He wrote in his private diary: "My own airm has always been to use '534' as a lever for bringing about a merger between the Cunard and White Star Lines, thus establishing one strong British company in the North Atlantic trade.". Boat drill was carried out on departure from New York. The troops would board the, The safety of the troops during these solo high-speed dashes across the Atlantic was not considered to be paramount in the minds of those at the top. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. In late 1968, Queen Elizabeth was sold to the Elizabeth Corporation, with 15% of the company controlled by a group of Philadelphia businessmen and 85% retained by Cunard. The first-class restaurant on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. For just fourteen days between 7th and 21st March 1940, the world's three, largest liners were together at New York. [21], The ship ran aground on a sandbank off Southampton on 14 April 1947, and was re-floated the following day. Any search results will be divided into alphabetical ranges according to the initial letter of the ships name. Sir Percy Bates told Commodore Bisset: "We do not expect you to attempt to make speed records either on the trials or on the maiden voyage. Because of the world depression, construction work had not gone very far before it was suspended.. Sometimes a log book, with details of the ships voyages (see section 7), was filed along with the agreements and crew lists. This is not given in the Merchant seaman registers 1835-1857 until 1854. May 11 - 16 First time more than 10,000 persons had traveled on any ship (9,880 troops, 875 crew). Under the terms of the Cunard Insurance Act, Cunard was obliged to start work on the second ship before the Act expired in 1936. On 27th March 1955 the QUEEN ELIZABETH sailed down the Channel as far as the Lizard to test the new stabilisers. Heavy castings were erected by using derrick poles or sheer legs. The Elizabeth sailed at 8.pm. Mr C.Y. [15] The names of Brown's shipyard employees were booked to local hotels in Southampton to give a false trail of information, and Captain John Townley was appointed as her first master. WW2 Service: Throughout World War II she served as a very valuable troopship, completing the long period of duty in March 1946. The QUEEN ELIZABETH in the Firth of Clyde (Inchgreen), The QUEEN ELIZABETH passing the Cloch Lighthouse. That is quite sufficient to ensure her a place in the story of Liverpool ships. From 1845 onwards the following lists were being used: Schedules C, D and A, B, G. The QUEEN MARY (as '534' became after all the secrecy) was launched nearly six months later on 26th September 1934. With a design that improved upon that of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth was a slightly larger ship, the largest passenger liner ever built at that time and for 56 years thereafter. On the right hand side was the certificate of discharge, which had spaces to fill in the name of the ship, official number, port of registry, registered tonnage, port of departure, name of seaman, date of birth, place of birth, capacity, date of entry into crew lists, place and date of discharge. This had been included on the Mary to spend the force of any heavy sea that might break over the bow before the water could damage the superstructure. She also has the distinction of being the largest-ever riveted ship by gross tonnage. WebAll surviving agreements and crew lists with their logbooks are held by The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. Some of the publications below may be available to buy fromThe National Archives bookshop. The QUEEN MARY found a buyerin the form of the City of Long Beach, California and she left Southampton on 31st October 1967 carrying 1,000 passengers on what was billed as 'The Last Great Cruise', involving a passage around Cape Horn. The UNITED STATES took the 'Blue Riband' on her maiden voyage. Promenade deck 724 feet long. Queen Elizabeth's 'cherished wish' that she might someday sail in the liner was fulfilled in October 1954 when, by now Queen Mother, she embarked at the beginning of a tour to the United States and Canada. Sir Basil Smallpiece said: "Although the QUEEN MARY's retirement at the end of 1967 had long been forecast, it had been hoped that the results of the QUEEN ELIZABETH's cruise programme last winter would confirm the viability of the Company's plan to keep her in service when the 'Q.4' [launched as the QUEEN ELIZABETH 2] comes along in 1969. WebFirst time the Queen Mary carried American troops (8,398 troops, 905 crew). Her master, Captain Ford, had attempted to avert the incident by ordering 'half-astern' on the starboard engines, but it was too late. It was out of the question for the Elizabeth to sail up to John Brown's shipyard at Clydebank, so it was planned to ferry men and equipment out to the liner as she lay at anchor off the Tail of the Bank. The QUEEN ELIZABETH dominates a cricket match during. He said that it had become a source of irritation to him and his colleagues on the board. The trend of development in the design of Atlantic liners since the coming of steam had been towards larger and faster ships; the larger ships being more comfortable as they were less affected by the elements, whilst the increased speed shortened the trip. WebThe Cunard - White Star Liner QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 - 1972 LIVERPOOL SHIPS ACCRA OF 1947 ELDER DEMPSTER LINES AUREOL ELDER DEMPSTER LINES BRITANNIC and GEORGIC CUNARD WHITE STAR CARINTHIA CUNARD LINE EMPRESS OF BRITAIN CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS OF CANADA LOSS BY FIRE It read: "She is the last agency of truly comfortable and agreeable travel the world will ever know, since she will never be replaced on any comparable scale of sumptuousness.". The route between America and Europe had characteristics very different from others, said Colonel Bates. to the Ambrose Channel Light Vessel off New York at 27.91 knots. The following morning a small coastal collier was seen in the Irish Sea wallowing along at 6 knots. The two funnels were self-supporting and braced internally to give a cleaner-looking appearance. All these record series are indexed on theRecord Search database. The QUEEN ELIZABETH approaching her berth at Pier 90 in the North River, at New York in the late 1940s. Following the end of the Second World War, Queen Elizabeth was refitted and furnished as an ocean liner,[9] while her running mate Queen Mary remained in her wartime role and grey appearance except for her funnels, which were repainted in the company's colours. One sample is held by The National Archives and the other by the National Maritime Museum. Due to the outbreak of the Second World War, these two events were postponed and Cunard's plans were shattered. During her construction she was more commonly known by her shipyard number, Hull 552. The SEAWISE UNIVERSITY was comparatively underpowered and manned by an inexperienced crew. This meant that the crew had to re-sign on foreign-going Articles. The market could only assume 2,700,000 of the risk. For the purpose of this list, they have been included as Cunard ships. But the QUEEN ELIZABETH made only 38 crossings and yet carried 66,000 passengers, giving a average of 1,752. The general assumption that the replacements for the 'Queens' would be built at Clydebank touched a nerve with Dr Dennis Rebbeck, deputy managing director of Harland & Wolff, Belfast. A 'Farewell Dinner' was held at sea on Sunday 3rd November and the following day the QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived back at Southampton for the last time, coming to the end of the career for which she had been designed. This awe-inspiring warship is capable of carrying up to 40 aircraft. In an lighter vein, it should not be forgotten that it was a G.I. 1951onwards The first-class main lounge on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Dimensions, 987' x 118' The Mercantile Marine Act of 1850 required masters to keep a ships Official Log to record events on board including: Logs were deposited after each foreign voyage, or half-yearly for home trade ships. She underwent refit work in drydock adding accommodation and armaments, and three hundred naval ratings quickly painted the hull. The QUEEN ELIZABETH almost ready for launching, The QUEEN ELIZABETH towers over the tenements of Clydebank. Cunard had warned the new buyers against carrying passengers and would have nothing to do with the bookings, but nevertheless carried the blame in the eyes of the disgruntled passengers. Gregg William. All that required to be done was drydocking in Japan. Built by John Brown & Co., Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland. The Directors were faced with the almost unbelievable fact that the gross revenue of the Company for the year was calculated to be nearly 2.5 million down on 1930. [9] Queen Elizabeth herself performed the launching ceremony on 27 September 1938. During a conference on board, the U.S. military was told how many men had been transported on each Sydney - Suez voyage. Try search terms such as ship register or registrar general shipping and seamen. For pre-1747 records, you need to look speculatively through material from other government departments or courts that may have had an interest in merchant navy affairs, such as: Use theadvanced search in Discovery, our catalogue, to search for records using the department codes above and relevant keywords such as ships, shipping, or manifest. I have recently uploaded three videos on to 'YouTube' about, Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 1 [30 minutes], Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 2 [30 minutes], Arrivals & DeparturesQueen Elizabeth Southampton 1950 [20 minutes], To view these, log on to 'You Tube', and enter into the search box. The QUEEN ELIZABETH off the Battery area of Manhattan as she. The Hales Trophy, awarded for the Atlantic speed record, left Southampton on 8th November 1952 on board the new holder, the UNITED STATES, which crossed from New York to Bishop Rock at 35.59 knots on her maiden voyage. Her propellers thrashed the shallow water into billowing clouds of yellow and black as sand and mud were churned up from the sea bed. Not until the Elizabeth had sailed on 2nd March 1940 was it considered safe to release them. The whole affair turned into a spectacular fiasco as the 'Mary' was undercrewed and had to cross the equator twice without the benefit of air-conditioning. to embark 5,000 troops on a northbound convoy to Suez. A/CPO Lornie Peter Barnard. Tonnage: 83,673. Undoubtedly the incomplete QUEEN ELIZABETH was the greatest dilemma facing John Brown's on the outbreak of war. GGA Image ID # 1d36e82385. ", The QUEEN ELIZABETH making almost 30 knots on her sea trials. To locate crew lists for these years you will need to know the name of the ship on which an individual seaman sailed. At eleven o'clock that evening Captain Townley opened his sealed orders and the Elizabeth's destination was at last known - New York. It was named after Dr Gauss, a nineteenth century expert on magnetism, whose theories had enabled the Germans to produce their new lethal magnetic mines. Despite the effectiveness of the new stabilisers to minimise rolling, nothing could be done to reduce the pitching. Early in the afternoon of 9th November a large, two-funnelled steamer was sighted, some six to seven miles away. At 3.50pm the Cumbraes were once again abeam and the QUEEN ELIZABETH anchored at the Tail of the Bank at 5.pm. The stability of the QUEEN MARY has proved ample at all times to make the ship as safe and comfortable as it is possible for any vessel to be when passing through an Atlantic storm.' Following the demise of Queen Elizabeth, the largest passenger ship in active service became the 66,343 GRT SSFrance, which was longer but with less tonnage than the Cunard liner. Rear Admiral Carruthers Joseph William. Note: Largest ship built to date. During this time, and for a while after, she was under American control through a lend-lease agreement. It was an hour before fire fighting tugs arrived at the scene, and after four hours of futile effort the liner was left to burn herself out. Churchill, as First Lord of the Admiralty, expressed his fears for the safety of the QUEEN ELIZABETH and felt that she would fall victim to Nazi bombers in her exposed site at Clydebank. CPO. (from an original painting by Robert Lloyd). They would follow the natural progression of developments then taking place in marine engineering and in naval architecture. "The voyage, while short, will be extremely difficult for all". WebHMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most powerful vessel ever constructed for the Royal Navy. So it was clear that the ships must be fast, strongly built to face North Atlantic weather, and have a sufficient reserve of power to make up any time lost through bad weather. It was controlled simply by the necessity to provide sufficient passenger accommodation and propulsion to operate a two-ship weekly express service across the North Atlantic. Seaman Lornie Peter Barnard. For the QUEEN ELIZABETH the war was over. Shuttle crossing. Following the tradition of the Orient Overseas Line, the ship was renamed Seawise University,[9] as a play on Tung's initials (C.Y.'s). The Elizabeth carried 5,600 Australian troops to bolster the defences of Egypt against the enemy's incursions into North Africa. The ships would have to run without repairs for eleven months of the year. WebQueen Elizabeth docked at Southampton in 1967. One major factor that limited the ship's departure date was that there were only two spring tides that year that would see the water level high enough for Queen Elizabeth to leave the Clydebank shipyard,[15] and German intelligence were aware of this fact. These lists do not include passengers who joined ships en route. Many of these souvenir passenger lists have disappeared over the years. The King George V Dock at Southampton, specially built for the 'Queens' was unusable because it was within range of Nazi bombers; the use of the American dock at Bayonne, New Jersey, was denied because of U.S. neutrality; the Esquimault dock on the west coast of Canada was just too far away, and the French dock at St Nazaire (built for the NORMANDIE) was out of the question. Use the search box in BT 99 to search by name of ship or official number. An alternative site was found at Fort Lauderdale in Florida. With just enough room for a man to squeeze into his standee. Chamberlain was also convinced of the tremendous importance from a prestige point of view of new large British ships steaming into New York harbour. The forms had to be filed within 30 days of the end of June or December. It is estimated that around 4050% of the wreck was still on the seabed. With the aid of two local tugs the liner finally put down two anchors some six miles off Oranjestad, Aruba. The new liner had a weight on the slipway of 39,400 tons. David Bowes-Lyon, had recently been appointed to the Board of Cunard and had arranged for Sir Oswald Birley to paint the portrait which was hung in the first-class main lounge. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was ready for her trials in early October and sailed for the Clyde on the sixth of the month. These earlier records were organised by port of registry and then alphabetically by name of ship (see the respective sections below for advice on finding earlier records). The QUEEN ELIZABETH passing the Statue of Liberty, New York, on 7th March 1940 on the completion of her successful 'secret', The QUEEN ELIZABETH arrives at New York on 7th March 1940. From the mid 1940s until the mid 1950s both the 'Queens' were given a short summer overhaul at Southampton. Tung, the head of the Orient Overseas Line, intended to convert the vessel into a university for the World Campus Afloat program (later reformed and renamed as Semester at Sea). A temporary electrical fault had developed with the Elizabeth's whistle control gear and she left Southampton in a silence that only added to the almost furtive feeling of the departure. As a result only twelve boilers were needed for the QUEEN ELIZABETH, rather than the twenty-four in the, Another obvious difference between the two ships was the lack of a forward well deck on the new QUEEN ELIZABETH. The main record series for muster books isBT 98. A few muster rolls survive in other record series. A Schedule D form was headed Accounts Of Voyages And Crew For Home Trade Ship. With these improvements, Cunard intended to keep the ship in operation until at least the mid-1970s. Great steps forward were being made in both these fields. Commenced her first sailing from the Clyde, bound for New York, February 27, 1940. The 1966 strike cost Cunard an estimated 3.75 million in lost revenue and brought the total operating loss for the year to over 6 million. Shuttle, there were six sittings for each of two meals. Muster rolls for this period did not usually record the names of the whole crew but did provide: However, some lists, appearing randomly during this period, also show: There would have been calculation tables but none of these are thought to survive. More men, boiler tubes and other equipment were flown to Aruba and after satisfactory repairs the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY sailed to Curacao for fresh water and fuel oil. The, After disembarking the U.S. troops at Sydney on 6th April 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH remained in port for thirteen days before sailing for Fremantle on 19th April. They first appear in the records around 1852; many have been destroyed, with only those recording a birth or death surviving. He arrived at seven in the morning on Saturday 2nd March 1940 with sealed orders which were only to be opened when the QUEEN ELIZABETH was out at sea. In all, 2,228 passengers had booked passage on the QUEEN ELIZABETH's maiden voyage. They blamed it all on Joey and reports finally got back to the Commodore who ruled that Joey must go ! Following this ultimatum the Southern Railway decided to go ahead with the construction of a dry dock 1,200 feet in length, 135 feet wide and 48 feet deep, with a wide area outside the entrance for the ship to swing. In 1972, whilst she was undergoing refurbishment in Hong Kong harbour, a fire broke out aboard under unexplained circumstances, and the ship was capsized by the water used to fight the fire. At the Cunard Steamship Company's Annual General Meeting held on 28th May 1959, the Chairman Colonel Denis Bates speculated on how the world would be travelling in the future. Queen Elizabeth was retired after her final crossing to New York, on 8 December 1968. After V.E. For the two meals a day that were provided there were six sittings, each of forty-five minutes. ', Sir Percy Bates stressed that the new QUEEN ELIZABETH, 'would be no slavish copy of her sister, the QUEEN MARY', In this photograph the QUEEN MARY is undertaking her speed. A major problem to be settled concerned the insurance of the liner while she was being built, together with the future full sea risks when she was operational. [6] However, the Elizabeth's retirement in Florida was not to last. A temporary electrical fault had developed with the. On board was the ship's namesake, Queen Elizabeth, and her two daughters, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Two stops would be required for refuelling and watering. On 25th November 1935 Sir Percy Bates wrote to Swan Hunter; Vickers Armstrong; John Brown and Cammell Laird advising them that, although his Board had not reached any final decision, they might decide to build a vessel to run alongside the QUEEN MARY. wartime home port, for the very last time on 12th March 1966. For example, for a ship with the number 25820, search using 258* (include the asterisk) as your keyword. Queen Elizabeth leaving New York during her last voyage, 1968. The tender ROMSEY which had brought the officials out to the stricken ship made a solo attempt at pulling the liner off the mud, but the towline parted under the unequal strain. Additional competition in the form of the new UNITED STATES would also be a factor from mid 1952. On 28th May 1930, the Cunard Company told John Brown & Company of Clydebank that it had been selected as the builder of the first of the two new ships. Captain Bisset said, after the war, that an explosion was heard, "and we increased to 31 knots without any trouble.". The climate of southern Florida was much harder on Queen Elizabeth than the climate of southern California was on Queen Mary. After the formal speeches had been completed there was a pause as high tide and slack water were awaited. Other than silt found in some inlets, there was very little evidence of the grounding. Their high speeds allowed them to outrun hazards, principally German U-boats, usually allowing them to travel without a convoy. Whilst on the G.I. In 1961 Cunard liners were to make 207 sailings to and from New York. Their 10% of the surviving records are, in general, for years ending with five (1865, 1875, and so on), though they do hold records for some other years too. The cruiser HMAS CANBERRA had lowered a pinnace which was cruising calmly around collecting bags of mail from each. [36], Ian Fleming set the climax to his 1956 James Bond novel Diamonds Are Forever on Queen Elizabeth. The work would include the installation of full air conditioning, the fitting of private showers and toilets in much of the cabin class and tourist class accommodation, and the creation of a lido at the after end of the promenade deck, incorporating an outdoor heated swimming pool. Three five-day cruises between New York and Nassau, Bahamas were planned for February and early March 1963, after which the liner would return to Atlantic service. Search by ships name or number inBT 165 for selected logs covering the periods 1902-1920. The BREMEN's triumphant return to Hamburg after. With potentially upward of 500 crew requiring to scramble up from their quarters below, the sheer climb would have presented quite a hazard, particularly in bad weather and at a time of emergency. Tung's great ship was reconditioned and converted into the ship of his dreams. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. Over forty years ago, in 1972, the world's largest liner, the RMS QUEEN ELIZABETH, was lying on her side in Hong Kong harbour, a burnt-out hulk. These agreements had to be filed within 24 hours of the ships return to a UK port. The first, on 28th January in cabin main-deck 93, was extinguished by Southampton Fire Brigade and the second fire, just twenty-four hours later, was discovered in a C-deck cabin. Those crew members who, for family or other reasons, declined to sign the new articles were taken off the QUEEN ELIZABETH, sworn to secrecy and subsequently spent many hours, virtually interned, on board the Southampton tender ROMSEY in a nearby loch. Convinced of the Bank at 5.pm each Sydney - Suez voyage ships would have to run without repairs for months... Crossing to New York harbour Bank at 5.pm between 7th and 21st 1940... To locate crew lists for these years you will need to know the of! 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