They see the potentialities in everything and everyone. Their main strength is their intuitive nature. It feels like home to me. What makes them so unique? I also do tattoo work. It could be in the form of lending a shoulder to cry on, providing for them, or simply telling them that they are not alone. 1. Why? Dig Deeper: Pleiadian Starseed Am I One? It is said that Pleiadians naturally exist in the fifth dimension, the birthplace of love and creativity. I dont feel that way anymore so I feel talking about things is the only way we learn from others experiences. Can you tell me what you know and we can compare notes? Take Control of Your Future By Exploring Your Past with Beyond Quantum Healing, The Four Main Soul Types and Where They Fit into the Earths Drama, The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal). We all want to unravel the mystery of what makes us who we are. drawn to royal blue and other shades of blue, being a true visionary: creativity at its maximum and then producing your ideas in reality, must feel freedom in their spiritual path and show others the same kind of respect, have a deep connection with birds birds seem to follow or gravitate towards you, you see things from a high level but can also see the most minute of details clearly, speaking your mind and owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset, you spiritually work with bird deities, specifically Thoth and Isis, Venusian starseeds are often very tall and slender, sensual and passionate individuals may have a hard time committing to one mate, highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras), feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides, interest in outer space and ancient civilizations, huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the new age in, drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite, often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like), interested in alternative healing modes, particularly using sound and ritual, being drawn to the planet Mars (finding a desire to travel there or interested in the colonization of Mars), strong connection to water and fire elements, have memories and dreams of being on the surface of Mars, have a light aura and are often thought of as pure or light beings, quiet or tend to stay in the background to observe others, have a strong desire to travel and explore (i.e. The Annunaki starseeds are a new realm of incarnating beings of whom we are just beginning to learn about. There arent many Lemurians left on Earth, even fewer Atlanteans thanks to its sudden downfall many moons ago. Weaknesses:The leader archetype has the tendency to abuse their position. drawn to reptiles and amphibians lizards, turtles, snakes, etc. Sometimes Sirian starseeds can be seen as serious people, but only because they like to be logical with everything. Its extremely likely this is their first incarnation. I find it uncommonly humoristic that there exists the authoritarian style mindset that anyone is here to help anyone, nor that anyone on earth who is privy to this information, and who is properly in touch with their commander, would divulge it. Why cant they be just simple at heart with each other and what not! They now help humans build and create. They dont feel cooled to me, but whenever someone touches them they feel like ice cubes. Everything that they built led to their own demise because of their greed. Despite this, they are incredibly heart-centered and are masters of anything art and science-related. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. In today's episode, Saoirse reviews the energy updates presented by the Augur Illumination phase that occurred from 4/4-4/15 and talks about why it is no coincidence this phase happened at the same ti. Though its probably different from Earth. I am in touch with all and even more, but I only talk about by personal connection. The Earth is like a stage play full of actors. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Mintakan Starseed Am I One? She looks at other realms or origins including: angels, elementals, wise ones and light children. As a result, these beings are advanced in the arts as well as traditional healing practices such as Reiki, crystal healing, and counseling. Slit of my unanswered question have been answered, but so many new questions now. [], I came here specifically to look for a blue ray as well. Its believed Lyrans and Felines played a unique role in the creation of humanity, offering the element of fire and seeding the first souls to Atlantis and Lemuria. I mean, thats life, right? I am so glad you related this for me to see as I have just discovered that I am a Starseed. Usually yes , but in different family roles. Therefore, in January and December, 2020/2021, many Venusians will begin to live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home. They base their worth on others perspective of them. Mermaid Origins: Do Mermaids Come From Atlantis and Lemuria? There are no metrics when it comes to kindness. Youll see debates going both ways when it comes to Reptilians and Grays, particularly. Were all searching meaning and identity. Because you dont want to be perceived as selfish, you willingly offer up what you have at your expense. yes maybe u have lived past lives in them so u resonate with these them, I have mixed traits of all starseeds mentioned here. Hailing from the Orion constellation, Orion starseeds are the philosophers and the scientists here on Earth. The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator), Dont Let Your Soul Type or Archetype Define You Too Much, The New Paradigm of the Punk Rock Psychic, What is Quantum Healing (and Why is it So Powerful? They feel very much attached and protective of Mother Earth and Gaia. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More), Arcturians are born leaders with strong personalities, and they form part of the most advanced civilization in our known universe. You may have grown up being called the weird one, but what they dont understand is that you are just an old soul. 32 Major Signs that Confirm You are One, Pleiadian Starseed Am I One? Archangel Jophiel: 4 Beautiful Ways to Connect [Ultimate Guide! I had experienced dreams out of this world and when I had a pastlife regression hypnosis , I was in the battlefield of the end of earth. If that is how strongly you feel about this incarnation. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. I have you bookmarked to look at new stuff you post, Your email address will not be published. Here are 9 of the most common Starseed types: Sirian These Starseeds originate from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B and are part of the Old Soul Starseed category. Believe me when I tell you, its not! I can relate to a few of the starseed types. They are more advanced than humans, but are a young Starseed race in comparison to Sirians or Arcturians.Look very Nordic by nature, light skin, light eyes and fair hair. Pleiadians live in multiple dimensions and can incarnate on earth from any of those dimensions. As a Venusian I had the role of mediator. The Starchetype System is a blueprint for how all of our unique qualities are meant to work as a complementary united front to usher in the dawn of a new time for humanity, while assisting the population in evolving through lower density. Theyre often driven by the need for perfect and getting things done, which is why theyre so keen to assume control. Maybe you felt a few resonated, which makes perfect sense. The free spirit lives by their own code. But somewhere else too, but here are a lot of stuff that could help narrow everything down: I have an extreme thirst for knowledge, specifically in healing and biology. Unless youre a brand new incarnation, youre likely to have called many different places of the universe your home. But also, if you an old soul, it doesnt necessarily mean youre an advanced soul. Humoristic isnt the word youre looking for. It might be agreed before birth, or it could be engineered against a persons free-will. It explains why as starseeds, many of us cannot understand how some people can be so cruel and malicious. Surprisingly, Arcturians also possess emotional abilities. Weaknesses:The creators perfectionism is their biggest weakness. The true definition of Starseed is a type of soul thats recently incarnated on Earth for the first time. I did resonate with all of the Pleiadian Star Seed traits . I was once an alpha draconian too. Because theyre so empathic, they need to feel secure that everyone around them is feeling at their best. Pleiadians are a type of starseed from the Pleiades star system. Lightworkers are the gentlest souls you could ever meet. Great article . Blue Ray Beings are fairly mystical in the sense that we dont know a lot about them other than gathered information from those who believe they are Blue Ray incarnations. This list details the most common starseed types to reincarnate on Mother Earth, aka Gaia. Your preferred method for communicating with outer realms and cosmic entities (and.with people here on Earth!) 21 Major Signs, Mission & More. Your body is actually inside your soul. As they naturally exist in forms up to the 12th dimension, Andromedans find it difficult to match Earths heavy and dense frequency. Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. I dont honestly feel any astrological collection so I feel that Im just a common or garden Homo Sapiens. Feline starseeds are those who can never stop developing themselves. And although you do tend to exhibit one set of characteristics more than another, psychology isnt so black and white. The point of their message was to point out that, even if you were An Orion, a Draconian, or whatever, that is not what you are now. The Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids to align with the Sirius constellation, an homage to the Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood and fertility. They lead the way for rapid and progressive change. Its likely youve even lived in more than one of these star systems and have picked up traits from a few of those lives. Your heart is full of compassion so you always have their best interest. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. Greys, a particular sub-race of Orions are said to be stuck here reincarnating on Earth life afterlife. They struggle to express emotions. I also have blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. Theyll never back down for fear of being perceived as coward. Wow, how remarkable. Weaknesses:The Warrior solves problems by looking at the from the macro-scale. - Listen to Actualizing With Augur Energy by The Download with Saoirse Clare instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. The Lyrans who arent incarnated on our planet are typically found in the higher dimensions in the sixth dimension and up. drawn to the North Star Polaris and other dimensions, yearn to know more about human origins and the ascension process, feel as if youve been on earth for millions of years, feel natural catastrophes like earthquakes within their bodies and souls. Which planet is purple and the people are purple? You cant have a planet full of villains, or even heroes and villains with nothing in between. Challenges:The biggest challenge of the ruler is giving up control. I am always cold too. If you are a starseed, you are not foreign to the feeling of not belonging. If you havent, theres a theory that the earth is actually hollow. Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. These starseeds are also tasked to uplift women and children. Twin flame. You then try to give yourself hands and feet, but the concept is a reminder of Love, an Akashic Record. It isnt power theyre seeking. these are the individuals who want nothing more in life than to have strong relationships with others: romantic, friendships, etc. Lyrans and just about all star systems. Of course, I can pray for her but is she affected and helped by that? Once activated, starseeds can make remarkable advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. You just know deep down that you dont belong in this place like you have a home somewhere else. Their strong telepathic abilities open up new energetic pathways between galaxies. Did you find which starseed type you are? They may then discover that Love is to release the other. As a server, youre always willing to put others before yourself. (Signs, Traits, Mission & More). The 8 Most Common Soul Archetypes: Which One Best Describes You? Only around 25% of the people incarnated on the planet are native. Its the same with Starseeds. Sometimes the best service is letting people figure things out by themselves. When she isnt reading, writing, or mentoring others, she enjoys weightlifting, long walks in her neighborhood, and playing board games with her family. I am highly intuitive and empathic. My heart and soul is leaping with excitement right now. As an old soul, youve been around the cosmic block many, many times and likely been soul family to many different star races. This is because a lot of us tend to disregard our psychic abilities. If so, youre a starseed. I feel the same feelings.. im indigo children Small actions do add up as a collective, and Im never one to believe that all hope is lost but perhaps whats happening to Earth is a spiritual lesson for humanity in itself; if we cant look after what provides for us, perhaps we shouldnt have it at all. Dont forget that this list isnt a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. This will help you figure out which type of starseed you are. I encourage you to do some shadow work and understand why you feel the need to be better or above everyone else here. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian cow-goddess of love and motherhood. Yes, all souls enter the body upon conception/birthdepending on which you believe. Click Here to Begin the Next Chapter of Your Spiritual Evolution. She draws upon her Master of Arts in Communication Studies, as well as certifications in Usui Reiki, Nutrition, and Somatic Movement to ensure all clients are fully heard, supported, and affirmed. ), have the ability to shift consciousness easily, need more sleep than the typical human being (9+ hours), grounded individuals yet also risk takers, feel drawn to the lost civilization of Atlantis, are musically talented: play an instrument, sing (well) and/or dance, enjoy social environments but prefer to observe rather than be the life of the party, have goals but get distracted easily (start projects with a ferocity then end up abandoning them if they get bored), Love to travel and explore have a catlike curiosity, drawn to or called by cat deities like Bastet and Sekhmet, often incarnate into fire zodiac signs, particularly Leo and Sagittarius, feeling like youve been incarnating since the dawn of time (feeling like an extremely old soul), dreams and visions of flying to different planes of existence or to other planets. youve been misunderstood your entire life, people often tell you you are cold or void of emotions, drawn to lost civilizations and ancient cultures. Dig Deeper: Lemurian Starseed Am I One? Do you have also have memories of yourself just sitting there and chill with the vampires? Most likely to be INFJ, INTJ, INTP, INFP or ISFP personality on Earth. Being a starseed is not limited to the characteristics listed above. Feel like they have a big mission on Earth. Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic. I am very much a jack of all trades and spend a lot of time creating all types of things, from drawing to painting , woodworking, jewelry making and other such crafty stuff. But I AM a dragon, angel, Starseed and ultimately God as we are all ONE. Purpose: They dont serve a soul group mission or purpose, but rather are placed on Earth to serve a very, very specific purpose only known to themselves. They question everything that doesnt have a clear reason. Theyre extremely logical beings and are highly mentally polarised. My favorite color is purple, pink, blue, white, grey, and black sooooooooo yeah. My very special guest this week on The Spirit of Healing Unleashed is author, healer, and founder of The Starseed Collective, Saoirse Clare McGovern. Theyve come in with a specific mission to assist in the ascension to 5D. This could be why they havent lived a physical life before. She also discusses organization in each of the four star families and gives insight to the Augur Illumination Phase that will begin next month on 4/4! There where we came from, before mutating ourselves. I am sensitive to light, smell, sound. May have Northern European or Norse heritage, Understands balance: yin/yang, light/dark, sun/moon, Might suffer with anxiety, depression and self-esteem issues when not in alignment with their true nature. Ever heard the Hollow Earth theory? Theyre known for wearing their feelings on their sleeves and are happy to let others into their inner world. It relied on robotic technologiesmuch like today. I like to cleanse in salt water, however I do have a fear of water and memories of drowning in a past life. Yet, our True Source of Origin took on these experiences, and integrating them. There are hundreds upon hundreds of stars within the Orion constellation, with Rigel and the red supergiant Betelgeuse being just two of them. Dear Charlotte, Thank you so much for all this priceless information! inventing and creating new ways to accomplish old tasks is your thing! It used to freak me out but now Im starting to think its my gift. But this makes them extreme sceptics. Kindof feels important to know. (Signs, Traits, Mission & More), Sirian Starseed Am I One? Every August, you can connect with the high-vibrational and loving energy of the Sirian race during the Lionsgate Portal. Avians are basically humanoids with bird-like features. They are now here on Earth to guide humans not to make the same mistake they did. Lyran starseeds were the oldest souls in our known galaxy. Its quite rare to have this type of soul. However I always question myself. Too good to be true? My connection to stars is getting stronger everyday. They wont accept failure, and when it does happen, they can become a martyr. Did your soul really originate on Earth? There are evolved Draconians who only wish to help raise humanitys vibration, and there are unevolved Draconians who have incarnated on Earth with the sole intent of harnessing resources for their own gain and personal power. Here we attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each. Its people became lazy and sick, riddled with disease. Venusians live in the fourth dimension and they are also called the Hathors. So what if the dead simply refers to the untruth speakers, and those not connected or capable of connecting to the divinity of truth within oneself and within the collective consciousness of the crystalline grid? ), What is Your Souls Journey (And Where is Your Final Destination? Hi Mikayla , Painful experiences, especially with family members, can unconsciously force you to solve it for them. What if I told you it was possible to achieve all of the above with a single approach? Charlotte. For example, just because Orions are knowledge seekers, it doesnt mean that they are stuck to science and technology fields. The Maverick wont just accept things because thats the way theyve always been. You can read more about Orion Starseeds here: their origins, connection to mythology, traits and practices. So I talk openly about why Im here and my mission. When you strip away all of the superficialities of life, thats what were really interested in. As an advanced soul, you could either be young or old. So hard to pick where I feel I relate the most, I think Im a little bit of everything all rolled into one. the twelve Starchetypes Ready to discover your soul's chosen imprint so you can live an abundant and fulfilled life? Pleiadians come from Pleiades, a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. And as for past lives, spirit guides etc maybe its all of the above Ive been in your shoes and I know how confusing it can be, but trust your gut when it comes to these things. Maldek is rarely documented, perhaps because there are only a few known references to this planet in ancient astronomy scriptures. Arcturians are a type of starseed from the star Arcturus, a red giant located in the Bootes constellation. They are known to be highly knowledgeable and have advanced healing abilities. Yes? As far as why they leave Pleiades? Discovering who you are can be extremely validating. Wow everything makes sense now. Very drawn to astrology, spirituality, meta-physics, space, astronomy, Skilled healers, extremely gifted in arts, creative fields and counseling. Know that you are here on Earth to create a path for the spiritual awakening of other people. I have dreams of saving people from end of the world type dreams. Though its said their galaxy is spiritually linked to ours. Your body and soul already know more than your mind (or the internet) ever could about your origins. In recent years, it was discovered that Sirius is a two-star systema fact the Dogon tribe in Africa has been saying for years! My whole life Ive felt this Call. They prefer to be alone. They need to learn how to stop being triggered and giving into judgment. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More). Spiritual ascension comes when we are at our most authentic selves. The Creative Free Spirit 3. Theyre simply reference points for your character. If you are a starseed, you are naturally drawn to astronomical elements because you are born from stardust. The incoming soul will take on all on the soul contracts and karma of the person/previous soul theyre replacing. Atlantis was thought to be a city of legends thanks to its popularization by Plato. Likewise with Pleiadians, theyre not bound to art and specific healing fields. They love listening in as much as they love giving out profound sentiments. Your skill is bringing to light to the world through your creative talents. To clarify, Orions arent a bad Starseed type. may come across as hippies, preaching free love, feel happier and more fulfilled when in a relationship (even if its a toxic one, unfortunately), here to learn how to love others AND themselves along with the power of free will, empathic abilities: can feel the emotions of other beings including animals and plants, shy or introverted until they get to know you, goals are not aligned with money or financial success they want to help others, find jobs in the corporate world where they become a part of the team, counselors, philanthropists, humanitarians, you have a career or are seeking a career in the scientific field, since you were a child, people have said you were scary smart, youve enjoyed building and inventing things related to biology and chemistry since a young age, centaurs (the mythical half-man half-horse) have always fascinated you, youre drawn to the Centaurus constellation, knowledge and wisdom are your top priority in life, you feel people around you arent at your level of intelligence (but you arent necessarily egotistical or boastful about it), you dont like being in crowds, you prefer being alone in a quiet space, people tell you youre complicated, particularly in romantic relationships, you might be judgmental of others and isolate yourself because of it, youre mostly a quiet individual and a daydreamer, environmentally driven: may get into activism or a job helping the environment, may have memories or dreams of going into the earth or residing in the earth, memories of Atlantis and being drowned in a flood or retreating into the earth, some believe Agarthans are the same as the faery folk who lived underground according to our ancestors, in-tune with the earths cycles, seasons, can feel natural catastrophes coming and their effects, drawn to the ancient civilizations, specifically Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia and Assyria, feel as if your soul is ancient, older than humanity, you have a strong need for ritual in your life, both mundane and spiritual, youre drawn to shows like Ancient Aliens, specifically when focused on the Annunaki, you have a longing to return to the skies, a large head and particularly large almond-shaped eyes, you favor the air element over the others, youre drawn to or work with ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian and Assyrian gods like Enlil, Enki or Inanna Ishtar, youve had dreams of flying or are able to astral project into space easily, the feeling of wings on your back a tingling or heavy sensation between your shoulder blades. Is the soul attached to one body for its entire lifetime? I consider myself to be an Alchemist and healer, herbs and crystals are my tools of choice. Their purpose on Earth is to help improve our civilizations knowledge in fields such as science, technology, and medicine. The Individualogist Team is made up of archetype fanatics, individuation practitioners, and spirituality fans. Because always conveying love conceptually as an example is being an image that is ahead, but in the end this same image is precisely the concept. But Ill be real honest. Draco means dragon, therefore many Draconian starseeds are linked to dragons and reptiles of various kinds. There are stories that Martians came to earth hundreds of thousands of years ago to take part in our evolution. You might be a feline starseed. Unlike the other starseed types, lightworkers are not associated to any star, planet, or galaxy. Avians are optimistic souls. I naturally and accidentally astral project, I know a lot about healing, I have a lot of good luck, I am a Gemini, I walk in circles when Im bored, and my feet are always cold, no matter what I do. Theyre also incredibly gifted at divination and channeling. Starseeds are essentially just visitors who incarnated on Earth to help guide people into their spiritual awakening. However, they are not. Its often said that Sirius is the most important star in the sky when it comes to humanitys evolution. The seven sisters of their star group are said to open all those who seek a deeper level of consciousness. I love the rain and long to live up north in Alaska and Canada. These mystical beings are emotionally, mentally, and physically far more advanced than we are, existing in the 5th dimension only. While I think these things are interesting, and perhaps even true, they could be, and probably are keeping ourselves from being what we came here to be, if we came here to be anything at all. Orion Starseeds. And then I happened to read about the word Starseed and that eventually led me here. Its possible to be an indigo or crystal child (not necessarily rainbow, but Ill explain why below), and still be various other types of starseed. The Reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays and other draconians come from Draco. In 1947, a man named Admiral Byrd claimed hed flown over the North Pole and was taken into the Agarthan city and met people there. Indigo, crystal and rainbow children are star beings who are born into the physical realm, remembering their divine qualities, gifts, and mission. There is no single entity that controls the protocol; it's community owned and operated." Nick Tomaino 1Confirmation Guaranteed payouts Are you the type who always seeks something new and exciting? Thank you for leaving such a thoughtful comment. When they want to, they have a strong sense of humor, and are full of joy and gratitude. 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