I have so much compassion for that version of me, but you can learn from my experiences. I wrote an entire piece about this; the link is here, How to ask for things in a more feminine way, 51 real-life examples of how I set boundaries and ask for what I want during sex, The difference between submission and surrender, There is room for both your boundaries and your feminine radiance. By embracing their feminine energy, men can tap into a previously untapped well of strength. The truth Goddess, is that Money wants to flow through you as well. He should have to make an effort to get to know you and earn your trust. Stay in your receiving energy and let yourself need him. Define what femininity means for you so that you can know what you want to work towards in your life. Furthermore, when youre playful, you dont appear desperate or overly anxious to be in a relationship. Your masculine side gets expressed when you're working toward a goal, making progress, getting things done, and pushing forward. Associated with moonlight, rejuvenation, wisdom, and creation, cultivating your feminine energy will bring about opportunities for adventure and enlightenment. Pleasure relaxes your nervous system and calms your body. Its the natural result of a woman who has been forced into her masculine, when really all she wants to do, deep down, is to relax into her feminine. Balancing your masculine energy will remove the feeling of fear and lack of confidence. Connect to your senses Most of us live our lives up in our minds, instead of in the rest Sometimes, we lose our feminine side when were in a relationship. Sep 2016 - Jan 20225 years 5 months. WebMasculine energy is direct, aggressive, and action-oriented with a focus toward achievement. Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. To show your feminine energy, and embrace it, with a man, then you need to be open and honest with him. Destruction comes before creation; we must say goodbye to the old to welcome the new. Femininity historically described women, and, of course, many women have bodies that are designed to create life. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. These are not nearly as important as all of the personal traits that allow you to be yourself, so when trying to define you feminine energy, focus on what feels natural to you and what you will get all the answer you were hoping for. Strangely, in the process of trying to prove we were equal to men, the message became, Women should be more like men.. This is especially true when it comes to your physical appearance. Your masculine side gets expressed It helps us to connect the dots of our lives. WebWere simply funneling and channeling the energy youre using now to figure things out, to Problem-Solve into the happy, fun, ACTION, goal-oriented things on your list. Beauty is a human need. 10 meanings behind this powerful experience. When you make sure to stretch more and do more cardio, youll be releasing your femininity much quicker. That allows your feminine energy to come forth. Nurture the goddess you are within. Instead of pushing your feelings away, really try to connect to them. I leave it up because I leave up all of my old writing and I believe it finds people where they are at. From allowing him to pay for your parking, carry your gym bag, connect your DVD player to the television, choose the table at a restaurant, and drive thirty-five miles to your neighborhood for a date, all you need to do to play into your feminine is to say, Yes, thank you.. It will feel full of beauty. In a relationship, you always have to strive for this balance. When you make a man feel important, he will treat you with respect and kindness. You see, you can feel empowered in anything that you feel comfortable in! He will see you as someone who is worthy of his attention and affection. You want to be able to give your partner the perfect woman because hes the perfect man for you. If you can live from your feminine, life will feel easy. As you can see, this entire article is focused on being your authentic feminine self. Knowing how to use feminine energy to connect with a man is a matter of becoming receptive. Nurturing relationships is as much of your partners duty as it is yours, so do not put extra pressure on yourself. The essence, though, is that if you want your partner to step more into their masculine, you need to be able to be in your feminine when youre around them. Does this include a mani-pedi? This has, of course, been challenged by the fact that many women do not see it as such a core part of their lives and you do not have to either. This also enhances your desirability factor, even positively influencing the man you do want. When youre in a relationship, you forget to pay attention to your hobbies. Learn how your comment data is processed. When you understand that, youll be able to free yourself from these stupid societal expectations. But what does it truly mean to step into our feminine energy and what role can that energy play in living our best livesboth personally and romantically? Let him court you. When you notice yourself longing for a relationship, feel where that longing resides in your body and be with it. This will show him that youre a woman who respects herself and her body, and who isnt easy. This is exactly what you want. A woman who embraces her feminine energy practices self-care. Women create whole human beings and bring them into the world. Femininity to me means a womans If so, you arent alone. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Masking Our Core Energy When speaking about feminine and masculine energies, that doesnt mean gender. Youll only block your own blessings by always trying to reach someone elses standards. Pitts, reminds us that we must first understand if theres anything in your heart/life thats blocking your energy. At times, I would even recommend you show less interest and let him be the one to chase you more. Even though we can be really good at using our masculine energy, it also often leaves us feeling exhausted, burned out, and depleted. The rights of women are recent, and fighting for them was (and still is) necessary. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. We all have emotional selves, but many of us haven't been taught how to understand our feelings. Remember: A man in his healthy Masculine Energy wants to give to YOU. Considerations of masculine and feminine energies have real-life consequences. You two have had a few joint ideas, but they never saw the light of day. Understand what femininity means for you, 3. Some women are so afraid of hurting a mans feelings that they avoid having an opinion about anything. When you accept his courtship, you will be making a clear statement that you are not desperate for a man in your life. I Thought He Liked Me But He Has A Girlfriend Now What? Femininity to me means a womans understanding of her nature and her ability to operate in that nature at all times, says Pitts. Waiting by the phone for a sign from him. WebConnection - Intuition - Harmony Step into your feminine Yin energy. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. Anything that expresses your flow is considered feminine. By setting these boundaries, youre making sure that you have a safe enough environment to allow your feminine energy to flow. Its endless chatter, music, song. Because when youre vulnerable, youre actually letting someone see your feminine side. An excellent way to do this is to start therapy. Even if you can do these things for yourself. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do you have a question for our matchmaking team or our dating coach? It attracts to itself that which it wants, versus going after it. Your man will want to put your needs and feelings Wearing a long skirt or dress, not wearing a bra or underwear, letting your hair down all of these things can immediately help you shift into a more open, feminine state. In some ways, these skills embody the previous ones weve discussed. WebGiving and receiving hugs and support is a huge plus, not a drawback. It's easy to lose touch with your feminine side, but as you can see, it's a necessary aspect of who you are. The truth Goddess, is that Money wants to flow through you as well. Most of us have had our femininity shamed and made wrong. Ever wondered how to be feminine in a relationship? Ask yourself who your role models are when it comes to femininity and see what you can learn from those women. Something that tends to get in the way of this discussion is that there is an inherent problem with the terms masculine and feminine. Because in the English language, masculine means like a man. And while most men are more masculine, masculine energy still doesnt mean like a man.. Pleasure connects you to your body, to your senses. If they were sick, I would check on them and ask them if they needed anything. 3 Powerful Feminine Energy Shifts For Career Women To Create The Love Of Their Dreams. Show your vulnerability elegantly. It shows that youre a catch and dont need a man to take care of you. Its what creates charge, or sexual tension in a relationship. Feminine energy is: Feeling, receiving Intuiting, just being, following The spiritual practice of surrender and collaboration Think about waltzing across the ballroom if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. Stop Trying So Hard Let it happen. Required fields are marked *. Rather, you are selective about who gets to be in your life because you are treated like a princess. What things can you *not* do at the same time every day? Once, a man I liked shared with me that his restaurant business wasnt doing well. These cookies do not store any personal information. Its true! If this is the case, try to communicate the things that bother you in your relationship. Men are the "outies"; women are the "innies." You have the right to experiment with your wardrobe and find your own style. WebConnect to your playfulness, sensuality, and erotic innocence. None of these things are true, but it requires a willingness to decondition yourself to truly let go of it. Or perhaps youre always the one to forgive and forget easily, so youre always making changes to yourself. Being the Lighthouse becomes really easy to do if youre Rotational Dating. Beauty is pleasurable to feel and witness, and it is created by the feminine. We live in a material world, which is why simply trying to change how our mind is feeling often isnt enough. An agency for selective divorced dating other professionals, Finding your life partner at our 40 plus dating site, An International dating agency service to find your soulmate. Adding pleasure throughout the day, every day, will help you live from your feminine with ease. Let him know that you appreciate that he is trying to win your attention and affection. WebNot respecting your feminine essence doesnt just come at a price for yourself, it also comes at a price in your relationships. Associated with moonlight, rejuvenation, wisdom, and creation, cultivating your feminine energy will bring about opportunities for adventure and enlightenment. I wrote this piece over 2 years ago and I think about these concepts differently today. Rely on yourself and your individual achievements. I can promise you that youll be much happier that way and youll reach your goals much faster. However, even if youre just seeing one guy at a time, filling up your own life is a way of remaining in your magnetic Lighthouse quality. Feminine energy is fluid. You see, men like the chase, so let him chase you. Too many of us wait until our next vacation to feel relaxed and playful again. From there the feminine decides if they are interested and accepts or denies the date. Or, he may feel like he has to walk on eggshells around you and be overly careful about what he says and does. Prioritize downtime and time for relaxation. Show your playful side by doing activities that you enjoy. Not everyone has a masculine you can trust. So instead of freaking out and doubting yourself daily, truly try to love yourself. The feminine attracts what she wants simply by existing in her natural state of flow. Youll just be allowed to flow, change your mind, get your needs met easily, and express yourself however you please. You see, when a mans Hero Instinct is triggered, hell not only be totally committed to you and ready to do anything for you, but hell also keep you at the center of his universe. Never let anyone tell you that you dont deserve the things youre searching for. Its important to let go of the idea that you need your man to make you feel validated. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. In his free video, James Bauer shares everything you need to know about how to trigger a mans Hero Instinct. 11 ways to increase your feminine energy and remove the blocks around it 1. When a man courts you, he is making a clear effort to win your attention and affection. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. So when they receive so much from a woman, they stop giving anything in return. Thats why, when we do get into a relationship, we tend to lose that to a certain extent. Femininity is all about bringing that sense of mystery and special spark with you anywhere and everywhere you go. Many people throughout your life will try to bring you down. I wrote an entire piece about this; the link is here! Itll be evident in every single smile you show to the world. Undefined cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. And men arent allowed to be feminine, either god forbid they feel their bodies or their emotions. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Literally, spend time with the longing that resides in your body. For more great advice on unleashing your true feminine energy from this powerful conversation, watch the full interview above. At Macbeth Matchmaking, listen intently to who you want to attract. If you find yourself feeling a lot of resistance to this idea, I want you to go inside yourself and really feel what comes up when you imagine giving up control. It could also be something like knitting or cooking so that youre doing something productive while also creating something fun and colorful. As a result, many women find themselves embodying more masculine traits than feminine, leading to an imbalance in their core energy. Find ways to contribute to your relationship, 7. Thank you I needed this. Whatever you do, just dont take someone elses definition and make it your own. He will want to do things for you because he will feel valuable enough to deserve the chance to do them. The feminine craves fullness. Youve been feeling a disbalance in your energies and you feel that if you were more feminine, then you would regain that balance. They love having to fight for the woman of their dreams. For people of all genders, both feminine energy and masculine energy are necessary to embody in order to feel like a complete person. WebBeing a woman and understanding how to harness your feminine energy is a superpower.Use it to create optimal success. Things like journaling will enable you to recognize your emotions and connect to them on a deeper level. We also tend to use this energy not only for ourselves, but to fix and take care of everyone elses lives around us. If youre regularly ignoring your intuition, it will be super hard to connect to your feminine, because essentially your feminine is giving you guidance and youre constantly shutting her down, leaving you at war with yourself. Remember, while the masculine is super direct, the feminine is indirect. When a woman embodies her feminine essence, her whole life is transformed. When youre dating, do you find yourself hyper-focused on one man, feeling anxious and checking your phone very often to see if hes sent you a message or called you? In our culture, masculine energysince it's often about progress and moving forwardtend to be "valued" more than feminine energy. Moving in more fluid ways will help you connect to your feminine energy. Because when we have lenses shaded with impurity, anger, resentment and illness its really, really hard to be in tune with our pure feminine natures., You cant solve a problem that you dont recognize that there is one, says Dr. Oriowo. You may be the one who makes all the plans for the future. As the masculine gives, the feminine receives. A life full of happiness, satisfaction and fulfilment can not be achieved without the elements of femininity in us. Your definition of femininity isnt necessarily the same as mine. Your own relationship with him will have to go through a metamorphosis. To top it off, most people tend to choose versions of pleasure that disconnect them from their bodies doing drugs or watching tv, for example. That said, the words "feminine" and "masculine" can still be helpful in describing two different and opposing ways of being. If your body is full of stored, unprocessed emotions (as most of our bodies are), it will be difficult to relax deeply into your body. Loose Leaf Artisan Tea Blend includes: Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Lemon Verbena, L If this is you, again, its not your fault. N0 wonder dating any of these men did not lead anywhere! When you work with a therapist to explore your thoughts and feelings, you're essentially diving into your deeper, internal, feminine side. But how can you trigger a mans Hero Instinct? Youll also form a deep connection to your intuition. When youre filled with trauma and you continue to experience negative things, then you dont have the capacity to meet your full potential. If you want to be more in touch with your femininity, first you want to actually understand what kinds of trauma bondsthat could be a father bond, a mother trauma bondactually live in your house. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud, 1. This is where Feminine Energy becomes a really magnetic quality. Inside of the workplace or when dealing with clients, a cold, Sounds a bit poetic, but hear me out. Hi loves. Use this time to connect to her by creating your own ritual, journaling, meeting your shadow self, and releasing anything you do not want to bring with you into the new cycle. Its also okay for him to not be able to notice when you look beautiful. You can for sure have loving sex and a deep connection without it. Home Strong Woman The power of femininity, Posted on Last updated: December 13, 2021. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. If there is something you disagree with, its okay to voice your opinion as long as you do so respectfully. It shows him that you are capable of being in a relationship without smothering him with your neediness and the desire to be in control all the time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being alert and not liking certain settings. What Im most afraid of is that when figuring out how to be feminine in a relationship, you start to think about the toxic stereotypes. As stated before, emotions are a big part of your feminine energy. Make sure to let it flow through you freely and dont hold it back. 8. Make sure that you are eating well, exercising, and finding time to take care of your mental health. However, societal norms often dictate that certain traits and behaviors are associated with either masculinity or femininity. Im not saying that everyone is prone to doing that, but most of us are. ESSENCE.com is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. Youll realize your value and that you deserve good things to happen to you. The bottom line is that you should be available, but dont be too available. Be sensuous How to Boost Your Feminine Of course, giving to men and doing things for them is another attraction-killer. Required fields are marked *. Your femininity is an authentic journey and you cant reach your potential by constantly trying to reach someone elses idea of it. WebEnter the feminine qualities of cooperation and collaboration. Some people think that vulnerability comes easy to women, and though that might be true in some cases, women do also struggle with letting people see their truest selves. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Youll know youre in a safe place where you can be yourself completely and you wont trigger any past trauma that may stand in the way of your own journey. Youll also be able to use your masculine in ways that help you, instead of drain you. Point out the masculine things he does for you and that way hell help you to feel more feminine. So being able to come to center and be like, ok, this thing has been an issue for me and then being able to define for yourself what does it mean for you to live your most authentic life. This means that you have the strength to handle your life while also being open and honest about your feelings. Talk to him about what annoys you calmly and rationally. You dont need to be the strong, silent type who doesnt allow herself to feel her emotions. Tell him how much you appreciate it when he buys you things. Wearing clothes and fragrance that makes you feel sexy 6. Focus on one thing at a time. Because of this, it can feel confusing to people, which is understandable. In our society, pleasure tends to be seen as something thats unnecessary, something that we have as a reward after doing the real work, and something that we allow ourselves while feeling guilty about it. Of course this is frustrating. We want to attract a partner, so we try to get the most out of our God-given beauty. Click here to watch James Bauers excellent video. Its like a flower. As a woman it is important that you seek your own growth and healthy development first, and to not devote your life to taking care of others. It represents our left side of our body and references our right brain that is associated with creativity and artistic thought. By clicking Subscribe Now, you agree to our. Two hundred years ago, women were still considered property. But what exactly is feminine energy, and what does being feminine really mean? Take daily showers, always wear perfume and deodorant. If he is taking you out on dates and making an effort to get to know you better, let him know that you appreciate his efforts. A man who is courting you will want to make sure he treats you well because he wants you to be his girl. Make other plans and live your life. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Now we will address polarity Masculine energy is penetrative. Dr Donna Oriowo, a certified sex therapist, and Keli Pitts, the Femininity Doctor, joined ESSENCE Lifestyle Director Charli Penn during the 2021 ESSENCE Festival Of Culture Virtual Wellness House to dig into what it takes to reclaim our feminine energy. The link is here on Spotify (click on those words) but you can find it anywhere you listen to podcasts. If you're wanting to get spiritual with it, consider exploring your connection to the Divine Feminine. You can also take care of yourself emotionally by allowing yourself to feel your feelings. So let us give you a hand in finding the perfect person that matches your energy. Meditate Meditating allows you to get in touch with your leading energy. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. You deserve to let those things roam freely in your body and in the place that you inhabit. Successfully sources and pipelines top talent to bring to the organization to meet the ever-changing business needs. The key to feeling more aliveness, turn-on, and radiance in your everyday life comes from being able to surrender fully into your feminine. Emotions must flow, they must move through you. On the other hand, a woman who is embracing her Feminine Energy in dating is like a lighthouse. Being a loving person is more about acting up on the sentiment that you are experiencing to create positive connections into your life, than it is about anything else. This will let him know that you are not going to be just another person who takes his efforts for granted. Youll feel completely comfortable with yourself. Now, this doesnt mean you need to be a doormat for men to walk all over. If you just read that and nodded your head in agreement, we are here to tell you: relax. By all means, include how sweet he is, but focus mostly on compliments that accentuate his masculinity. Be aware of what youre eating so that you can make sure your body is getting all the needed nutrition. Some examples of how it looks like in practice include: This is a major attraction-killer and is going to make a masculine man run away. WebLets chat about feminine energy and dating - how to be in your feminine energy in romantic relationships. Doing things for them was ( and still is ) necessary means, include sweet... Super direct, aggressive, and express yourself however you please so use this ego to... You do, just dont take someone elses idea of it and fulfilment can not able... Through a metamorphosis a few joint ideas, but hear me out weve discussed energies that! How visitors interact with the terms masculine and feminine energies have real-life.. Hero Instinct he will treat you with respect and kindness of pushing your feelings how... 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