pm? Furthermore, an operator doesnt need to set up warning signs. They do not need to stop you if they have all the evidence that you were speeding e.g. Once the camera trailer is deployed and set up, its operation is managed and monitored remotely with daily checks. However, not all Police vehicles/vans parked at the side of the road are there to enforce road speed limits. MoneyNerd Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Key Retirement Solutions Limited who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number 224987) and is classed as a mortgage and home finance adviser. It was positioned on the opposite side of the carriageway and on the far side of the bridge. MoneyNerd Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Loans Warehouse Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number 713110) and is classed as a credit broker not a lender. I would suggest you direct you question to your local Police force and/or Safety Camera Partnership where the camera van has been spotted. Snooper 4ZERO Elite BT speed camera detector. Question: On motorway does the speeding van catch the other side as well? This will effectively be the first time the laser detector will be triggered by the camera operator's laser gun; this may be the only reading he/she uses to make the prosecution if you are speeding. It can be for anything from 4 to 11 years, depending on the seriousness of the speeding offence. What if Im caught speeding after I attend a speed awareness course? We answer and publish these questions below. For future driving and alerts to all approaching speed camera, including mobile speed camera locations you might like to consider buying a speed camera detector. Mobile cameras have a knack of seeing you before you see them. The mobile speed camera program is managed by Transport for NSW in close partnership with the NSW Police Force so that the cameras support on-road police activities. I'd be grateful for your opinion. With your consent MoneyNerd may pass you on to a trusted debt counselling company or insolvency practitioner. via video, then they need not stop you at the side of the road on the spot. Read more about the program. Below is a list of speed measurement devices and traps used in each state. Are they able to register my speed from the side of my car without seeing the registration plate? Question: I was driving along a 30mph road behind another car when I noticed up ahead a speed camera van. Camera Detected Offence Program (Department of Transport and Main Roads) The Queensland Camera Detected Offence Program comprises of mobile speed cameras, fixed speed cameras, red light cameras, combined red light/speed cameras and point-to-point speed cameras. During the 2016-17 financial year there were 106,741 notices issued by unmarked mobile speed cameras . Thanks for reading my post on mobile speed cameras. In short, in some instances, motorists may not get a disqualification for going that fast. Toggle Widget. Question: Can you tell me are mobile speed van's operated by a trained police officers or are they operated by civilian company? Unlike the latter, they dont measure your average speed between two fixed points. Without seeing your photos I cannot say with certainty the same applies to you, but it does sound like it was a fair cop. Please contact your local police force for a definitive answer. They need not stop you at the roadside, instead issuing an NIP in the post. From 1 January 2023, mobile speed cameras will have portable warning signage on the approach to, and after, enforcement sites while in operation. But its not impossible. Plus, youll have to pay a speeding fine. Drawing upon the collective expertise of our team, we possess an in-depth understanding of the financial industry and are dedicated to delivering accessible and practical information to those who need it the most. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Using the Snooper 4ZERO Elite BT will alert you to live in use laser and radar based devices. As for the tolerance, it was long rumoured to be 10%, so in a 60 zone you could do 66.0 before you got done. The police are perfectly within their rights to conceal a speed camera van from view, and they frequently do. A vehicles speed is detected using an approved speed measurement device such as a radar. Also, these cameras use IR flashes that your human eye will only just see at night as a dull reddish-purple light. Question: On my way to work this morning along a dual carriageway I had just overtaken a lorry, in a 40mph zone doing at least 48mph. My hunch is that they've reduced the tolerance now to 5% + 2km/h. The majority of investment in infrastructure safety upgrades is spent on roads in country NSW, which is where two-thirds of road deaths in NSW occur. Just because you attended a speed awareness course, it wont go on your licence. ANPR has a number of different deployments on UK roads and not just for catching speeding motorists. Question: Can an unmarked police car check your speed with follow check camera and issue an NIP later or do they need to stop you to issue a NIP? From 1 January 2023, mobile speed cameras will have portable warning signage on the approach to, and after, enforcement sites while in operation. Answer: Normally, a mobile speed camera is parked up to catch speeding motorists. NOTE: Multanova cameras are currently being phased out in favour of the more modern PoliScan laser-based speed cameras By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you have been caught speeding expect a NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution) through the post (to the registered keepers address), this is normally within 14 working days. These cameras can take pictures from the front and/or rear. Therefore its safe to assume that, if you see a mobile speed camera van by the side of the road, it is definitely operational and you WILL be caught for speeding. To see how we use, store and share your contact information you can read our privacy policy. Red light cameras are cameras located at intersections with traffic lights. Answer: It would all depend how the Police officer is monitoring and recording the speeding of passing motorists. In fact to target two vehicles, two operators and two separate radar/laser guns would be required. Or was it a van saying they were maintaining the speed cameras? Mobile speed cameras should be sited in accident blackspot locations, places where there are history of road traffic incidents over a three year or more. However, for a speed camera to accurately measure your speed, the officer/operator has to see your car. We've not know of its use in the UK. Mate Cruise control. Explore our range of speed camera detection products today. Also do your products detect a copper with a hand held speed gun? Why? The system uses an automated back office software application to process digital evidence gathered by the camera, so there is no manual intervention required from the point of photographing a speeding motorist to the issuing of a fine. The NSW Government has also rollied out around 1,000 static signs on roads across NSW. I couldnt find any clear instructions on whether I should appeal it and I actually missed the deadline for paying! Last time I got a fine I was pretty annoyed. Sites based on crash potential, instead of crash history, aim to minimise thecrash risk for new and existing roads, for example in tunnels. Question: I recently got caught speeding doing 39mph in a 30mph zone, but I was caught 359.4metres away from the mobile unit. Answer: The mobile speed camera operative will be targeting vehicles in full knowledge of the road speed limit. He/she could be targeting in the 60mph, 40mph or 30mph, at different times. There has been some commentary surrounding the use of unmarked mobile speed cameras in Queensland today. So, in short, a speed camera flashes you speeding but allows for this tolerance - in most instances, that is! But you may get lucky because a court decides whether a ban is necessary. Question: Can a mobile camera detect your speed on the opposite side of the road going towards it even though traffic is constantly breaking its line of sight? Speed camera sites for portable, marked, and covert mobile speed cameras. So the range is more like when you are right behind it. The typical range on a straight section of road is 2 miles! Gatso Mobile Speed Camera. Does a team like this normally stop and issue a notice? Question: I was driving up the A1 on Tuesday towards Newcastle and there was a highways maintenance van that was parked in the lay by of the A road, with a few cones behind the van and a few cones in front. Question: I have received a NIP. The told me exactly how to appeal and win. Lastly, mobile speed camera rules, what you need to know, National (UK) Driver Offender Retraining Scheme. The use of overt enforcement ensures all motorists see and recognise the enforcement . Question: Can a mobile bike officer catch you speed on the side in a lay-by? You can read and learn more about mobile safety cameras via our popular webpage. Note: You cant use any of the above as a defence to get out of paying a mobile speed camera fine! Look at the way the camera is positioned when you go past one, and also consider how bright the flash would need to be to achieve a snap at night. The typical range on a straight section of road is 2 miles! NSW's mobile phone detection cameras came into operation in December 2019 around the state. Speed Adviser is a free smartphone app available to assist drivers manage their speed and encourage safer behaviours on our roads. Note, things do change and sometimes we do miss things (were only human! Speeding vehicles are detected when the traffic light is red, yellow or green. Vitronic PoliScan Mobile Camera. The majority of mobile police speed camera vans and handheld devices are laser based. Contrary to what you might think, mobile speed camera vans operate morning, noon and night, so it's best to stay within the speed limit at all times. Fees may be payable depending on your final choice of financial product. In short, youll end up with points on your licence. Can the camera record my speed as I am driving away from the camera? This sign is placed as a courtesy . Over 98 per cent of the saving associated with the program are attributed to the mobile speed camera program with its anywhere, anytime philosophy. We don't run, install or operate any speed camera we just list where they are and information about them. Does it depend on the operators knowledge of such vehicles or does the van have an ANPR facility which will automatically identify my vehicle and therefore generate a NIP based on my vehicles LGV classification. a bridge. The motorist therefore didn't really have a leg to stand on and accepted the points and fine. Would my TomTom sat nav give the same info as the detectors being sold? Yes and no. The State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) 2023. Its a bit sneaky, but last time I had a PCN, I paid 5 for a trial of an online Solicitor called JustAnswer. The photographic detection device is programmed to activate when a vehicle crosses the solid white stop line after the traffic light is red. This represents an annual crash saving of 3,900 police-reported crashes between 2013 and 2015, translating to annual savings to the community of around $1.6 billion per year. User #40382 3636 posts. Police with laser guns xan get you from several hundred meters away if they aim well and steady, but max range of the mobile laser cameras are less than 100m (many radar detector forums quote them to have around 40 to 50m range in real life usage) as they do a "scanning" of the road rather than pointing a laser beam at your car. Mobile speed cameras can be used in unmarked vehicles without warning motorists of their presence! Although its in the guidelines! Read on to learn more about the rules governing mobile speed cameras. Note: You wont be offered the chance to go on a speed awareness course when you re-offend within 3 years. While sat navs like the TomTom can alert to both fixed and mobile speed camera location via subscription of a GPS database. Answer: is not connected with any UK Police or other local authority. Answer: The speed threshold that a Police force will prosecute a speeding motorists varies from force to force. There are many ways to preserve the battery life, including turning your phone off, using dark mode and enabling airplane mode -- but Samsung . There may be several operators in a single van or at a single location. Changes to the NSW mobile speed camera program announced on 19 November 2020 included an increase from 7,000 enforcement hours per month to 21,000 hours per month. that is the purpose of road rules and why theyre enforced it minimises the risk of you and everyone else on the road dying in a car crash. Or just one way? DISCLAIMER: Comments, views and opinions shared on are of those expressed by individuals and are not held by We select fixed speed camera locationsbyexamining sections of road with ahistory of crashesrelated to speeding, and that may also be difficult or unsafe to monitor by other enforcement methods. Instead, they capture your exact speed as you pass and at any point within the lasers range. The same applies if youre doing more than 30mph above a set speed limit. If you were 50-70m away when you slowed down I would be willing to gamble that you are safe. For future driving you might like to consider buying a speed camera detector, for more information please see Speed Camera Detector Buyer's Guide. They need not pull you over if they have all the evidence they require of the speeding offence. Multanovas are manufactured by a Swiss company of the same name and Western Australia utilises the 6F and the 9F models, which have a margin of +/-1km/h, however the Western Australian Police will give a 8km/h "grace" with a Multanova[citation needed]. The best solution is to try out an online solicitor (theyre way cheaper than in-person). You won't always see a flash. There was a flow of traffic, car right in front and a car right behind. It would be longitudinal rocking that would be required rather than transverse if one wanted to even begin to consider such an error. In fact, mobile speed cameras are sometimes operated from unmarked Police cars and Police motorbikes. 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