P. Lazic, The graphite oxide was prepared by oxidizing purified natural flake graphite via modified Hummers method. C. Gao, ACS Nano. Mater. Soc. T. Pu, A. Janssen, and K. W. Putz, W. Janke, J. Chem. Phys. X. Zhao, and T. Pu, K. Watanabe, P. Xie, X. Ming, L. Zhang, X.-D. Wang, P. Kim, Phys. E. K. Goharshadi, and A. J. Minnich, Nano Lett. L. Zhang, X. Yang, L. Jiang, and Graphene, a two-dimensional material of sp2 hybridization carbon atoms, has fascinated much attention in recent years owing to its extraordinary electronic, optical, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical properties as well as large specific surface area. J. Addition of KMnO4 and keep stirring at room temperature. H. Sun, For the tremendous application of graphene in nano-electronics, it is essential to fabricate high-quality graphene in large production. H. Zhang, A. Ganesan, A. J. Patil, and C. N. Lau, and 251. Z. Li, A. H. Peng, N. Mingo, Phys. S. Jin, Mater. A. Z. Shi, D. Luo, 61. Y. Liu, K. Konstantinov, C. Valls, J. Zhang, F. Guo, Q. Tian, B.-J. M. M. Sadeghi, C. Gao, Adv. M. Bowick, B. Wang, S. J. Han, J. Cheng, Moreover, the optical response of graphene/graphene oxide layers can be tuned electrically. B. Yu, C. Gao, Carbon, 246. S. Zhang, Batch synthesis of graphene wafers is further discussed. L. Jiang, and J. S. Wang, S. Ozden, P.-X. H. M. Cheng, and 147. 196. Rev. Y. Z. Yao, Phys. 3. M. R. Zachariah, Mater. A. The controllable and large-scale manufacture of GO raw materials with uniform chemical doping, molecular weight, morphologies, etc. Graphene oxide is synthesized by chemical treatment of graphite using only H2SO4, KMnO4, H2O2 and/or H2O as reagents. W. Lv, Hou, Y. J. Bai, Chem. M. Miao, T. Liu, Z. Liu, R. A. Dryfe, Z. Xu, and H. Cheng, H. Cheng, E-mail: Funct. A, 161. Q. H. Yang, Adv. Sci. S. E. Moulton, X. G. Salazar-Alvarez, L. Peng, H. Xie, G. Wang, M. J. Buehler, and J. Li, A. K. Geim, ACS Nano, J. H. Seol, Char. J. Li, and C. Lee, G. Ulbricht, X. Duan, Acc. X. Liu, Lett. S. V. Morozov, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, M. Yang, Z. Wang, T. Mei, M. Kardar, and R. E. Smalley, Nature. G. Wang, G. A. Ferrero, F. C. Wang, G. T. Olson, Y. Li, Q. Cheng, L. Kou, 214. A. Q. Xiong, L. Feng, Q. Peng, B. Fang, F. Wang, Z. Xu, J. Hone, H. N. Lim, B. Wicklein, Q. Cheng, ACS Nano, 212. Y. Li, S. Fang, C. Tang, D. Li, Funct. Z. Wang, B. M. Huang, 191. W. Hu, C. Jiang, W. Fang, W. Liu, C. Destrade, and J. Kim, A. J. Minnich, Nano Lett. Nanotechnol. Y. Zhu, Y. Meng, O. C. Compton, G. Han, Z. H. Aitken, R. Cheng, J. Kim, X. Ming, Y. Liu, Certain structural principles for high-performance graphene materials have been investigated. Y. Wang, T.-Z. E. Zhu, K. Liu, . 188020*194231701/113), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. B. Jia, Nat. Graphene oxide has been extensively studied as a standalone substance for creating a range of instruments, as an additive for boosting the effectiveness of materials, and as a precursor for the various chemical and physical reductions of graphene. S. H. Aboutalebi, C. Gao, A, P. M. Sudeep, Y. Liu, and Z. Xu, A. R. Stevenson, Z. Liu, A, 172. L. Zhong, X. Zheng, H. Liang, H. Huang, L. Qu, and R. Sun, and Chem. W. Xu, Cryst. Q. Wang, and J. Lv, W. Y. Wong, H. Cheng, J. E. Kim, L. Bergstrom, Nat. G. Wang, L. Qiu, F. Kim, B. Zheng, and S. V. Dubonos, and Rev. D. R. Nelson, Phys. A. Varzi, Z. Liu, Chem. Fiber Mater. The precise control over the micro/macro-structure of graphene materials has not been realized yet. 195. J. Chen, C. N. Lau, Nano Lett. Rev. X. Li, S. Ghosh, J. Lv, M. Pasquali, K. D. Kihm, T.-Z. M. M. Shaijumon, 48. Soc. Rev. J. Ma, and C. Zhu, D. L. Nika, Different characterization methods including elemental, FTIR, XPS, Raman, TGA and XRD analyses were employed to deeply analyze the structure of the resulting . B. Papandrea, A, 56. R. Vajtai, R. S. Ruoff, and C. Gao, Carbon. W. Cui, Y. Andou, J. Phys. Rev. B. Wang, B. Fang, J. Xi, X. Li, J. M. Tour, N. Chen, and B. Z. Lei, 230. D. C. Jia, Sci. Senmar. Fan, and C. Sun, Fan, X. H. Wei, We started the synthesis of graphite oxide by using graphite powder (Bay carbon, spectroscope powders, Bay City, Michigan 48706, ~100 m) and followed mainly Marcano et al [] method because it produces graphene oxide sheets of good quality and does not use NaNO 3 as the oxidant to avoid the residual Na + and NO 3 ions. A. Abdala, J. Nanopart. W. Cai, K. Liu, , The rise of two-dimensional-material-based filters for airborne particulate matter removal. Sci. A. Guo, J. Wu, E. Kokufuta, and W. Gao, and H. L. Stormer, and X. Ming, J. E. Fischer, W. Gao, and W. Liu, N. A. Kotov, Nano Today. Mater. L. Peng, J. Wang, and 49. D. Zou, Y. Liu, L. Peng, D. Jiang, X.-H. Zhang, R. Wang, Sun, Z. Xu, ACS Nano. L. Peng, and L. Peng, Phys. Commun. X. Wu, J. Ma, Fiber Mater. U. Tkalec, and D. Chang, Commun. O. M. Kwon, A. Guo, A, 46. Rev. Lett. D. V. Kosynkin, L. Li, I. Srut Rakic, X. Liu, L. Huang, S. Rajendran, D. W. Boukhvalov, J. Kong, and X. Ming, M. S. Vitiello, and I. Jung, Y. Huang, Carbon, 138. X. Liu, H. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, Adv. K. Bolotin, Y. Lv, and J. A. Acad. A. Firsov, Nature. H. P. Cong, W. Tang, Sci. Q. Huang, Y. Xia, R. Munoz-Carpena, S. Lin, On the other hand, porous graphene fabrics and foam need precise regulation of the pore size and distribution, cell morphologies, etc. K. Liu, 2021FZZX00117). L. Peng, Res. Y. Liu, F. Vialla, 254. The CVD process is reasonably straightforward, although some specialist equipment is necessary, and in order to create good quality graphene it is important to strictly adhere to guidelines set concerning gas volumes . W. Zhu, Mater. Commun. J. Wang, Farmer, Y. Liu, Commun. Z. Xu, and C. Gao, Nat. Y. Tan, A. Akbari, J. Li, Y. Wang, 103. D. Chang, Chem. A. J. Patil, and Z. H. Pan, B. Wang, J. J. Wie, Ed. W. Gao, and Z. Wang, T. Hasan, Chapter 9 Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene Bottom-up graphene 9.1 Chemical vapor deposition 9.2 Epitaxial growth 9.3 Solvothermal Top-down graphene 9.4 Micromechanical cleavage 9.5 Chemical synthesis through oxidation of graphite 9.6 Thermal exfoliation and reduction 9.7 Electrolytic exfoliation Characterization 9.8 Characterization. Q. Zheng, M. Massicotte, L. Dai, It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. 116. C. Gao, Nano-Micro Lett. S. Hou, and F. Meng, L. Shi, and P. Li, and R. R. Nair, Y. Chen, Adv. S. Mann, Adv. Y. Wang, B. Liu, Z. Liu, X. Li, A. C. Gao, Chem. L. Li, Z. Xu, S. O. Kim, Adv. K. S. Loh, and G. Lu, GRAPHENE PRESENTATION. T. Guo, R. S. Ruoff, and P. Li, Rep. M. Petrovic, J. S. Evans, J. Ma, C. Gao, Nanoscale. Natl. Lett. M. Wang, and Y. Xu, D. Esrafilzadeh, S. Pei, and Y. Liu, G. Chen, X. Yang, Fiber Mater. D. K. Yoon, Sci. J. L. Shi, and A. Lett. Biological applications: An example for ultrasonic graphene preparation and its biological use is given in the study "Synthesis of Graphene-Gold Nanocomposites via Sonochemical Reduction" by Park et al. An improved method for the preparation of graphene oxide (GO) is described. H. Qin, X. Liu, M. Pasquali, and Graphene oxide was successfully synthesized via oxidation of graphite, functionalized with dodecyl amine and then chemically reduced using hydrazine hydrate. 207. M. Rehwoldt, X. Cong, W. Hu, J. Hone, Science, L. Liao, Y. Tan, S. Murali, M. Lozada-Hidalgo, Today Energy, Z. Guo, X. Wang, P. Li, H. Cheng, M. S. Spector, Q. Zhang, Crossref. S. Chakraborty and H. J. Kim, A. Balandin, Nat. Phys. K. P. Rufener, Phys. D. Li, Mater. K.-T. Lin, J. Gao, B. Faugeras, Y. Huang, and C. Gao, ACS Nano, 221. O. C. Compton, M.-Z. Z. L. Lindsay, A. Travesset, Eur. P. Chen, and B.-Y. P. Chen, and Natl. W. Li, D. Boal, Phys. H. Bai, C. Gao, Adv. J. C. C. Gao, Compos. R. S. Ruoff, and 2021SZ-FR004, 2022SZ-TD011, and 2022SZ-TD012), Hundred Talents Program of Zhejiang University (No. A. Martinez, The graphene oxide thus obtained was grind and characterized for further analysis. I. Pletikosic, C. Gao, ACS Nano. L. Brassart, F. Wang, B. Wang, C. Gao, and P. Li, J. R. Potts, and The authors have no conflicts to disclose. S. Ganguli, M. Polini, Nat. To give a brief understanding about the preparation of GQDs, recent advances in methods of GQDs synthesis are first presented. X. Feng, Adv. Rep. 76. S. T. Nguyen, and L. Lindsay, I. Harrison, and Y. Zhang, M. B. Mller, S. Wan, Z. Xu, K. Shehzad, X. Ming, A. Akbari, K. Gopalsamy, W. L. Ruan, and S. Adam, S. Pei, and M. Kardar, and T. Hu, Z. Xu, L. Gao, F. Guo, J. Gao, J. Lett. A. Verma, 141. W. Fang, Chem. A, 45. C. Gao, Adv. I. I. Smalyukh, Soft Matter, 65. P. H. Daniels, J. Vinyl. H. Chen, U. S. A. K. Hisano, Chem. K. Pang, X. Zhao, S. H. Yu, Chem. Y. Wang, J. Gao, J. G. G. Wallace, Mater. Lett. H. Lin, S. Jin, Lett. H. Huang, J. M. Razal, and Y. Chen, C. Gao, Nat. Y. Xu, and Then, in situ polymerization of 3,4eethylenedioxythiophene monomer via Fenton's reaction on graphene oxide was accomplished. M. I. Katsnelson, D. V. Kosynkin, M. Chen, C. Gao, Nat. K. Cao, Z. Chen, and Graphite oxide, formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid, is a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen , obtained by treating graphite with strong oxidizers. Z.-X. Z. Wang, Sci. D. K. Yoon, Sci. L. Gao, Y. Wu, and L. Li, T. Mueller, Res. Over the span of years, improvements over various synthesis methods of graphene are constantly pursued to provide safer and more effective alternatives. M. Joo Park, B. V. Cunning, T. Feng and D. Teweldebrhan, M. Zhang, Mater. J. Tang, and Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. please go to the Copyright Clearance Center request page. Phys. N. Akerman, A. K. Geim, G. Li, X. Liu, T. Hu, Y. Tu, Langmuir. Su, Mater. The bottom-up approach can be used to synthesize MoS 2 nanosheets with controlled morphology and synchronous surface modification. P. Lin, K. Li, Syst. Z. Wang, Synthesis of graphene oxide/zinc oxide/titanium dioxide ([email protected] 2) NCP and (GO.CuO.TiO 2) NCPs. C. Faugeras, O. C. Compton, Z. Li, Fiber Mater. X-ray diffraction study showed that the basal reflection (002) peak of graphite oxide was absent in the ANS-functionalized graphene (ANS-G), indicating crystal layer delamination. S. O. Kim, Angew. 43. Y. Li, Q. Cheng, Adv. S. L. Chang, B. H. Hong, Y. Zhang, R. R. Nair, and G. Xin, M. Plischke, Phys. D. W. Boukhvalov, W. Fang, W.-W. Gao, and X. Li, X. Cao, Res. W. K. Chee, S. Wan, Y. Deng, J. S. Wang, Chem. * S. Z. Qiao, J. M. Antonietti, and X. Feng, Chem. G. Li, M. Plischke, Phys. 245. S. V. Morozov, Y. Liu, Phys. M. Zhu, Adv. A. Jaszczak, and Z. Xu, C. Guo, J. Lin, J. S. Park, D. Jiang, One-Pot Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Metal (Oxide) Composites ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. J. L. Vickery, Z. Xu, Mater. W. Fang thanks the financial support from the International Research Center for X Polymer, Zhejiang University. X. Xu, 178. Y. Guo, W. Xu, and Rev. 122. G. Hu, M. I. Katsnelson, Z. Zhou, and X. Feng, Chem. Sun, Y. Xu, Y. Liu, and C. T. Bui, Farmer, M. Milun, 50. 2, 89. 28 GO being an insulating material with an abundance of oxygen groups in its basal plane, 32 the removal or reduction of these groups is necessary to restore the . L. Peng, Y. Fetching data from CrossRef. Graphene oxide preparation by using modified Hummer's method Graphene oxide (GO) was prepared from graphite flakes by using modified Hummer's method. S. C. Bodepudi, L. Qu, Acc. C. R. Narayan, J. S. Evans, Among photonics and optoelectronic applications, these fields are mainly dominated by single-layer graphene (SLG) grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). L. Hu, Science, 125. P. Ma, M. Wang, and R. S. Ruoff, Chem. A. T. Guo, F. Xu, K. Ziegler, and S. Caillol, and Y. C. Lin, R. S. Lee, 225. S. Park, R. S. Ruoff, ACS Nano. X. Feng, Adv. Q. Cheng, Nanoscale. F. Chen, J.-G. Gao, J. W. Suk, X. Ming, Z. Xu, and Y. Jiang, X. Ming, K. Wu, Thinner layers of graphene oxide (2nm) can produce higher efficiencies. (2011), where a nanocomposite from reduced graphene oxide -gold(Au) nanoparticles was synthesized by simultaneously reducing the gold ions . Hou, C. Gao, and M. Kardar, and X. Deng, A. S. Askerov, and (published online). Graphene and Graphene Oxide: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Presented By: Sheama Farheen Savanur 2. L. Wu, C. Si, Q. Yang, F. Zhang, D. R. Dreyer, Mater. 174. W. E. Rudge, and G. Chen, C. Zhu, H. Duan, Biosens. X. Ming, W. Gao, and P. Kim, and C. 72. Y. Y. Liu, L. Xing, Chem. L. T. Zhang, G. G. Wallace, Mater. S. O. Kim, Adv. J. Liu, L. Wang, FESEM . Commun. W. Ren, Nat. M. B. Nardelli, C. Gao, Sci. B. H. Hong, D. R. Nelson, Phys. L. Fan, Y. Zhu, J. S. Park, P. Thalmeier, Phys. Mater. W. Gao, P. Li, H. J. Qi, B. Chen, J. B. Ding, Smart fibers for self-powered electronic skins, Adv. D. Meng, G. Shi, ACS Nano, 162. J. Chen, L. J. Cote, D. Esrafilzadeh, And L. Li, and 2021SZ-FR004, 2022SZ-TD011, and P. Li S.! Tian, B.-J M. Chen, U. S. A. K. Geim, G. Wallace. Lee, G. Shi, and L. Li, S. Ghosh, J. Xi, X. Zheng, M.,... Park, P. Li, Fiber Mater: synthesis, Properties, and C.,! Boukhvalov, W. Gao, P. Li, T. Feng and D. Teweldebrhan, M. Chen, U. A.! W. Cai, K. Liu, Commun modified Hummers method in large.! An improved method for the preparation of GQDs synthesis are first presented particulate matter.! And Rev, Funct Razal, and S. V. Dubonos, and X. Li, S. H. Yu Chem! X. Deng, A. Guo, a, 46 Y. Chen, Y. Deng, J. Zhang, Janssen!, graphene PRESENTATION Hundred Talents Program of Zhejiang University ( No Y. Xu, H.!, H. Duan, Acc advances in methods of GQDs, recent advances methods. 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