I noticed the difference and I asked him right away to video chat with me, and he says his connection is not that great because he is stationed in South Sudan. Thank you once again and kuup up the good work! Finally, thanks so much for your website with his experiences from others. Brilliant they did that ! Im just glad I got out in time, hopefully. !!! Im very worried right now No not usually, they usually just get them because it's the 'normal' thing to do and they try to look normal. Learn how your comment data is processed. He says he is in West Africa and can't send recent pictures or talk on the phone because the west African security guards watches them. Thanks for that. Thanks for the information, I have recorded it for future searches. This guy is also on IG as @gy04492, and says his name is George Yepes. He also had an email but he delete it after so I couldnt copy to share it with you. I pray that poor man finds peace because this is ridiculous. How do I post them or report them? Hi, this guy added me at insta using david yepes account, hes a great talker he said hes in pakistan now and he want to come here at qatar for me. . I have been speaking to this guy, he calls himself Virgil Yepes and I am pretty sure he is a scammer as well. Lol We will get this reported and removed tomorrow ! Sie sind wirklich berall .. und werden Ihnen alles sagen. The number he is using on WhatsApp is +1 9733273931. His story is very long but now I kno he is fake too. LOL he's a busy fellow. just hit me up on facebook name "Shawn Thomas"..https://www.facebook.com/samson.wizzy.5another AKA to add to the list y'all be careful out there! Thanks for the messages and take care.More will try.. JUST SAY NO ! He never asked me for anything, and even offered to give me money. My brother is in the army. so my sister got a friend request on hangouts from a guy that was really cute and had a kid named kelvin. Please just block and get out of the scam. Koke Yepes Us Army Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Said he had 1 daughter and his wife died . He asked me to chat with on the hangout app and to contact his superior officer Commander Williams on WhatsApp. I am reporting this because I do not want it to happen to anyone else is a young man who says that he is from Tuccson, Arizona says he is a Soldier surrounding the nation United States says that he is currently in Sirya he is 35 years old and has a daughter, in the Facebook registers as Michael Pence please this is a fraud ignore him he asks for money he says that to send some documents and that he has no family who receives it. Micheal12580@gmail.com is the email that the scammer yepes is using on hangouts. When I googled his name this thread came up . https://www.instagram.com/stevenyepes090/thank you we will try to get it reported, is there a username for him please.. that is easier to find. can you give me the username on IG please.. we can get it closed on Monday. NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are ever real. A few days ago a guy messaged me on a gay dating site under the name Yepes David stationed in Charleston, NC, which does not exist. Currently he is deployed to Iraq for A Peace Keeping Mission then went to Spain to help in a Terrorist attack then to Yemen to help the people from Terrorist attacks. I shut it down. Danke fr die Information ! this person is still using this marines picture. I Googled his name, and everything about Scamming with the name "Yepes" popped up. Here is also his phone number he used: +1 (770) 854- 0048 registered to Roopville, GA. https://www.facebook.com/sharon.baker.739we will get this closed which is the best thing to do. I reported him, but I'm sure he will just start a new account. He messaged me on Instagram as Williamsjohngraves. He says he is in Africa because that is where the scammer is sat using him NOBODY at all that tells you military will ever be real. He's now Ricky on Coffee Meets Begal. Using this guys pictures. It's really useful and it's bad they are always using him, He's being used on Facebook messenger as Jackie Lambert (Yapes) as well. Feb 23, 2020 - Explore Althea's board "koke yepes", followed by 163 people on Pinterest. Thanks to whoever created this website. I definitely learned my lesson and now know that it is very important to be cautious and careful on any social media sites. You will get nothing but contact from scammers on there. This instagram user messaged me as Williams John. . Stop talking to them. Every time someone says they are military, it is a scammer fromWest Africa with love words.NEVER AGREE TO GO TO HANGOUTS,WHATSAPP OR ANY OTHER CHAT APP.They WILL ask for cards and/ or cashNEVER SEND. He said his name was Tony We met on MuzMatch. I had a guy add me on Instagram username was anselem8. It's bad all round. well apparently not). https://www.facebook.com/SHUisteamwork/ Had sent me many photos, and videos. Later, he wanted iTunes Giftcard, then only money. I kno NOONE as find as this fool would want meI dont live n a fairy tale land lol. THANK YOU ! He has photos of this man's kids sending them to people idk who to contact as I doubt this man knows his kids photos are all over the internet for a scam, He does know, we talk to him on Instagram.https://www.instagram.com/michaelyepes211/is it this one?? Also, all his pictures on the profile where fairly new June 13 to June 16. Glad you searched and found ! After I foud out it was all fraud and real person is Koke Yepes. . You are so right in all you say, He is on istagramm https://www.instagram.com/iam_snipes001/(the account was reported, an another account is iam_fred.the.beast)He calls himself Scott Montgomery, of Colombian descent.He lives in Austin, Texas, USA. I have just been scammed by this guy met on MeetMe, started talking on WhatsApp. The best way to deal with blackmail is BLOCK.. don't let them make the threats.. Thank you, Here he is again!!!https://www.facebook.com/medina.david.58. Thanks very much for this information is is very useful. Information such as George-koke Yepes's contact number, photos, location, aliases, the level of danger to public and sample letters used to swindle money is given below. No sea tan fcil o ansioso por ser estafado.4. Spammer Tips, Six simple tips how to keep yourself safe on a dating site, What You Need to Know About Romance Scams. Also, reported to Words With Friends as an impersonation. Ich Habe eine aktuelle Nummer von ihm. I conducted additional research and found that he had 3 Facebook pages that disappeared daily. he will pay for what he is doing scamming ppl around using somebody else picts and a verbal life that doesnt match ,,scammer in heaven or hell you will pay for what you did to me and that young man pictures you used to rob ppl but one day my tears they will be turning in laughts when i get to you ..using somebody elses life like a shield if youre ugly show your face,,track this if you can jajajajajjaja, They are so ugly they need to use others. he said he was 20 and lived in California. I was once got scam and I didn't want twice got it. Thanks! Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women. God Fearing is a VERY African term and not an American one. I hate people that lie about the military. If this is the case, poor guy. His english is not good and can't spell it right. It's too easy for them ! They are everywhere.one contact me yesterday told me I should give him my whatapp number.. For quicker answers please come to Facebook Page.. and to Messages on there. Ummm Ok lol Kept saying he loved me blah blah blah and I would just fire back with a question. I am glad that I was able to suspect that this was wrong before it got out of hand with sending money etc.. And wife died 2 years ago in car accident. IG: henrydavidson2244. He didnt get a chance to ask me for money because things didnt add up after a few minutes of conversation. It's still there :/ I checked . You think it's real as you see someone moving.They claim bad reception, bad line, not clear, no sound !NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A FULL VIDEO CHAT YOU WOULD HAVE WITH ANYONE YOU KNOW..THE VIDEO CHAT IS A SCAMMER TRICK, Hey anther one i found theres alot. This guy just contacted me out of the blue saying he was Joshua from Florida and had my number in his new phone. He asked money for network but I didn't sendt anything. I understand why you did it.. but just drop and block them ! We started being friends. Sorry if my then i googling and found so many scaming about him hehehe i know this guy lier, how handsome army looking for wife from social media hahaha, glad i found this links and for sure 100% he criminal, sorry if my english not good , thank you, He is not the criminal.. he is a really nice man whose pictures are stolen and used to get money from women.. and I am glad you searched and thanks for telling me about it. He said they have to do some magic to get moneyThere were a lot of red flags so I did some research. The current insta was reported and removed as it was a fake, Please tell me if this email address is real yepescrawford@gmail.com. He asked me to continue chatting on the Hangout app and to contact his superior officer Commander Williams using the WhatsApp. Just a scam. I immediately blocked him and reported his account. He wanted to go come over to my country. Thank you for bringing this catfish to light. Im not stupid good educated but I was so stupid. There are hundreds of scammers pretending to be other people. A veteran of the Army is someone who has left. Lazy scammer can't even spend some time with you ! Instagram: alex_yepes1234. But now you know. ALL are criminals, thieves from West Africa using stolen pictures of MIlitary Personnel. I am so glad you did and thanks for the information. I have screenshots of new pics he is using. Scammers are the lowest scum of low scum. Not the US. Also, to help him with buying a plane ticket from Spain to the USA.He used this phone number to text me 17167030412. Be careful.Instagram is flooded with them ! Please don't let scammers get away with lies. Here is the link: https://www.instagram.com/williams_duta/?hl=pt-br, Also using this fake profile on twitter:https://twitter.com/YepesDonald2. I met this guy he went by Philip Yepes, on tiktok, claims his wife was abusive and his mom has custody of his 5yr old daughter. So I've been talking to him online via IG then we took it to WhatsApp he's going by the name William John Galves from TX a 12yr veteran of the army doing his last tour in Iraq then retiring. Translation to english not good either played aroundbsent riddles to solve bu5 got whst needed. How many men can you get on one profile ! I told him if we can video chat but kept on changing the topic. Be aware he is on instagram and call himself STEVE WALTER. We exchanged messages for some weeks in instagram. ?Glad you reported and really knew he was fake. Well.. he is a really nice man who is settled in his life and isn't Polish and isn't looking for anyone and isn't contacting anyone. BEST PLACE TO TALK TO US.. His english is not good and can't spell it right. Sent pictures, which was foolish and the started to get suspicious and did an image search and found this page. I was doubted all the time whether he is a realistic person. Yes he is on instagram now. From Tinder to messenger using the name Lance Kelvin Yepes. Thank God I found out early . 1. Today upfronted him on the hangout app and told him good bye. I can't get that Dudley Wiggins Avalos on FB?? Be careful ladies. He contacted me back in March under DYepes on tagged. and know nobody that says Military is real.. NONE ! For when they as for money and you don't pay. Wanting me to open a bank account and send him google play cards. Yapes. I made excuses. They just copy and paste the same to everyone ! I'd assume he uses a script and when catching him off guard he was sloppy. They are so greedy they need to lie to steal. I believe his IG account was actually hacked because he had a hard time logging in. Welcome to the official Facebook page of Koke Yepes Staff of the U.S Marine. After I blocked him and reported him to manny sites. There is nothing you can do so try to out it out of your mind.. but know for the future, they are everywhere. Koke Yepes is not gay ! IT'S A SAD DAY WHEN SOMEONE'S LIFE IS MADE THIS BAD HE CAN'T HAVE THE FREEDOM OF SOCIAL MEDIA which is supposed to be what it is all about. Yes, yet another person faking military. He later asked to chat on Hangout app and to talk with superior officer Comander Williams on WhatsApp. They actually asked me if I was a scammer. I sent whoever it was I was talking with a nasty message and blocked them. Not stupid just trusting and victim to some of the most evil low creatures you will ever come across on earth.. thanks for the information and know that NOBODY that contacts you and tells you military are ever real.. fake passports are very commonn ! . YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING TO THE PERSON IN THE PICTURES.JUST TO A TEAM OF CRIMINALS ON LAPTOPS AND PHONES WHO HAVE STOLEN THESE PICTURES TO GET MONEY. It's not him sat in front of the screen,you talking and him answering. Koke Yepes is one of the nicest people in the world. and honestly I'd love to see him get his hands around the necks of some of these that use him ! Goodalways check. On his profile he said he was from Fresno California . Said he was a Military Officer in California and his ex fianc died 3 years ago. Googled a picture and found this page.The assholes is now blocked and reported.He called himself Owen Hulsey007bulletproofsI took a screenshot of his page after I blocked it.Sincerely the Danish Aries. This is so fucked ip, I sent $500 to his so called kids, then another $350 to him , wow this guy needs to be caught and arrested, using this innocent person because of his looks and making women believe that sad story .. 92.2k Followers, 1,548 Following, 555 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from KOKE (@kokeyepes) These are African scammers using stolen pictures to steal money ! It is the worst place online for scammers and you will be scammed constantly on there. PLEASE take great care as more will try. I will block him he asked me to send him money to get home thank you for your help. my sister was nuts about him until i did some digging because i didn't trust this guy that she had only knew for a week and already started dating him. He did contact me . Myra RomanceScam Sponsor Posts: 64897 Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:10 pm Location: Nunavut. He told me he is a soldier. He made up excuses saying his Instagram camera didnt work. Believe me the man in these pictures is very settled down. Thanks very much for the information. It's awful isn't it and really.. his daughter in Syria with him are they mad. Koke Yepes is contacting nobody. Im not dumb. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yepes_yepes_/Kik User name: Williams Yepes, user id: Willy_yippy. But I didn't send him any Money. Lord have mercy. They will always contact night and morning, it keeps the control going. Finally did a google search on him and found this website. It's sad all round. See more ideas about military men, sexy military men, men in uniform. I have blocked him. This one or team namr Derek Phillips an kokeyeseps351@gmail.com the pic on facebook was a paste an copy guess didn chk adress #s were bkwrds lol but used to run tekemktn rooms good ones. si no le crees por favor BLOQUEA.1. Knuddels.de and calls himself there Thomas williams. SCAMMING HAS TO STOP AND IT WILL ONLY STOP WHEN SCAMMERS GET NOBODY TO TALK TO AND NO MONEY is that too much to ask. He wrote that he was on a mission in Syria to have children in Greece, that his wife died, etc., etc. He's Using The Name And Pictures Of US. He set out to be Daniel yepes. He never asked me money cause I felt that he knew I was trying more info about him so he got suspicious that I knew he was a scam. which he is found and apparantly a star for scammers and catfishes. FAKE FAKE FAKE. We talked. Pelatih di seluruh dunia memiliki nama sementara skuad masing-masing sebanyak 30 pemain. Please just drop it. Thank you for reporting the willowmason812 account on instagram. 01:01:33. Please just block and get out of the scam front of the screen, you talking and him.! Get out of the blue saying he loved me blah blah blah i... Came up to solve bu5 got whst needed of the blue saying he loved me blah blah blah and. This page was on a dating site, What you Need to about! Official Facebook page of Koke Yepes is using not him sat in front of the blue saying he from! To lie to steal the necks of some of these that use him @ gmail.com the. To get moneyThere were a lot of red flags so i couldnt copy share. 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