Despite Russias threat, I am more worried about China, particularly its designs in the Pacific region. Might we be getting good karma as a result in the coming years? In addition to this, if we see from the perspective of Russias chart, from 29th April, Saturn transits from Capricorn to Aquarius, from the house of losses to house of self in the natal chart. This suggests a massive shift in the European Union and NATO in 2023, 2024, 2025 as Pluto (transformation in power) goes into Aquarius across 0, 1, 2 degrees for the first time in 240+ years. Thank you and I hope to speak about peace very soon! Putin does not understand it. . I am also so worried about Russias threat to Sweden now helping Ukraine with military equipment, money and aid. Closer to home, almost all the major countries like China, America, Russia, North Korea, India, Iran, Pakistan, etc., will be involved in the collection of state-of-the-art weapons of destruction under the guise of their nuclear and energy power. You may even decide against NY in the end. We are trying our best to help people from Ukraine, not even the government but a lot of people provide them with shelter, money, food and other resources. On February 24, Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marking the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II. One faction was led by America while the other by USSR. Trump bragged that he saved MBS. From that year, you also find transport and travel radically change in America, as the switch to electric/shared transport begins. Use the Tarot for your own reading on your own Facebook stock as its your personal situation then use The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to validate that for yourself, as its obviously your decision. So, there is karmic settlement ahead. Im too sad right now to be optimistic honestly. Jessica, not sure if this is even ok to post but here goes please. The karma for Russia from 1939 is about the show trials when so many men were falsely accused and removed. born in germany, town: Dormagen, 3:58 am, date: 30.06.1964. Why? This is what will cause attack to the capital Kiev and other parts with great loss of military resources and structures (Ke). So that is actually the answer. I am trying to place every headline I read in the wider context of a war, because many of these headlines could be misleading or just aiming to amplify small incidents which may prove to be irrelevant for the whole picture. This is behind the climate emergency now. Soap (all that hand-washing) and hand gel. If there is going to be a financial crunch, does not seem to make sense to move to a super rent expensive city. Look at old predictions about Uranus in Taurus on Search as Ive been ringing the bell about this for a few years now. Im concerned about the US stock market and economy. Or is is just that all of the junk crypto will be exposed and gone and the stable coins will remain? I left a lot of trouble in Brazil and havent gone back since I came to Europe (6 years ago), but cant say my life here has been easy (or that is has ever been easy). Thank you. It has been very difficult as a transit, because by nature, Pluto opposes Cancer factors in a chart (home, home town, homeland) and one can be dominated, taken over, by the men at the top. At the same time we have to accept that the end game is fantastic. Nuclear war against Ukraine: Astrological insight. Hi, I am a brazilian (Aug 5th 1989 7:30 am Belo Horizonte) living in Poland. Thank you for this article. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. Dont lock yourself in with too many heavy binding agreements, as a couple and family. I do hope that the red cloth of the Emperors drapes was not an indication of the big red button or Nenas song 99 red balloons. So, typically, marriage and mortgage. How far it will be involved and what consequences could she face in terms of military attack?Thank you. Maximum planets including Sun, Venus and Mercury are posited in the 9th house of fortune. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. People help with their own money. In the annual horoscope, we see a planet conjunction in the 4th house in Capricorn, Rahu in Taurus in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2nd house. What or whom you used to bargain over, may become priceless. He clearly waited until the Beijing Olympics were finished in order to win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping. You are now going back to Europe from Asia and have concerns about that. WebRussia-Ukraine War: This Indian astrologer had predicted a conflict in Europe 16 months in advance! A+. The country will be successful in playing an important role on a global scale too. Watch NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN as they are reshaped from March 2023, and these two countries in particular find a new way to be inside them, or outside them. Yes, your father was right. The 30+ house systems divide the, Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. So she is also owed there. At the end of the article The Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio of January 19th 2022 you showed the Emperor tarot card in the paragraph Letting the tarot talk and asked What do you think? It would seem that he takes the past break-up of the Soviet Union personally as if the Country of Russia was an extension of himself, not a place where millions of people, who are not him, live. Germany, of course, owes everybody (the allies) for the rationing, hardship and loss of life. You have to remember that all Vladimir Putins got is some very dated old tricks from last century. You mentioned in your article that this was not WWIII, I do hope not but it is very scary, especially for Ukraine. You really need to look at Russias friends and allies to finger the money laundering in Sydney. Please help me find it. The Union State of Russia and Belarus, gives us a perfect chart, and we use London for the birth as it was announced on Wednesday 8th December 1999 at 17.06 GMT (BBC). There is a picture going viral on social media sites and other internet sources of a Hindi Panchang (Hindu Calendar Almanac) predicting the Russia Ukraine war. Luck would be on your side then. As per Mundane Astrology, in a fortnight chart, if the 7th house is afflicted, then it acts as a trigger to war between two countries which already have prevailing tensions. War crimes are now being recorded in Ukraine by Russia and Vladimir Putin and so the stage is set for the arrest of oligarchs, a time of reckoning for Putin, and the seizure of assets as well as a long correction of a corrupted world economy. Updated: 26 Feb 2023, 12:31 AM IST Edited By Anwesha Mitra. The situation with political leadership in Poland, Russia and elsewhere (America under Trump) is really down to Pluto in Capricorn, which began in 2008 and ends in 2022, thank goodness, with just a few months left of the cycle in 2023. This will be a relief for you, from March 2023, as for the most part, the endless questions about your willpower, your self-control, your self-discipline through or with a partner are over. What would be the best way to use these conjunctions? I just wanted to say, that your work is fantastic and so clear. The cycles of time pointed to a huge shift in the country, as far back as 2019, as Russia went through her Saturn Return. Along the way, there will be a retreat by Russia, out of Ukraine. What we have here is the end of Pluto (absolute power) in Capricorn (the elite men at the top) for another 240+ years. Russias thirst to become the energy giant- Russia is the third-largest producer of oil and the second-largest producer of natural gas in the world. Sometimes in astrology a lot of transits come together all at once. On 11th April, we see that Saturn is in square position with Rahu. A point-by-point comparison of the respective horoscopes of Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy is then made. In the current transit, planets like Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Mercury along with Pluto are in the 12th house of foreign land and losses in the natal chart. Thank you. Happily, Russia is the sort of country which changes leadership and political systems all the time. Thats odd. economy throughout the world has The North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio, the economy signs, are mirrored in 2022 and 2023. That is no longer the case in 2022-2026. MBS is thinking Trump will be back. Oh my. My country has a 600 km long border with Ukraine which was crossed, so far, by more than 100,000 people. Could be any of us. We find Aries-Virgo in the emergency services too. You are likely to find yourself in America, pulled directly into the karma of Ukraine and Russia in 2022, but also 2023. It should turn up on Search. It was the red of the robe that jumped out at me and made me think of the red star, red flag, hammer and sickle, little red book, the colour associated with communism. Also, Rahu will be transited in Aries sign which emphasizes the rule under dictatorship, and counties will start a movement of expansion and dictatorship like China. These things are beyond individual choice a lot of the time as the nodes pull countries back to very old karma and it has its own momentum. Buying a car running on gas (not electric) is an interesting experiment in 2022, 2023. Thanks. I think everything will move very quickly in May, June in terms of your budget and the numbers. From the perspective of Ukraines chart, Mars squares Rahu on 8th April. Hi Jessica Her karma returns from those years when she stood alone (very much so in 1940) in order to resist Nazi Germany. This was predicted 19th January 2022 and reported by the media on 25th February 2022. Thanks for this post. As a premium member can I ask why exactly did Pluto hit me so hard? She importantly became part of NATO later. Makes no sense why am I seeing these three since many months. Germany is on the way to that closure as she is paying a heavy price for her sanctions against Russia, isnt she. The ultimate result of all this? I also used astrology and the Switzerland horoscope to talk about war karma here. The Oracles and Cards are there for you to use alone, as they are a private matter, and there are clear instructions. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy.. I think the earliest prediction I made about the United Nations was in the Conscious Cafe video, so a couple of years ago now, but there may be more astrology forecasts in the archives, so Ill take a look. Nor does China, nor North Korea. Have you done a chart for that already? I strongly recommend you use The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle if you want to time your moves. And even this Saudi MBS ( a murder of Jamal Khashoggi). Some may even find here an opportunity to make some money. You will be rewarded. Transport. Finland as part of one, all or many of those groups is in a strong position. Thats not happened in your lifetime. Mars is symbolic and representative of Red China, Maoist organizations, war, fire, explosion. It will appear as if Mars, the planet of war, is more subdued as if its ill-effects have been stopped by some force. As for China, I posted a prediction about that country recently and it has just come to pass. The American government will also be forced to make special changes in its defense and foreign policy under the rapid political changes in the affected countries. I know you had predicted the end of Trump. You are a Sun Libra with factors at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, natally. Here are 10 predictions, made with varying degrees of confidence. A really good rule? The rapid defeat of Ukraine many had predicted when Vladimir Putin's forces invaded on February 24, 2022, failed to materialize. You talk about a tough slog economically for the whole world through 2026, which is frustrating after we have already been through so much uncertainty due to COVID. Thierry. A really, really long time ago I published a prediction about a new world order which would involve New Zealand as a non-NATO ally. Allow 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 for massive ongoing change and restructuring of the life budget, but also the values. Why hasnt it been shut down? President Putin has long held staunch views about Russia and Ukraine being one. If Ukraine joins NATO, it is eligible to get support from NATO groups in case of external attacks, and Russia thinks that would not be good for it as this will also bring the group closer to its border. I now wonder if this means that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will be like Afghanistan, long and protracted and ultimately unsuccessful, although I hope it ends before this with peace and withdrawal of the invading army. Are NATO countries going to be fighting that monster cause Im planning to move to Europe soon.Should I revise my plans? The nodes always reveal what is owed, and what must be repaid. (But it does not last, obviously). Here are two true astrology predictions about Europe and war from this website. If the world stops Russia from using the SWIFT banking system, for example, it may use Chinas system instead. This is a tough time for that, and of course, it is partly caused by COVID-19. He holds the vision of a strong Russia as it was pre-collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. There is nothing in Cancer of any importance whatsoever in 2022, 2023 or beyond. Jessica, Thank you for this Jessica , after the 2 last years the last thing the world needed was a war I do like the optimism this tragic event will bring in the end, but currently anxiety is definitely high. Can you believe it? What worries me is the inevitability of quantum computing which will blow encryption off the face of the earth and nothing will be safe. Thank you very much for this interesting oversight. You owe, karmically, or are owed karmically. After this war, there are also signs of the whole world getting immersed once again in the grip of a major economic recession when the world will be trying to heal itself after the corona pandemic. This is the time of the local elections in the United Kingdom: definitely a crossroads that the horoscope showed three years before it was ever discussed. So is fossil fuel. He believes that Ukraine created after its disintegration from Russia is a mere puppet in the hands of the forces of the West. You will see huge changes in 2022, 2023 which close the circle of karma. Why do you want to move to Russia when Vladimir Putin has declared war on Ukraine? Im Canadian and we joined the first week of the war to fight Hitler and we also endured rationing in order to feed the U.K. in 40. Aquarius is the EU, the UN, NATO. Also covered in this article are: Thank you very much. Of course, it may be the end of Russias invasion. Your country is ancient and has seen it all, survived and thrived. I am planning to move off of the mainland USA this year permanently but wondering if I should stay put? Should I hold off or any dates to avoid? He had forecast a clear majority for the BJP in Uttar Pradesh and the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab. You can call this year and next year the necessary detox. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. The bigger change comes later, when Latvia has to transform her role with the EU and NATO and the UN, and that is timed for the first half of 2023. Surely the stars have something to say about that. Would love to hear, if you had time, how the UK economy will hold up (or not!) Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. When we look at the astrological charts for nuclear aggression, we find Cancer, the zodiac sign that rules territory, borders, patriotism, nationalism, land grabs but also families, whole towns and invasion. By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name. Romania is owed karmically by Russia and perhaps Bulgaria. General character. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. May 2023 to May 2024 is much, much easier as Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) moves into Taurus then. Do we have an AA-rated chart for the Ukraine leader? over the next few years or so? I have always believed we are all born for a reason, may it be good or bad. Donald and Melania Trump remind me of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Decline and Fall. You dont usually see a cover-up unless there is a crisis. In addition to this, Muntha or the lord of Muntha is afflicted or in Rahu-Ketu axis, which is an indication of distress or agony. Thank you. Yet the war is hardly a wash for Russia: Moscow continues to face severe economic and diplomatic pressure from abroad, especially as Europe reduces its dependence on Russian energy and many Western sanctions remain I would be also curious about how Finland & Sweden will handle these few years. For Norway it will be about a revolution in leadership. I am sure you are very worried about what is happening, and I am sorry you have to go through it. I was going to move to NYC shortly- could you take a look at my chart and let me know what the best time would be? Later on, Poland was but even then some countries stayed neutral (Switzerland) or did not rush to assist (America). Horoscope Today, March 2, 2023: Read your daily horoscope prediction Taurus Horoscope, 2 March 2023: One of your hobbies will prove to be your save and They began to rise on the Saturn Return and will win. As per the available horoscope of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin currently, there is an influence ofMahadasha of Mercury with Ketu Antardasha. According to Hamilton-Parker, this war will be sparked by a growing divide between the country's religious factions, with hardline conservatives on one side and more moderate elements on the other. Big wins, for example, or chance events, like an increase in the value of your home. Thank you for describing the situation in Ukraine, I support it with my whole being and I suffer with it 24 hours a day. This really comes from the American astrology chart, not the Trump chart which is in question, as he gave two entirely different birthdates, to authorities. Thoughts on creativity, writing career. We are part of Nato, bet I am worrying about our country. Its about pensions/superannuation. From 2026 well look back at 2022 as if its old history. Wait until you know where your financial advantages or outlets are, which will be May-October. Would you be able to give us insight about these states? Hi Heather, Looking at my chart do you see any changes coming soon. Norway is always protected, as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank goodness. Why? So what well see, worldwide, is what I have published on this website before, if you want to hit cryptocurrency on Search. Dear Jessica, I want to sincerely thank you for your astrological prognoses and all the work you are doing. It is still changing shape. I moved here counting with the countrys safety and stability and now I see myself next to the war, with ukrainian co-workers suffering around. Let us understand this in detail below: On February 27, 2022, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Moon, will be together in Capricorn. Pluto is absolute power, corrupting absolutely. You are a Sun Gemini with a big Gemini stellium and may want to do a lot of research before you move. First I just want to say thank you for sharing your talent with the world. While the war is going on between Russia and Ukraine, Mercury has changed its house, which is going to affect different countries and leaders. That cycle absolutely rules the future of Bitcoin and the rest, and as Uranus is a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, upheaval and constant change, anyone who is taking a ride on that, has no guarantees. The study was based on chart of NATO, wherein I had stated that NATO will play an important role in waging a war in any other part of the world. The tide began to turn two years ago and it will turn in favour of Russians who deserve something better, from March 2023 with a new leadership after that point. Astrology is there to help people prepare and its been clear for years that once the lunar nodes went into Taurus-Scorpio along with Uranus in Taurus, that we all needed a full pantry and cupboard. Anything that was safe before 2018 is no longer that. He is isolated. Meanwhile, Bulgarian mystic 'Baba Vanga' has predicted that Russia would emerge as the lord of the world whereas Europe could become a wasteland. THank you for replay i like to invest it realy big country and i see a lot oportunity specialy difficult time always can find for right investmnt. After 17th March, Rahu will enter Aries in the 7th house of annual horoscope and Ketu will enter Lagan in the 1st house of annual horoscope. This will lead to the qualities of Mars being open for utilization in the most positive manner in combination with Rahu. In the meantime, in the horoscope, there was the transit in European and connected countries and partial conjunction between Sun and Saturn was observed in the month of February. Mercury at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is hit by an eclipse at 25 Scorpio (a Full Moon) on Monday 16th May 2022. Ill keep reading and getting more into details. Something else must be behind the curtain. Scanning the ephemeris for other historic (relatively rare) cycles in Taurus and/or Scorpio, the sign which rules mortgages, we find the lunar nodes there in 2022, 2023. Enter OTP to verify & login to your account. Do you remember the famous 1999 Nostradamus prediction? Even in 1939 (the next time mirror) the United States let the United Kingdom and France tackle Hitler. How about me and my family in particular, now that I have a baby boy and are in the process of buying a new home? I will see if I can find it in the Astrodatabank database. Perhaps a former partner, or someone else in a duet or duel the partnerships can be professional as well as sexual. Sixteen days into Russias war, Nikonovs prediction, echoed by other Russian politicians, has not come to pass. Russia Vs. US- The US has often hinted at Russias attempts to use trade to tie the hands of the European nations dependent on it for their energy source. Ive just commented on the karma of 1938 being repeated in 2022, as for the first time in our lives, we see the lunar nodes go into the economy/trade signs, Taurus and Scorpio (which can only happen about every 18 years) and Uranus go into Taurus, which rules the Euro, and the European trading bloc the EU. We needed to get rid of money laundering, tax evasion and fossil fuel. Weaknesses. Thank you so much for what you do. Astrology predicts news headlines before they happen, and this came to pass, as Reuters reported, on Monday 28th February 2022. Vladimir Putin was a KGB agent. You have ties to those people and that land, and as Jupiter goes to 11 Taurus in the short-term (once Putin is history and Russia starts to slowly think about relaunching) you will have very good fortune financially (assuming your birth time is accurate) which you will use to give back to your people. It is very common on this cycle for friends to change lifestyle or personality; for friends to reveal themselves as disappointing to you; for huge difficulties in making new friends (again, this is COVID-19 for many heavily Aquarian people) and even the loss of friends for the same reason. But, particularly, those Regency mansions. This is not World War Three. What do you think will happen to the US stock market cause I have most of my retirement funds in there . The IC is where Ukraine comes from. There will be more and again, this will happen in relation with Russias economic collapse. The quatrain should then be read as butins Saturn and Marswhich is correct, if we look at Tuesday 5th April 2022, when there is a conjunction between Saturn and Mars at 22 Aquarius. Putin obviously didnt consult Astrologers before he invaded Ukraine. The strange new world of NFT art is really exciting, I know, and so liberating. 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through this. If you were born on 30th June 1964 you are a Sun Cancer person who is almost at the end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle which began in 2008. 2. For that, we usually expect rare transits in Cancer, which rules nationalism, and we dont have them. Thank you for this article. What comes out of this for the U.K. will be very different, quite radical and happen very suddenly. POLITICAL ASTROLOGY In Moscow, another prominent astrologer, Konstantin Daragan, who made a name for himself by claiming to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic, also says Russia will win on the ground in Ukraine and in its clash with the West. Thats just the start. I agree, the fall of Vladimir Putin is just a matter of time. Russia-Ukraine War: Why did it start? My heart breaks for Ukraine and the people especially the children. Thats another Uranus in Taurus revolution that will improve all our lives. I predicted a shock with Credit Suisse and weve seen it. I dont know anything about this and will go and see what the BBC is telling me. There is a lot of nonsense about Donald Trump making a comeback. In America, there are still so many Trump supporters. You have predicted The Emperor exactly. What we do know is that Russia as a one-man dictatorship is finished from March 2023 and history by 2024. WebBengaluru: The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, which has the entire world worried as it is going to have far reaching ramifications on several countries, was predicted by an astrology I agree about China. McDonalds is still in Moscow. As we already know that Ukraine is a former Soviet nation and now wants to become a NATO member (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a group that was created to provide collective security against the Soviet Union expansionist policy. Aquarius has always been the sign ruling allies who pool their resources. You are heading for your Jupiter Return once you have got 2022 and 2023 out of the way. Note the eclipse I talk about, though this turned out to be the exact date Ukraine held centre-stage at the United Nations. Hello Jesika, what about Ukraine? The last really big change, by 2026, will be the end of the corrupt political donor system worldwide. Out of curiosity, we born in late 1993 will experience this next May exclipse significantly we have pluto 25 scorpio. You express yourself through your work ethic, workload, lifestyle, housework and your health and wellbeing, fitness and mental health have a direct line to your feelings about your job, studies or unpaid work at any time. That is really important, because in 2004 we found the North Node in Taurus (the economy, trade) and the South Node in Scorpio (currency, banking, debt) and right on cue, in 2022 and 2023, the North Node and South Node are back in the same signs. Also I admire the way you connect us with non astrology topics to justify or clarify your prediction. they are refusing anyone of colour. Ten Predictions for Russias Invasion of Ukraine by Gwynne Dyer February 24, 2022 Now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and foreclosed his and everybody elses other options, certain aspects of the near future have become clear. In March month, Guru will be in trespassing motion, and the effect of the kalsarpa yoga will be evident. The world had to end globalisation, fossil fuel and money laundering and its all coming in one intense cycle. I believe that the technology its built upon, the blockchain, is the most important part here and mainly the encryption and decentralization. Much, much easier as Jupiter ( solutions, opportunities ) moves into Taurus then world war.! Is that Russia as a couple and family dont know anything about this for BJP. Political donor system worldwide a car running on gas ( not electric ) is an ofMahadasha. A revolution in leadership by 2024 to speak about peace very soon we see that Saturn is in a Russia. Predictions about Uranus in Taurus on Search as Ive been ringing the bell about and! Clear instructions trespassing motion, and what consequences could she face in terms of your home 16 months in!... For Norway it will be the end of Trump war on Ukraine Dormagen, 3:58 am date. 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