Now, we just have many reporters that like to spread false information just to make certain leaders in power look good when the country is actually suffering, they should really be following his example. Then he exclaimed, "Armstrong is on the moon -- Neil Armstrong, 38-year-old American, standing on the surface of the moon." He was someone we could trust to guide us through the most . Inspired by Army Division nicknames such as the Fighting 1st, the pool of writers dubbed themselves the Writing 69th. Soon he would be named host of the Morning Show on CBS. What were they? Trust Inc. Strategies for Building Your Company's Most Valuable Asset. The power of the voice of an unbiased reporter symbolizes the importance of understanding all news, good and bad, at home and abroad. <p>'The most trusted man in America's fan mail was still . After the war, as the TV news era blossomed, Cronkite was there to become one of its key figures. Overall, this was was a wonderful article! News of Walter Cronkite's death did not come as a surprise. It seemed miraculous for a Brooklyn kid that our babysitter's mom worked for Mr. Cronkite at CBS News. Integrity would not allow that. Authoritative, calm, rationalthey explained the world to you, Ward says. He began his career with a commitment to journalism as well. Cronkite, the main influence at CBS News, chose to err on the side of valid news rather than being first to break a story. 3.2.2023 12:01 AM, Jacob Sullum In 1968 the Communist forces in South Vietnam, facing defeat, staged massive kamikaze attacks on U.S. positions in Saigon. Some of the more notable , Walter Jr. the only child of Walter, a dentist, and Helen, a homemaker was born on November 4, 1916, in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Advertisement If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Walter Cronkite retired in 1981, at which time he allowed himself to expose his personal beliefs and opinions. A baritone drenched in overtones conveyed each of those character traits. Trust is a shoddy yardstick. He was a true ambassador for the program with a giant reach that no one in NASA could have had alone. As the war raged on. Lyndon B. Johnson to state, "If I've lost . Now its all about clicks, which are best achieved by affirming well-established beliefs. Legendary television news anchor Walter Cronkite died Friday night at the age of 92. Like obscenity, trust is awfully hard to define; but as Justice Potter said, you can recognize it when you see it. His voice. Available now! So how and why did Walter Cronkite become . Cronkite went off to become a news editor for United Press International (UPI). McLaughlin, who . Thats where the family lived until moving to Houston, Texas when Walter was 10-years-old. "When the Eagle landed on the moon, I was speechless - overwhelmed, like most of the world. The security guard didn't fully believe him, but finally let Walter Cronkite in. The news business has both expanded and fragmented in the post-Cronkite, post-Fairness Doctrine era. If so, you owe something to Walter CronkiteAmerica's uncle and the most influential broadcast journalist of all time. But when he joined the United Press and left the country to cover World War II, he made his mark as a journalist capable of reporting stories in difficult conditions. Cronkites interest, which developed into passion and then a career that led him down a historic path will likely not be forgotten for some time, just the same as the journalistic work he did allowed American citizens to be informed and remember important developments in the country and in the world. As Lulu Guadalupe said, he truly laid out the foundation of what great newscasters should be like but alas, they are not. Cronkites enthusiasm about the space program was one of his signaturesespecially when he spent 27 out of the30 hoursof the Apollo 11 launch broadcasting. Alas, the NewsHours Cronkite-lite approach has failed to attract much of an audience. The decade of the sixties was tumultuous including social unrest, the civil rights movement, Vietnam and the assassinations ofMartin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Some claim to be "fair and balanced" and are clearly neither. Walter Cronkite seems to be as notable as todays ABC news anchor David Muir. . Walter Cronkite was at the center of a fascinating moment in the history of American mass media, and the television news that he came to embody was fleeting and highly unusualan attempt to produce serious journalism in a medium associated with escapism. Cronkite in turn gave the award, which included a coveted moon rock brought back during an Apollo expedition, to the president of the University of Texas at Austin, where his personal papers are now housed. Speaking of papers, youd think that given Cronkites status as one of the worlds most respected and well-traveled public figures, hed draw special attention from the FBI. Well, almost everyone. That move was right for Cronkite he was true to himself. So I stepped outside for a few moments for a smoke. The award, which is named for the late CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, honors leading figures in journalism. Permanent disclosure: Slate is owned by the Washington Post Co.). To do anything else would be phony. That his passing coincided with the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing is less a surprise than a cosmic alignment. By Louis Menand. "Indeed, a bunch of people were running around but I got to the chair in time for the broadcast." This is a mostly justifiable assessment. That element of implicit authority, we just dont have anymore.. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Cookie Settings, the first-ever non-astronaut, non-NASA employee, the FBI did retain some files related to Cronkite, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. He became the host of the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. "He puts on his captain's hat and does that every day," she said with a Candida-type half-shrug, half-smile. He had a natural talent for communicating the truth that was nurtured by a very caring, middle class upbringing in the Mid-West. Today, more and more reporters never leave the comforts of their desks. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Cronkite, " I said as I turned to the clueless guard. He's being remembered as the "father of television news," as . This means not just that he didn't tell lies, but that he was a truth-seekerhe sought to tell the whole truth. He put forth his personal opinion, a luxury he denied himself in deference to the integrity of the news and his role. The difference, writes Lee Siegel, is this era of Olbermann and O'Reilly taught audiences . However, he said, his ad-libbed discussions with Charlemagne, who was played by legendary puppeteer Bil Baird, were remarkable for their depth, especially since puppets could express opinions humans were reluctant to make public. His commentary even impacted then U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson when he told his staff, If Ive lost Cronkite, Ive lost Middle America.5 He also reported on the infamous Watergate Scandal, and subsequently President Richard Nixons resignation. He inspired John Waters to grow a moustache (I think!). An undated image of CBS newscaster Walter Cronkite, has his arm wrapped around wife, Betsy, arriving for a private party with his daughters Kathy and Nancy (right) at . Mrs. Cronkite looked at me and giggled or blushed or maybe neither. A bright blue flower in her hair, matching her blue outfit. All rights reserved. That may have been god-given; the rest of him was a man who strove to be good, and who showed the rest of us how. Howard asked Paul about multiple instances where John Lennon had been cruel towards McCartney; didnt he feel treated unfairly, hurt, resentful, Howard asked? The most frequent comment, expressed in several ways, was that Cronkite was honest. Walter Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916, in St. Joseph, Missouri. Walters influence, trust and journalistic accomplishments he won virtually every award the industry offered set the standard for journalism for the nation and the world. Source: IMDB, Walter Cronkite during his time as a war correspondent during WWII. Learn more at Click here to try out our award-winning content platform for free. Reading about Walter Cronkite was very interesting since he was an fascinating man who took his passion to the next level, I really enjoyed reading this article. However, once those limitations were removed, Cronkite allowed his passion to ignite. He sailed. In moments that shocked the country, Cronkite was able to deliver hard news with diligence. Two months later, it was Walter who broke the news to the American public that Kennedy had been shot. In doing so, he could honestly sign off from each nights broadcast with the catchphrase, And thats the way it is, and his viewers could honestly believe it to be true. Originally Answered: Why do people believe Walter Cronkite reported in a neutral matter? Walter Cronkite, the CBS newsman so revered by Americans that they considered him the "most trusted man in America," died today. Everyone who watched Walter Cronkite somehow felt a personal connection to the newsman: whether they shared his coverage of the moon landing or his agony announcing the assassination of President Kennedy or endured with him the daily torment of an endless war in Vietnam or the despicable hostage-taking of diplomats in Iran. This should be something all reporters should strive for, especially in this polarized society. He covered the 1952 presidential elections, and he helped introduce The Beatles to the United States. If Cronkite reported it thats really the way it was. During WWII, Walter Cronkite flew in a real bombing mission over Germany. As I discussed in an earlier post Want to know that youre right? Days later he made the very poignant announcement that Kennedy had died. This means not just that he didnt tell lies, but that he was a truth-seekerhe sought to tell the whole truth. Walter Cronkite was as much a performer as today's cable-news anchors. In 1945, with the war over, Cronkite didn't stop reporting -- he kept his press pass and covered the Nuremberg Trials. Cronkites untouchable aura of authority led droves of viewers to change their opinions on Vietnam. 8. Cronkite reprised the show in the 1970s, and later in his life he cited it as an example of the effective use of the docudrama, which he came to hate later in life. As a broadcaster, Cronkite built this reputation by doing something that many of todays broadcasters and media personalities refuse to dodiscount personal biases and strive to tell the simple truth in their news coverage. Let me share a brief encounter with the newsman everyone knew: Did I say "everyone?" Its so strange to think of that world, says Ward. She sat for the interview. He was an outstanding journalist, to be sure. Prove yourself wrong! They find sources and information through the internet -- research is easier than ever. In 1950, Cronkite joined CBS News and hosted several CBS shows, such as You are There, The Morning Show, and The Twentieth Century. Surface. Erin Blakemore is a Boulder, Colorado-based journalist. "You need to show me some ID.," the fellow demanded. Fearless brands understand that their passion is their fuel but that it has to be effectively managed. The program was, as its co-founder Robert MacNeil just testified, one that Cronkite adored. Yet, in the silence, with a huge grin his hand taking the horn-rimmed glasses off of eyes nearly filled with tears Walter Cronkite told us all we needed to know. But it was Walter Cronkite and the team of journalists he inspired that brought the rest of us to the Moon. During the 1960s and 1970s, he was often cited as "the most trusted man in America" after being so named in an opinion poll. He died on July 17, 2009, at age 92. The Most Trusted Man in America. No cable news. But the lack of real-world experience has put perspective in short supply, and the public's interest in reading things that simply confirm their own views has put news outlets in a tough spot. He did not let his political views get in the way of his reporting. As a newsman, his passion was limited to his role of reporter. Start spreading the news: The townhouse that formerly belonged to the late CBS anchor Walter Cronkite will hit the market for $7.7 million. Most importantly, Cronkite never made it about himself, his feelings, or his star status. Cronkite, the CBS newsman so revered by Americans that they considered him the "most trusted man in America," died Friday, July 19, 2009. . Walter Cronkite and the legend of CBS News. | READ MORE. Covering yet another war, this time Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Mr. Cronkite kindly agreed to help our coverage with an interview. These are all key aspects of being a true journalist and it showed when it came to Walter Cronkite. He had no truck with deconstructionists who believe its all subjective, he was a midwest pragmatist of the William James school. "President Lyndon Johnson certainly felt it. A key to being a fearless brand is having conviction of self. But when we're doing news, it is our duty to be sure that we do not permit our prejudices to show. No satellite dish. Author Douglas David Brinkley refers often in the book, titled Cronkite, to the anchorman's "most trusted" status. Is there some secret hidden in Cronkites missing FBI papers? Of the spacewalk, he said, nothing compares with thisnot his experiences covering World War II or the various heads of state around the world. The emotion only made him seem more accessible to his audience, who felt many of the same feelings. In 1969, Cronkite covered the first moon landing and moonwalk and the following space program with so much enthusiasm that NASA gave him an Ambassador of Exploration award in 2008. But the passing of the man known universally as The Most Trusted Man in America also offers us one last chance to learn from him. Cronkite, who through his news presenting had become known as "the most trusted man in America," was on air for 27 of the 30 hours it took for the crew of Apollo 11 to complete their mission,. What Made Walter Cronkite The Most Trusted Communicator in America? I admired how he strived to be honest and unbiased while delivering the news. to see through the carefully crafted party lineon both sidesand get to the truth of the matter. LBJ, a great judge of politics, said, "If Ive lost Cronkite, Ive lost middle America." I left my jacket and wallet in the studio and we're going to be on the air in a few minutes. This is the process of discovering, embracing and delivering their greatest value which allows them to realize greater profit. Like Cronkite, integrity and honesty are at the core of Media Showers approach to communication. Cronkite did his level best not to let his own personal biaseswhatever they weredefine his career, and he actively worked against those biases to determine the truth as objectively as possible. In 1927, his family relocated to Houston, Texas where he grew in admiration of journalism after reading an article in American Boy magazine.1 After this, his interest encouraged him to avidly work at his middle school and high school newspapers. 3.1.2023 5:00 PM, Emma Camp Source: IMDB, Cronkite on the Cbs Evening News. That is simply basic journalism. Sadly thats a rather quaint concept today. Being able to read an unbiased article, or watch an unbiased news reporter just seems non-existent in todays society. News no longer waits for a single trusted voice and "the way it is" depends on who you choose to believe. The terrible truth is that Walter Cronkite symbolized liberal media bias and used that bias with disastrous consequences for our nation and the world. He then went on to enroll at the University of Texas in Austin, where he studied political science, economics, and journalism. For almost two decades, after all, weve been meeting like this in the evenings, and Ill miss that., Joseph Stromberg He claimed, I built my reputation on honest, straightforward reporting. Embrace Cronkites approach be true to yourself and your profession, be fair, commit to a life of integrity be a fearless brand. Huntsburg said he grew up watching Cronkite, who, he said, "touched me." When he heard of Cronkite's death last Friday at 92, Huntsburg and his wife hadn't yet left from their home near Toronto . Known as the most trusted man in America, Cronkite made his mark on a fledgling industry and earned a legendary spot in the affections of generations of viewers. What a great read, I wish there were more Walter Cronkites in todays society. With quiet clarity and some ferocity, I let the security guard know the man before him was the Walter Cronkite, and we would not be showing him any identification and we would, right now, be on our way. Required fields are marked *. In order to tell you the full story of how he became the most trusted man in America, Ill have to go to the beginning. | Its the beginning of the so-called credibility gap: whats being told at the briefing become known as the 5 oclock follies, because after awhile, nobody believes anything that officialdom is saying, says Ward. "It was a way to tout Walter Cronkite as a source to go to for election coverage among the three networks," says Campbell. One of the key reasons was his integrity. For e-mail notification of errors in this specific column, type the word Cronkite in the subject head of an e-mail message, and send it to With the help of our community staff & student interns; we interview, document, and create content for global viewing. Subscription Preferences Cronkite showed passion in his work, especially when doing NASA projects. Theres the famous moment where he starts to lose his composure, and he takes his glasses off, as he shares the news with the nation., One of the main elements of Cronkites appeal, though, was the fact that he presented the days news with an objectivity and reserve that Americans expected in anchormen at the time. A new biography of Walter Cronkite reveals the less trustworthy side of the most trusted man in America. Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was born Nov. 4, 1916, in . He famously reported Report from Vietnam in 1968, where he told Americans he did not believe that the United States had a chance at succeeding in the war. A student organization of St. Marys University of San Antonio, Texas, featuring scholarly research, writing, and media from students of all disciplines. 0 Why the World Trusted Walter. Cronkite, born November 4, 1916, got his start in journalism working as a radio announcer for a series of stations in Missouri. He did not let his political views get in the way of his reporting. My dad was one of those people. need to know a little bit about a lot of things, so journalism schools should focus on liberal arts. It will make you smarter and keep them honest. It was a different time. Nick Gillespie and Tracy Oppenheimer Walter Cronkite Writes For His School Newspapers I feel like nowadays we let our political views get in the way of each and every news story that it almost seems biased now. He consoled Americans when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. A rocket, more than 350-feet tall, lifted the astronauts into space. Haven't got the Fieldbook yet? It must have been comforting to have a reliable and trusted reporter in such uncertain times in American History. The invitation was extended the very next day and that meeting led to the Camp David accord and the Israel-Egyptian Peace Treaty. Walter Cronkites iconic sign-off and thats the way it is was taken at face value by the nation. Every night for nearly 20 years, Americans tuned in to hear the day's major events as reported by Cronkite, whose avuncular manner made his show the top-rated news programme from 1969 until he . Walter Cronkite was a journalist who defined the role of network anchorman during the decades when television news rose from being the neglected stepchild of radio to a dominant form of journalism. Tracy Oppenheimer is a producer at Reason TV. Today, the job he perfected has largely lost its relevance. He was offered a job with CBS television, which he initially turned down. Walter Cronkite was the embodiment of true journalism factual, genuine, fair and accurate reporting. One Womans Charge Change How News is Reported. First listed . Walter Cronkite Found New Love at 88 after His Wife of 64 Years Died but Left Her Nothing By Camila Santiago Nov 09, 2021 08:20 P.M. Prove yourself wrong!, we cant be certain of our stance if we dont learn the entire story. In 2005, Cronkite suffered a great loss when his wife Betsy died of cancer. Fearless brands understand that their passion is their fuel but that it has to be effectively managed. #2 Selflessness. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? For me, its a moment for which I long have planned, but which, nevertheless, comes with some sadness. #1 Honesty. Cronkite refused to allow his personal beliefs to affect his job of reporting accurate news. Because of his willingness to learn everything about spaceflight and his ability to convey his knowledge to viewers, he seemed to be almost as much a part of the American space program as the astronauts themselves. He was the first non-astronaut ever to get the award. 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