p.s. Has anyone experienced this verbal hostage taking? It has an r in it (two , to be pendantic) and I am not a child. For me, it is so distracting to hear the difference that on occasion Ive had to change the channel. I think it was around this time that the issue of vocal fry came to the foreground on NPR. One person in particular uses a combination of vocal fry (at times), saying so at the end of sentences, using upspeak, AND drawing words out (I guess while thinking of what to say). For instance LAST becomes LOST. And lets not ignore the disproportionate amount of times speech pattern analysis (even here, in this comment section) is essentially just an excuse to satisfy a societal itch to hate things that are trending amongst young women. Noticably used televangelist pastors and political speeches. He wrote to us about his experience hearing reporters who did not sound like he does. Stop talking like that!. That drives me INSANE!!!! Literally, actually, etc. Please. We have come so far with representing what a diverse world we are in the media. We do a lot of VO recording work with China in particular in teaching English to school children, and are careful to provide proper grammar and usage in that regard. not pronounce the actual vowel, but rather make it the aaaaah sound. Second one: the pin/pen merger. Its mildly disturbing to me. If none of you engage in such things, youre likely guilty of the offense that led me to search for endless monotone monologue of older Americans. It can make engaging topics so boring, it makes death enticing. If you cant say it right how can you spell it correctly. Though, not usually in a professional setting. But yes now every venture capitalist, techie and aspiring TED talker has a pseudo-self-effacing way of speaking using right and sort ofsoooooo annoying! Ugh! AMEN. I didnt read through all of the comments but one I didnt see mentioned is the common trend now, most especially (again) by young to even college aged females adding Back in the day you would be fired for delivering news that way. But as the quotes above show, some listeners do notice and they let the reporters know, too. Anywho.. Its come to the point that Im grateful when a guest says Youre welcome at the end. I mean, where did this one come from anyway? Yes indeed, these annoying trends are now common to stupid people the world over believe me, mainly most likely due to easier access to media such as world news media, social media, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, self obsessed attention seeking wannabe famous so called influencers, etc. There are two in particular that drive me insane: different than and misnomer.. But journalists can sound clear without all sounding the same. Listening to our local news reporters causes so much stress! I am sick of cymbals that end a commercial etc. The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns Being a voice-over talent makes me extremely sensitive to not only the sound of voices I hear on TV, radio and the internet, but also to the words that are chosen. ", One listener did just that. Sorry, but Im not pronouncing button as butt-ton. I understand that enunciation is a part of the job they do, but to over pronounce a word by adding an extra vowel does not sharpen the words; it dulls the wit. They also cannot read digital clocks. All are irritating and to me, they pigeon-hole the speaker and come across as less intelligent and less confident than they realize or intend. And who started everything being super??? But Glass said in that episode that he never hears about his. It feels very much like assumed humility and manipulation. One from Texas wrote: "Not all Americans sound like White American politicians and I wish that could be reflected on your airwaves.". ", In the ensuing #PubRadioVoice conversation, now-host of Weekend Edition Sunday Lulu Garcia-Navarro tweeted about a similar experience. Start the answer with a yeah., I love these comments! Probably because I was born in the 70s and obviously grew up in valley girl 80s. And, when a person says, you are smarter than I, the am is implied as in I am. Valspeak is, like, short for the way Valley Girls talk that was, like, you know, so big Frank Zappa sang about it in 1982. I love this discussion! For example as heard by a newscaster recently: This collection would be much funnier if the written intro didnt include a sentence beginning I mean I thought it must be a local thing. To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. I understand these may be hip ways of speaking these days , but they actually detract from the message. I am forever hearing me and my friends instead of my friends and I. I have asked you not to do that! I say something, along the lines of, Thats one way to ensure I dont talk; you dont have to listen to me. Then, I walk away seething, and loathing him more and more. Theres a woman at my healthcare providers office who uses upspeak constantly. 1 the misuse of I Hello Baz, and thank you so much for being so detailed in your descriptions of your total annoyance with these speech trends. Ive even come close to writing to NPR about their guests propensity to start sentences with so. Another one Ive heard lately is everything going on these days. Why use a euphemism in place of the pandemic? I am also hearing stated instead of simply said, and dont get me started on the misuse of myself. Thank you for validating my observations! But, over the past few years students have become increasingly reproachful as if I am purposefully attacking their generation. I had to fight my own brain!". Since I watch a lot of network tv, I hear this and other abominations on commercials, especially. I do not want to hear anyone speaking with mosquito tones. Why, just why? What about the other inflection/tone people use now when they list things out? Ive been studying this intonation for a while (this is the first place Ive found it even being acknowledged), its so common. Not sure what thats called, maybe we should invent a name for it . However preservation of correct grammar, and beauty of the English language is important to me and I refuse to adapt botching of the language. Our and Hour is pronounced and sounds the same. Worst laugh is definitely Dan Pashman (The Sporkful). Some of the family members have a better capacity to use words, language & phraseology than others that still use upspeak, vocalfry, text slang & whining. Can you tell us about the car accident you witnessed today? I can deal with that but having to stand there and not be able to express a thought is just too much. Others, over exaggerated, more perfect, funner and many more. He transcribed what she had said, changed the text color of "a few errors" to red, and suggested his own improvements in green brackets. The ingredients were super fresh and it tasted super amazing!, The car we bought drives super fast! I wondered if I was alone in my discomfort. You might hear the rich baritone of Bob Edwards. Thatsaid when I want to pause, shake my head a little & say Wait, what?. Some words are not meant to have all the letters pronounced. Ive heard narrators doing it on youtube videos. dontgetaphd 6 mo. Ive been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and obviously, most of them have commercials. A lazy speech habit that grates on my nerves is the use of Also too. https://youtu.be/gGEit7Fg9HU. If he catches that he's saying "you know" a lot, he'll try to cut down on using it. Who started that? This often occurs when a person (on TV) is explaining the steps to any given process to another person: What Im going to do is, Im going to In 2nd person plural, What were doing is, were going to. It's BS. I also blame Britney Spears. This occurs a lot when listing items. What is the affectation where the speaker draws out the end of every sentence as if theyve just ran out of breath, but still want to get that last word out. Annoying! In the series Heartland, it is practically half of the dialog. Kids used to be so proud when their cursive writing improved as they practiced it. I growl at every inflected, high rising, ramble sometimes eliciting concerned looks from family members. Re-reading your article I see your use of annoying phrases was intentional and very effective. ago Agree, I have shuddered more than once when she consistently uses mildly incorrect grammar. What is that? Ek-specially, think-yewwwuh and using individual instead of person are three of my current annoyance triggers. Youre not crotchety. Im not crazy Im being been driven there, though. It grated on my ears. The other annoyance is when someone announces this is a problem as this? This is exactly what Im looking for the name of The inflected list is the most common/overused pattern of speech. Most annoying speech pattern of the decade? Wait, what is the worst, because it pretends to be clever and original, and is the polar opposite of both. OMG! Pretending to be an annoying, loud, meowing cat will place the voice right up front. So I do speak to them about that, how important it is to at least be able to READ it, but it really goes nowhere from there. Ironically, the girl in the last video does vocal fry throughout (I managed less than a minute of the video). Someone above grits their teeth at Americans and Brits speaking. Meowing. When I hear someone at a store or restaurant say something else instead of Have a good one! I thank them for not being like the rest of the robots. Some are even doing it on purpose. I am now hearing full glottal stops ( I think that is the correct term) being ignored. The overuse of a particular swear word is also annoying. They're actually choosing their path and doing the steering.". My gripe is mainly with broadcasting media, films, books, articles, any sort of communication authority, that has embraced these habits. But among friends all the time. Its the teacher and college professors that are spreading this annoying trend. I see it in newscasts all the time being used by educated people. Hes a sinGer making singer rhyme with finger. Its an epidemic among millennial actors, hosts, and cable news panelists/contributors. Sam Sanders, host of NPR's It's Been A Minute, records a segment at NPR West on September 24, 2018. I first heard this on a Dove commercial. So should only be used at the beginning of a sentence when you are either asking a new question or starting a whole new topic of conversation. Another big offender is the reality tv show, e.g. I was convinced I was the only one who noticed the (extremely annoying) uptick of use with the word right in conversation. Ugh! . Along with that and many other things mentioned here ive also noticed use of the wrong vowel sounds. Yeah, naa, yeah is, similar to the Yeah, nowait, what?. I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. I also wonder with all the texting short cuts, have we created a new language? Also, another annoying speech pattern is this: Costant micro-pauses after each couple of words, like if theres a question being asked or theres always some doubt. 1. If youve ever heard Jedediah Vila, she does it ALL the time. Nice to find Im not the only person driven to distraction by these annoying speech habits. Radio wouldn't have the same energy or be able to cover breaking news if every second was scripted. Sam Sanders, host of It's Been a Minute, said that learning to write in his own voice was difficult. She has performed guest star roles on NBC's Parks & Recreation and HBO's Veep, working with Amy Poehler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, respectively. When used, it sounds more like its a filler until the person can come up with the words he/she wants to say. So, it is not just me that notices this. All of this is annoying- up talk, vocal fry, So. Charlotte, dropping the g has been around since I was a young teen, in the early 70s. And I say this from a professional point of view. Good to know I am not the only person being annoyed by the way women robot-speak to the latest trend. Hmm How about overuse of exclamation points? Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? I growl at it when I hear it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Like yourself, Im thinking its a trend. My fifteen year old son frequently accuses me of picking on him for the way he speaks/writes. New Hampshire Public Radio and the Warren B. Rudman Center were proud to welcome NPR White House Correspondent Ayesha Rascoe as the next speaker in our Justi. Just like everyone else, sometimes reporters need a moment to collect their thoughts. Also the use of words kiddo and doggo. They arent aware of it so I think that means there are no elocution lessons. It was the most annoying thing I had ever heard. She is one of the favorite voices in the NPR. YESSSS!,,,,,, the staccato speech is driving me away from tv. Nails on a chalkboard to me. For everyone posting examples of patterns, if its possible to include a link to a Youtube video that illustrates the example, that would really help everyone know exactly what you are talking about. I am particularly by the long, drawn out letter r at the end of a word: culturrrrr. Endlessly irritating to me and I agree, it does sound affected. I view the word "like" in the entire opposite manner than a lot of those critics. To add to the I mean, is .I feel like, I have the pleasure of working with some folks that include these in every single spoken sentence. This listing or auctioneer way of speaking is an affectation from vlogs. Who is telling people to jut their bottom jaw out and keep their tongue from going past their teeth? And Why It's. So Annoying Audio Funny Language More: 'Reply All' is a podcast which does not do this 7 years ago As the creator of this clips puts it: "All my favorite US podcasts are being ruined by this universally adopted affectation. How about pandimik (apparently meaning pandemic,) mimber (apparently meaning member,) and oh god, space (apparently derived from safe space). Also on the rise Yah, Yah to express approval, agreement, excitement. Over his 10 years at NPR, he said he has grown emotionally to trust that his voice is enough. "We ought to be able to hear all of that in the voices that the audience is hearing, whether that voice is the voice of somebody in a community somewhere in the middle of the country or that voice is the voice of a host or reporter for NPR. Duffin said she notices if she sounds "too throaty or gravely" while recording. A few other exercises for keeping voice forward are: Humming. EVERY FRICKIN interview has yeah yeah yeah!, more and more in the past 6 or so months. No, sorry. Its good to know my husband and I arent the only ones who feel this way about how people are speaking lately. They probably started out as texting shortcuts, but the two I cant stand are LOL crammed into every sentence, and OMG at the beginning of every sentence. One of the reasons the patterns become so widespread, particularly with the current trend of vocal fry, is the feeling of belonging it gives young women. Maybe I can strap them to a chair and rake my finger nails down a chalkboard! It is an art not a nuisance. Their thinking is that they are being fake if they change up. But what to do with them then? I suppose since the rulers of NPR have daughters who all speak like this. There are so many more. I also get extremely annoyed by these vocal crutch words so Im glad Im not the only who experiences this! My husband and I both react as though were hearing nails on a chalkboard when people speak as though theyre trying to manipulate us. Oh my Godd-uh! I immediately have to fast forward, which defeats the whole purpose of advertising. The sound of 2020 America is a chirpy vocal fry. Where did that come from?? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The vocal pattern that annoys me endlessly is when women talk like little girls when they add UH to the end of words. I heard one person this past weekend start literally every response with, Look. I may be alone in this one lol, but i hate it. We can expect the children of millennials to pass annoying speech patterns on to their children. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. It is also a great conversation interrupting tool used by those who just love to talk and butt in at every opportunitydya know what I mean? This may be better: I have heard meara and arrow instead of error. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? "I thought it felt strange to have a voice that did not sound like me reporting on the most powerful people in the world. New to me and I have grandchildren ranging from preschoolers to early 20s are the following: Ending a sentence with soyeah. Which is quite frankly one of the more annoying habits. I wonder if anyone was listing to the message and if the listeners are able to verify the accuracy or validity of the content. Get me started on the plight of South African farmers way about how people are speaking lately ) being.! Over exaggerated, more and more have to fast forward, which defeats whole... Reporters causes so much more easily ramble sometimes eliciting concerned looks from family members 70s obviously! And doing the steering. `` away from tv is not just me notices! Is exactly what Im looking for the name of the robots extremely annoyed by these annoying speech.! 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