I hate having fights in public. She had no idea she had this habit. im sorry manipulative, insecure to the point where they compete with their friends(trying to outshine me and gets moody cos it doesnt work), full of lies.. attention seeking. but in reality this plan has been prepared too much in advance. Think i am not fake person. I stupidly had them pegged as pacifists, harmless COULD I BE MORE WRONG? When I meet new people, I always try and find a way of getting through the backdoor to their psyche - Astrology being my usual tool. Just that we only show it in private place. I think it's true that Libras like things balanced and harmonious. If you cross my line you're already in the game of life or death for me. I can't believe this is how I am? Because they repress their pain and everybody else's, they have meltdowns. It took Libran baseball idol Mark McGwire (Oct. 1) five years to confess to using steroids. god if they had only known. I will admit that. She may be selfish, but this is not meant to be neglectful or abusive. I think the problem is that you were too selfish and judgemental instead of taking the time and making a genuine effort to get to know and understand a Libra better, you chose to ASSume, criticize, demean, and judge someone you never really got to know. We care about people about there feelings if some one is getting hurt we do too . RELATED: How Do Pisces Act When They're Hurt. I was a happy child and hate confrontation and lose all my lovely articulation abilities in the face of hate and nastiness. Why Do Libras Hide Their Feelings? Other day called her home only to have her drunk freind try to question me on religion? But damn I've definitely never seen an article talking so badly about us Librans! In order to understand these triggers - today we present - why the signs get sad! 1 ultimatum don't talk to my best friend anymore. I love her like a sister. You can't be weak around these majestic women. I can't with him I just like his attractiveness. The usually-carefree Pisces can get into a gloom and doom state when sad. I told her he didn't think it wise to take "sides" and wanted to stay out of it. They are the cause to my misery. So maybe he's still a paedophile and that can't be changed. They are the most hypocritical people, will never hear the truth from them. Bingo my libra wife and my libra wife. But..we can also be the greatest ally and nurturer you have ever known in your life. I love so deeply and I treat my man like he's a god hoping to get that amount of attention in return but it never happens. They will go to great lengths to achieve it, but those lengths depend on that particular Libra. Manipulators bring nothing but pain and headaches according to any Libra. I am a libra and this doesn't describe me. Look: This is a very typical attitude for a Libra man. What happens when all the fun and excitement of being in a relationship is over??? How can two people who are different yet the same say the same thing about me? When the fact of the matter is, they no fodder to throw back. He hated that i was of value at job, he hated the fact i was tech savvy, he hated all of my achievements, and gumption. TaurusGrounded and steady, this fixed earth sign has more mental and emotional strength than the average sign. Yes I do get angry and yes I get angry a lot sometimes. Nobody tells scorpios what to do. The thing about Libras is that public image is everything to them. You will never be able to lie to us and get away with it.we can see the lies before they ever come out of your mouth. I was overwhelmed and tearful as it was my dad who gave me it in advance, and it was the first time he told me he loved me - I am telling her the story, she wasn't interested and tried to turn it all back to her new Prey, a new man. But do love a tennis match with a Libra! When he offers and insists, i decline. This is very true about Libras. They usually have a sense of "me against the world," which can make them feel helpless when depression hits. If one looks at the long picture of a persons actions or decisions, they may fall more into one sign than others. Emotional balance is so important to a Libra. But talk to damn much. Should you become aware that the Libra woman in your life is sad or upset, be certain that you show her that you are available for support. glil ou. I know someone with libra sun and moon who has all of the above mentioned as well. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign? Men with a Libra Sun or Moon are masters of the silent treatment and passive aggression. But that is a learned thing. Deciding to start a family is an exciting time. Show her that you are interested in spending time with her, as this will help you ensure that she does not create any relationships that will cause her to suffer in the future. Libra people are charming and very easy to attract you. She buys and bribes people with any means. They become oppositional, but with less enthusiasm, making it seem like little things don't really matter anymore. He's a talker, someone who wants to deal with any problem in a relaxed and communicative manner. my libra daughter who is 17 has buddied up with my libra mother and she doesnt understand the evil in my mother. If this occurs, then attempt to nourish your relationship as soon as possible. I hide my negative emotions and just keep it. I then inherited a lot of money (and I already own my home and rent it out which I know she hated as she wasn't interested in seeing the renovation photos) and I told her my news. What Calipreston said made my heart sink!! Born Oct. 2, 1869, this photo was taken about 1929. Dated a Libra over a year. RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. So while the posted article was interesting, it basically told one aspect of a particularly warped type of Libra. Did not tap out because I do not believe in giving up easily in love. The man Libra is loyal and faithful when it comes to love relationships. These people would never guess that Professor Libra was NOT at all on their side and was infact VERY jealous of them. Let him ask a few questions that were way out of line before lost my temper & told him to plz back the hell off. Those born in the first week of October are prone to depression (saturn decan) due to their repressed emotions and hide it so well. But when others give you guff, you can be sure the problem is about them, not you. To have a happy and meaningful relationship with a Libra, you'll want to be there for them when they need you and treat them with kindness and respect. Last Updated on October 31, 2020 by Sloane Marie. They're good communicators and mediators; they know what words that all the patience and wise people would say, so you would believe them and even sympathise with them. I am thankful she has a new Prey in her life, anything to keep her away from me, let her manipulate that poor sap of an Aries man! They seem hyper-vigilant, forcing themselves to "go through the motions," but nothing really impresses them. Absolutely, every sign except for that poison scorp. But now I discovered that I gave everything to the wrong people. I put it together that all this DRAMA and out-of-the blue nonsensical conflicts always seemed to connect back to Mr. Libra 2, He was always the mutual link. Keep it light and simple. This can make it difficult for them to express themselves and may cause them to avoid conflict at all costs. So good luck living. Yes, at this point I'm the meanest person i know. he is a great father and husband. Let's be honest ladies and gentlemen, you weren't here to read about 1000 reasons why people should love us librans.. you just got a dose of reality, live with it. Libras love with a passion. I let her into my world denying my gut instinct and being the stupidly open person I can be, shared a few secrets - thankfully nothing shameful, just emotional things from my past. I don't know about everyone else but i was so stumped at myself this morning i resorted to blaming my sign. That is the only way you can truly be loyal. in the meantime she was trying to chat him up. If there's karma involved in my destiny I only wished I was child raped by a stranger not by my own brother. Albeit we have a dark side to us that is one a Libra should NEVER fully embrace (Because once we go darkside..the path of pain and destruction from us will be relentless) we also have a light side that shines brighter than any other in this world. September 9, 2022 by Anna Howard. It may be expected that she will behave in a manner that reveals that she is not quite herself. Should she begin to treat you in an inappropriate manner, then take the time to learn about what happens when a Libra woman is hurt. My experience with a Libran is usually very superficial and passive. That libra bad moon came out PURE EVIL . I am spiritual and often pray for guidance, when I start to second guess decisions or blame myself endlessly for my mistakes. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous. However, the stuff you put into the Libras mind it stays there. I wouldn't trade my beautuful Libra baddie for nothing. We hate stupidity and ignorance.we despise people and things of lower standards and we can not stand people that are rude and careless and not considerate and especially those who lack diplomacy and manners. I make plans throughtout the day BUT due to my overveight condition, which caused not having any energy and whole body and soul atching feeling even when i walk made me lazy. The alarm bells were ringing, I was no longer denying the gut and i made sure I got her whole astrology chart (on the pretense of performing a compatibility report for her new Prey). They exhibit intense melancholy with paranoia, and their own thoughts become scary to them. Yes we are very indecisive and do not need to put our artificial input of wisdom into anyones mind bc if you ask me the same question twice youll get most likely get a different answer each time bc my morals and values change daily bc im an indecisive libra and i also have Borderline Personality Disorder lol. Like it is mentioned above we like to flake out on our family members and that is something I can't deny, we are just looking for guidance we can't find and actually we know all the stuff we want to know already, we just can't find it in all the shit that we bathe in in our minds. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. I dont think I'm fake or that im better than anyone bc the only perfect one is God and ive had a too messed up childhood to think im better than anyone, also being my father recently passed this year Feb 2019. Scorpios are all about ruining your life and possibly planning to kill by all means. Once they see that another can give better, they will give themselves over to another (but they wont leave you, ever. And to think I still stood by her EVEN when I was admitted and discharged till her demented form comes devouring me inside out again!!! And nope im a Loyal libra. They will, only and only if it's required. If you dont want to be disappointed keep it flakey & light. If they do they will learn to regret it. So Im like that is the craziest thing. I see a lot of my dark traits right there. Pisces. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. Searching on the net about paedophiles I found out that most of them were committed by librans. Are Libras logical or emotional? Annelise from copenhagen Denmark on July 06, 2018: Silvia from an Aquarius to another Aquarius give us Capricorns dark side thank you ;), They lie about everything about them self, live in a romantic dreamworld where everybody admires love and wants them Lol lovely. Librans, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. In love, these people are loyal, as long as you are useful and fit the perfect image they have of how a life with a perfect partner should be. Here's why. I want to build you up, only to make you look like a fool and encourage you to make the wrong decisions for my amusement. I'm a libra myself. Depends on the day of the month you were born. Even u. They said that the raven people were feared in the tribes because they always new what was going on without hearing a word, they always knew. I, do want to move out with my boyfriend because i have problem. My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. She invited my best friend over to the house for a business presentation but did admit it was no good purpose. They are freaking insecure. If you showed fear or didnt talk back then she would consider you a friend. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. Now i know how to deal with him.. The laziness, the controling, able to move from one relationship to another one. 2.) She is condescending, arrogant, extremely intrusive, uses my brother to find out what I am doing even though I am a mature woman. I know first hand I have a love:hate for Libra people. When they do good they want that pat on the back. Those born on cusps etc, may be very different than the normal Libra. Friendship and respect are a two-way street. Librans want peace and negative ones want it at any price, even if it means sneaking around, denying, controlling, and drama. Libra. With that infinite patience also come a storm brewing inside that once boils over will look something like the Dark Phoenix rising to burn the earth to nothing. When she reacts in an inappropriate manner, it is likely that she will push people away from her. But that's a 1 way thing. Aug. 18, 2021, 9:03 a.m. My wife told me how she was teased a lot coming up and I was did all I could to show her how much I loved her. This is very interesting; my mother is Libra and her vacillation between kind and cruel has kept me confused and emotionally bleeding for my entire almost 58 years on this earth. They know what needs to be done in order to get what they want,and its most likely theyll get it one way or another. Librans are great at handling heartbreaks. There is a reason why they say Librans make good judges, its because we are able to take every situation or event and tear it down to it's nuts and bolts to see what's really within. Undoubtedly, they are much easier than the older generation, succumb to feelings. The Native American totem of the Libran time frame is the Raven. Tired Aries woman sick of the Libra injustice. (hard to believe I know, aloof shits like us actually occasionally listen) It doesn't just dissappear. And for those poor souls who's either or both parents/ brothers or sisters/in laws etc were Librans- Ouch, I truly feel sorry. But if they open up, their anger and sadness could lead to disaster. While I am now guilty of generalizing also, I have to say that I know that depending on the time one is born under the Libra sign, as well as at which day in October can all play a part in a Libra being the exception to the rule as far as whether they exhibit classic Libra traits. After the beginning of the year she started being more flirtatious. If you find that she is dismissing you as though she is mad or angry, then you should learn about what happens when a Libra woman is mad. Most things are always flowery in tone. Often, they can feel hopeless, but they. Remember Libras hate conflict, but they will not tolerate cruelty happening when they can put a stop to it. They have a bright side as well, and many good traits. Another one I knew years later did the same; hard to believe, but true! Very childlike. A negative Libra will move in with or marry someone to escape the financial or emotional pit they have dug for themselves. on the rare times i could have a friend over she was sooo nice like she wanted them to like her. It's an incredibly difficult situation to be in when people don't believe you're telling the truth or being real. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. Libra guy 2 met me and my husband "TOGETHER" at a college Christmas party. I pride myself on being truthful beyond anything. You've hit every nail on the head (or should I say the nail to every Psychic Vampyre Libran's Coffin.. ). She balances that by verbally skewering and humiliating people. I knew then she truly was that ugly person from Christmas. Who knows. When I say Mr. Libra 2 was pursuing me, it was LOVEBOMBING!!! If look from the good side we're doing you a favor before you meet our Lucifer side so you must be happy :). If they are only pretending to be brilliant, there's no way they will capture my attention beyond the first sentence, as they are bland and phoney, and I simply will not respect them. It flakey & light lengths to achieve it, but true years to confess using! Who wants to deal with any problem in a manner that reveals that she will push people away her! Nurturer you have ever known in your life and possibly planning to by. If it & # x27 ; s a talker, someone who wants to deal with any problem a! She would consider you a friend that public image is everything to them the greatest ally and nurturer have... Can also be the greatest ally and nurturer you have do libras hide their sadness known in your life and planning. These majestic women fear or didnt do libras hide their sadness back then she would consider you a.... Not by my own brother believe this is how i am a Libra and this does n't just.... 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