This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Your email address will not be published. Your objective is to mount a turret and kill enemies of your faction. Which is about how I feel in this game anymore. Seeking control of the powerful superweapon, all three governments dispatched military forces to Iokath, with the Republic forces led by Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, Imperials led by Sith Empress Darth Acina, and the Eternal Alliance initially represented by a search party led by Lana Beniko. I'm also in the camp where I find it very hard to even think of siding with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing or their alignment. Why is a good question and then come to appeal to the outlander that the republic deserve the super weapon and the empire would just use it to kill everyone, hell the rep would just do that if they got thier hands on it since they want to wipe the hole empire and the sith. As those who played Iokath (or watched the videos) know.Empress Acina and Jace Malcom died in the last patch. Then acina bring Quinn tag along.AHHH Why did you bring him with you!!!!!!!! Sounds nice how you put it. While we didn't hear from Malcom, I get the idea that's because Saresh was manipulating things for her own end. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. As you sure you played all the chapters and listened to the story? Which means that you will be able to group and do dailies with the players of the faction that you CHOSE on IOKATH. Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, was the chief deity of the pantheon, while the other members were his wife, Scyva, and their four children: Tyth, Aivela, Esne, and Nahut. One being that the Empire *is* open for change. The Weekly Missions objective is to complete 10 Daily Missions on Iokath. If you leave Iokath you are an imperial again and your friend is no longer able to do stuff with you. One sees that with people like Darth Marr, and Acina comes right out and says she's trying to drastically improve the Empire. For this you have to head north from the common area between the 2 factions bases take the Fleet Spire to the Alliance Base area. However, it's an alliance between two governments that would be openly aggressive to each other at some point, as both would consider themselves top dog. There are 2 emitters located right in the first area of the instance. Lana is my Sithbae how dare you disrespect her! Satisfied? So staying with the empire is more beneficial and better since they are willing and open than a certain republic that can only nag. Not sure how any Star Wars movie could ever be considered subtle, thats not even a thing. While Disney isnt involved in BioWares storywriting of The Old Republic era at all and doesnt care much about any Legends stuff. Well, both Rebels and Rogue One show how the galaxy is not just black and white. So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? Clicking on it will trigger the next (real) objective Defeat the Iokath Terminal Network Coordinator. They also ran a prison on Belsavis that imprisoned the children and grandchildren of criminals - people who had done nothing wrong but were being kept in jail for life because of something their parents did. So if you do queve for a warzone in a cross F group on Iokath, you will most likely get a warning, or you will be unable to queve, or it will delete your character and sacrifice it to the deleted gods. Its super simple, Disney doesnt make this game, EA/Bioware has a (pre-disney) lease on the IP, that is all, Disney executives or employees are not involved in the writing or designing of Swtor. You should write the PR copy for BioWare Austin. I understand Disney has no one working on SWTOR or other EA Star Wars titles. If you were not impressed by the stories in Rebels and Rogue One, what exactly is it that you like about Star Wars? And its IMHO again but I never was interested in greatness-epicness-coolness of my characters its cheap hollywood stunt in my book Im more interested in their inner story, how they progress, change, what they becoming inside. The Jedi kidnap children, and the Republic laws give them the right to do so. 1-3 were lacking any emotion, subtlety, nuance, good writing, continuityetc. People still blame Disney? This is just ridiculous! Im talking about Clone Wars, Rebels and especially The Force Awakens Disney use the same methods they used in their childish cartoons. So you are saying she is really a Skywalker? If any of your abilities are not functioning properly during or after this mission, reset your UI (default: CTRL+U). Just like they butchered The Clone Wars in its best moment, fucking savages! yeah! Then, you either join the one left or will be forced to fight them too. It has already gotten better than it was, but there's always room for improvement and Acina seems more open to suggestions than the Republic does. Over three thousand years later, it was rediscovered by the Alliance that waged a war against Zakuul. Plus, if you tried to do that, the galaxy would see you as no better than Arcann. Ikr tying a companion to a decision so important is the wrong way to implement it, Im pro empire but at the same time I wont let Quinn escape his well deserved death, so the solution is sticking with the Republic? There is no logic in that. Yeah, but Im not talking about SWTOR, Im aware that its Bioware and EA child. With Patch 5.5, Bioware have added New Arcann Customizations to the Light/Dark vendors and new decorations to the Iokath Reputation vendors. Insulating Flux. Sure, the Eternal thrown increases your military power but wed still be wiped clean if either faction decided to side against us. The Iokath Daily Area was introduced with SWTOR Game Update 5.2. They cancelled clone wars and replaced it with rebels, not really bad show: Good story, returning characters and interesting adventures yet a really infantilized show where you see 1 random dude dying every season. Ashara mentions she was taken as an infant and has not been able to contact her parents since. Well, that will be explained in the story. 18. The turret has 3 abilities single target attack, an AoE attack and a button to return back to your character. Why is there even a fucking map to find you? But which side did you choose or gonna choose on the iokath storyline? After you finish this, you will spawn back into the Factory. Profession: Cybertech. The 5th location is far to the south. ", Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. It's much more difficult for a democracy to make major decisions like this and recover than an autocracy led by a single Emperor. The Empire has behaved like an ally and they thus get my Commander's continued allegiance. Its sole intent is to support players of Star Wars: The Old Republic ("SWTOR") and make their gameplay more enjoyable. Republic Base is to the West, Empires camp is to the East. It has a Stunn, Self-Destruct and Eject abilities. The Blockade of the Rimma Trade Route. Be careful, though, as you would need to purchase another one at the terminal again to finish the mission if you havent. An uncomfortable amount of DS points will be gained but oh man, they will sooooo be worth it. The Empires version of this mission requires you to Enable Plasma Emitters, while the Republic players will have to Disable them. "You've got the force ability! I understand that I can choose to change which faction I am fighting for once per day. Just recall how awesome BioWare was when the Doctors ran the company before EA bought them. Just because SW is now a part of Disney, doesnt mean that Disney has people working on SW: TOR. just wait till the slide show starts again how anyone takes this game seriously is beyond me /smh, You do know that the language in Brazil is Portuguese, right? Thats how I see it. Force Awakens was better than the prequels, Rogue One is the best movie in the entire franchise, and most of the Lucas EU was worse than even the lamest part of TOR. As you find yourself stranded on Iokath, powerless and mostly alone, your chances of survival will probably depend on allying with a faction so you wont be destroyed by the other. It has over 8 million HP and only 2 special mechanic: A small group of well geared players with at least 1 healer and preferably 1 tank can take it down. Disney isnt any different from EA in this case they both just distribute products. I say faction matters not. Learn how your comment data is processed. Weeklies resets on Tuesday. You side with them, you don't take control of them. In open world PvP, players allies and enemies are determined by their currently selected Faction. Ironic. Or you can use the entrance to the Factory, which is located in the most Southern part in the Iokath Expanse area. The video below will show you the contents of the vendors as of December 2017. You dont have to try and find bad things in swtor. Details. Actually I think you missed the point of the entire reason you built your own alliance. Free. Kidnapping kids and indoctrinating them could be seen as a form of slavery IMHO. I found someone who isn't a sith or a jedi with force powers! Eradicate them is a LS choise on that one..)). Was that only if you made a DS choice? They support the Eternal Throne, let's say that again. arcann was the villian and our toon defeated him, took over his throne and the eternal fleet Originating in the Unknown Regions millennia before the Manderon Period, the species's society was composed of scientists and engineers, who spend hundreds of years and countless design cycles designing and developing weapons of mass destruction. Acina did not move in and try to take the Alliance when the Commander had vanished on Iokath in KOTET, either. From my SW's perspective, they are not as cunning or ruthless as the Empire. No, you are the Alliance Supreme Poobah. This mission takes place south from your Factions Base, in the Iokath Expanse area. Aparo abandons the Republic and joins the Empire. I've only run through it with a Knight once, and I'm pretty sure I got the same letter. Republic: As a veteran and the spouse of a former Supreme Commander of the Republic military, Rans has deep ties with the military; with the ongoing support of the current Supreme Commander, Jace Malcom, Chancellor Rans has successfully strengthened the Republic's strategic positions across the galaxy. So my view on the both factions is none of them are good and not that bad either, but what mattered to me, who was there to hinder and deafet a threat by willingly join up by becoming allies with the outlander when we serched for allies? Republic shipyards destroyed. Their defeat at the hands of the Zakuul says you are wrong. But as KOTET ended with me forming the eternal alliance instead of my own Empire I decided to ally with her, she helped me in the fight against Vaylin while Saresh ****ed me over and Malcom was nowhere to be seen, a lot of the republic companions you recruit also complain about their complacency regarding The Eternal Empire. Like they say sith are master of manipulation but have they ever meet the republic politicians, nobels and high rankened people? OK but, Disney doesnt make those cartoons or the movies Lucasfilm does, Disney distributes. Just like todays world oppressors do with political parties while giving meatbags the illusion of choice. Datacrons are hidden collectible items in SWTOR that provide a permanent stat boost to all of your characters within your Legacy on a server. And I also wanted to test the new dailies too see the impact, if any, on my Fibromyalgia pain levels (a post on the dailies will follow . "Look! If you want to, you can switch instance (via your Stronghold) and re-enter again to click the same 2 emitters and save yourself the trip. As for Rogue One I wont say shit it was indeed a nice film made by a director who really loved star wars not just a retarded motherfucker who was curious about if he could make a star wars film without giving a damn. So. Was it really important to ask how the stupid chat channels work?, There's a difference there. I just started War on Iokath and I feel kinda bad going for the imps since my commander is the havoc leader but the republic didn't help during KotFE or KotET. Hell, Im the supreme commander of an alliance that has both republic and empire in it. Just where did you find that? The Battle of Sluis Van. Which obviously can't be a problem with everyone, as there are PBS not only in the Republic but in the Jedi. Also, the betrayal of the Commander was done by both the Republic ex-Official (Saresh was out of office) and a current Empire Official (Lowman is a Minister of the Empire). After all the Chiss tried to secure an alliance with the Republic during the class stories while being officially allied with the Empire, stole the map they kept on Copero as a safety mesure, and Saganu is willing to ally the Chiss with the Alliance even after you side with the Republic on Iokath, they don't seem too bothered that you didn't . Your #1 and #3 skills are damage skills and #2 is a heal. Why destroy both, if you can side with one now, to destroy it later? For more information about this story line:Everything about SWTOR Patch 5.2 The War for Iokath. Actually they have aliens working everywhere from the military to the Imperial Science Service, very actively. That would be one of the stupidest written decision choices ever. The Zakuul stories did not have that Star Wars verisimilitude for me, it felt like one of the bad EU novels like Crystal Star or a scifi channel original or how ep7 felt for you it seems. Each faction has their own Reputation for you to grind, so even if you have only one character, you will eventually have to do the missions for the other side if you want that Reputation. Oppressive Alliance? Well, if it is fanboy who praises Bioware no matter what, then you are hater who do nothing but spite and curse no matter what. Also, whatever the faults of the Sith Empire are -corruption, cruelty, slavery - all those things exist in the Republic too. I'm playing a LS smuggler (my main, and my first run through Iokath) and I chose the Empire because at *first* i was thinking that since they'd came to our aid during Voss, and become the Alliance's ally, they were the right choice . bw makes sure there up front and in your face. Iokath is a ZONE where your faction becomes the one you chose. Because the selection of Daily Missions available on the Daily Terminal is always random, you may end up having the same mission(s) on the next day. The faction youre siding with isnt a faction youre assuming (IE your character isnt going to suddenly drop everything just to choose to be part of the Republic or Empire), its a faction your ALLYING with. Now that you know how you move between Factions, lets talk about what you can do on each side: Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact. . In this mission you will need to remote pilot a mouse droid. Like i really want to be on the empire side even if i am a light sided jedi, yes yes i know they are maniplutive on a high sacle and can betray you at any turn but still the republic is the same deal. SWTOR - KOTFE Chapter 02 A Dream of Empire. There are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the microbinoculars. I am happy if I made you laugh through a screen. You must have seen the wrong movies. Plus, it is kind of logical way of thinking. The Republic didn't lift a finger to help against The Eternal Throne, now they demand I break an alliance to help them? Force Awakens is a bullshit of a film just as its retarded director, aside from admiral Akbar and chewbaaca whose species cant be changed they completely deleated all alien species to a point it doesnt feel the galaxy far far away we know, they couldve just adjusted the new trillogy to capture the story in Timothy Zahns Heir to the Empires books and go on with Dark Empire and the Yuuzhan Vong war since they planned to recanonize Admiral Thrawn in the end, but no they wanted to make something new something different but their lack of imagination made them just copy episode IVs script and fuck with it with a nazi Tarkin and an emo vader wannabe with daddy issues, freaking deathstar III, a girl who didnt give shit about the force but magically became a force master and a lightsaber artist, a stupid plot about everyone looking for Luke Skywalker (with even a fucking map to him) I mean you go into exile to meditate stuff and you dont want people to disturb you till you are ready to face life and all that. There should have been a third option the obvious option: side with Zakuul and blast BOTH the Republic and Empire. Were supposed to be neutral. Also diffrence between him and saresh is that he do not have support, no one respect him they only put him there becuse they thought he would be to scared to go against acina or betray her also he have no real power over the empire he is just a face. You became a threat that violates everything both sides are unique at. The two old factions were losers and couldnt handle it so you had to build a better faction. Also the sith and the Jedi might be a problem yhea sith are mostly bad by nature but some of them are very acceptable and wise, Jedi is very accepting and wise too most of them. This mission starts from your Factions Base on Iokath. Cassian killed one of the rebel in cold blood, and spoke about terrible things he have done for the republic. Yhea i dont like quinn either but the empire done so much more and given much support compared to the republic like i said malcom is a powerful man and he at any time could command the soldiers that are loyal to only him to help with the fight against vailyn but didnt. I do not count in this seresh assanistion attempt in this since it had nothing to do with the republic, though question is why would the republic not help? 4th run is my run, too! 2x. Rogue 1 is about a cunt with excessive luck that is clueless about practically everything. Support Vulkk with a monthly Patreon pledge, Everything about SWTOR Patch 5.2 The War for Iokath, learn more about Switching Sides on Iokath, How to prepare for SWTOR 7.0 Legacy of the Sith, SWTOR 7.0 Sorcerer Changes Preview and Analysis (PTS), Rocked Assault (8s channel) red circles on the targeted player, to avoid taking damage, keep moving and stay away from the main group. Killing enemies can drop Reputation consumables for your chosen Faction. The Empire classes, who choose to support the Republic will get to damage some starfighters in the Empire base, while the Republic classes, who side with the Empire, will get to damage a water filtration system on Ossus. That wont happen anymore so the closest thing is joining the pubs. Empire players can quickly get to the 2 locations in the north section of the Iokath Expanse and inspect the objects. For two of my characters who allied with the Empire in KOTET, it was a hard choice for me to choose to side with the Republic in Iokath, however, while Lana had a point in which we should not be betraying our own allies, as it will impact our integrity and all that we had build so far, Theron also had a point, that . They still count towards your Weekly, though. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will start streaming on Disney+ on Wednesday, January 04, 2023, with the first two episodes. You have been deceived the Jedi are evil ! Seriously, no matter what you guys think, Im personally looking forward to this update. Imperial victory. KOTOR 3: KOTOEIRA : Knights of the Old Eternal Imperial Republic Alliance, (but sometimes also fights Dread Masters and Hutts for the control over Makeb, and sometimes can be a secret agent of SIS while fighting Gree and Ragkhouls. They then . The Republic never repudiates Saresh's actions regardless of your choices and they actively support the Eternal Throne. Like malchom do have the power to command the republic to join in on the allaince and fight zakuul but decided not to. It had, until they decided to prioritize the CM over current content. Bioware has published a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. I think you give bw too much credit. SWTOR War for Iokath - Elara Dorne & Malcom Disappointed that Trooper Sided with the Sith Empire Play SWTOR for Free: Follow . Empire players can quickly get to the 2 locations in the north section of the Iokath Expanse and inspect the objects. The last button on your toolbar is for when you are done and want to return back to your character. it's a standard part of Jedi lore. Let's look at that Ashara comment. I also find Malcom very off-putting. But from my Commanders' perspectives, the Empire stuck their neck out and very actively supported the Alliance during their battle with Vaylin's forces, and that means something. SWTOR is doing a bang up job hacking that brand image (not to mention 40 year old canon). "Well, we don't know". Point being, again, the Empire and Republic aren't different. Well, what if its a Friday and I was kind of tired but really wanted ice cream so I ran out to get some while wearing my wifes Crocs? Even though Saresh is out of office during KOTET, you're told that the current government if the Republic is her puppet. They just pretend they don't. SWTOR Iokath Story and Dailies Guide. MMO guide writer and blogger. Its EA and Bioware behind SW: TOR, if you didnt already know, lol. Should've been a third option to stay neutral on it all and keep them both off the world under your territory really. Apparently the Alliance you created doesnt mean jack shit because it seems without siding with one of them, your alliance is helpless. As for the Empire's more aliens in poweryeahif they have force powers. your Classs Faction is what will determine things as normal. I don't trust for a moment that the Republic would not screw me over, because they already have. There's another quest on Hutta between parents who are fighting over whether to send their kid to the Academy. But thats gotta be a scenario they hammer in their core test path. Yeah, Acina helped, but then she betrays you rather quickly. Charged Blast (2s channel) single target attack on the tank. You say it wont have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact, Black Desert April 5 Game Update Patch Notes, Black Desert Dark Knight Awakening April 12. You have to disarm the laser 4 emitters. This is a simple mission, requiring you to kill droids and loot them for Broken Shards. In fact, he even mentions that he gets amusement out of trying to bring the Knight to the Dark Side. He makes it very clear he is still Sith and still an adherent to the Sith Code. The mission is in an instance, which stats at he Docking Ring area. However, any company with a brand they license cares about the integrity of that brand. Dont worry, if you liked the story of KOTFE/KOTET and were satisfied, I am sure you will have no problem loving the new story on Iokath, and whatever comes after it. Hello I have a question and other people opinion on this, there are proably a bunch of these threads already so sorry for this in andvance and on my spelling/grammar. . Lord Wrath is joining Darth Marr and the Imperial and Republic forces searching for the Sith Emperor after he had destroyed the planet Ziost. Really?, This time you will be transforming into a Monitor. You needed something better than the old Rep and Emp factions. 1. . This mission is the same for both factions, but is labeled Republic and Empire, because its instanced and the entrances are from the Republic or Empire bases in the most northern areas of the Bases. Another mission that takes place in the Docking Ring instance. have no idea where people get the Jedi kidnap children aspect, I've never read it anywhere in the lore/books I've read. Even if the rep side look all shine and glam it have way to many skeletons in the closet at least the empire is open with thiers. Also doesnt help that saresh is a . Genre: Science-Fiction, Action-Adventure. and thats just off the top of the ol nog. Take out gravestone and eternal fleet thats it. That is why it is easy to be combined with any other mission(s). How Jedis still are considiring to be on the light side of the force is a good guestion. So thats why i want to join the empire is becuse at least they lifted thier asses and decided on an alliance with the outlander to take down a common threath while the republic just sat on thier asses hoping zakuul would wipe out 2 strong factions. Start by attacking the Coordinator droid. You screwed In a war against those factions. "You can move a pebble and nothing more? Like even Dart Malgus was a kind darth before his wife got killed, even the god damn emperor had a time when he wasent a heartless bastard that wanted more power. Combie that with your alliance. Also i just like Acina and Lana much more than Malcom and Theron xD. Your email address will not be published. SWTOR Patch 5.2 = a lesson in how to completely butcher one of the largest entertainment IPs in the world. And they are both developed by Disney. You need 50 of those. The one you created that has both republic and empire in it, would never need to side with one of the other old factions. How will this impact a guildship summons? With the current direction our characters will end being forgotten heroes forced to be strippers to make a living, mark my words. Do you prefer the Zakuul drama? Using this terminal does not override your story choice, but it does allow you to join your friends and play the opposite sides daily missions if you so choose. * First run with my Vanguard, obviously sides with the Republic, gets back his wife, happy ending. The point is, no matter how resourceful Alliance is, without Gravestone and Eternal Fleet, it is way weaker then old Empire and Republic. The Faction choice you make during the storyline does have story consequences, so choose carefully! Unless Pepsi bought Starbucks, your analogy doesnt work. On Iokath, you more or less make a "temporary deal" with a faction, which gives you the chance to fight alongside them for the duration of that planetary arc. Like Acina and Lana are two sith that you can look at and see that the empire could improve themself to be better what they are now. The starting point is right in the Republic Iokath Base, a little to the north from the Daily Missions Terminal. Both sides have their corruption, but I do find it funny that people think they are able to change the Empire. Disney does not develop Star Wars, movies or tv. He fights with the Knight to take down the Emperor, but states over and over that he will always be Sith and that will never change. The biggest difference between Iokath Dailies and all other Daily Areas is that here you cannot complete all Daily Missions in one day. Yeah, but they're allies working together towards a common goal. Last time I checked, theyve been obsessed with Good rebels/republic vs evil empire story. It's not true, however. If so, fuck the consequences. If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there is an incredible amount of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. I see people complaining about not being able to side with their alliance. Just thought I'd throw that in there on top of the stuff you already mentioned! He became so high, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his bluntwhich, eventually of course, he did. Its a Stoner legend. At no point is he ever "Hoo-ah I'm a 'Pub now!". Agree and I just want to add that the return of both Quinn and Elara, two LI's, was so lackluster. Yhea for me it feels like Malcolm didnt want to help out against the emperor just becuse he thought or even hoped both the allaiance and the empire would fail in thier quest. 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Against Zakuul a Knight once, and spoke about terrible things he have done for Republic! Faction choice you make during the storyline does have story consequences, so is... And high rankened people company with a brand they license cares about the integrity that. Unless Pepsi bought Starbucks, your analogy doesnt work any of your characters within your Legacy on a server ever..., movies or tv power to command the Republic to join in on the tank January 04, 2023 with... With excessive luck that is why it is easy to be strippers to make a living, mark my.. Can drop Reputation consumables for your chosen faction you the contents of the rebel in cold blood, and about! But I do find it funny that people think they are not as cunning or ruthless as Empire. In its best moment, fucking savages its best moment, fucking savages different from EA in this you! One at the Terminal again to finish the mission is in an instance, which stats he... Though, as there are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the Republic.. Same methods they used in their core test path front and in your face leave Iokath you are done want! Care much about any Legends stuff of an alliance that has both Republic and Empire in it within your on. Force powers Disable them not screw me over, because they already have moment, savages!
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