Well send you a link to a feedback form. What are the 4 main types of vulnerability? Vulnerabilities have become an even more important consideration in professional practice since COVID-19, as it has highlighted existing inequalities as well as having widespread economic and social impacts. E.g. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. One of these ways was through his online job; this allowed him to interact through the internet without having to leave his bed. The code of conduct is a set or rules, responsibiliies and proper pracices for an individual. Many of the patients in the community hospital were there as a result of such vulnerability and had suffered injuries resulting from falls. Physical abuse Physical abuse includes assault, slapping, punching, kicking, hair-pulling, biting, and so on. The Everyday Interactions Measuring Impact Toolkit provides a straightforward and easy way for health care professionals to record and measure their public health impact in a uniform and comparable way. There are different types of physical security attacks to data systems. In relation to hazards and disasters, vulnerability is a concept that links the relationship that people have with their environment to social forces and institutions and the cultural values that sustain and contest them. Any workplace where individuals display difficult or challenging behaviour that workers are not trained or supported to deal with. Lack of security cameras. If he felt he wasnt being listened to not being involved enough he would become very agitated and start shouting. Joe has cerebral palsy and is a wheelchair user with a speech and language impairment. Other signs include a sudden change in their finances, such as not having as much money as usual to pay for shopping or regular outings, or getting into debt. Uncertainty is a given in every day of our lives. Explanation: Unauthorized network access is not an example of physical layer vulnerability. However, some situations increase an individuals vulnerability to the risk of abuse or neglect happening. Do not ignore your concerns, though. Despite Joe having maximised his independence he still needs to rely on others to provide essential care and support. Social vulnerability refers to potential harm to people. chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 4 or 5. According to Holden and Smeeding sixteen percent of the elderly need help with at least one of these conditions. The transfer to the community hospital was a major change of environment for Mr. A as he had to get used to new surroundings, new methods, and new people and as he has limited movement he stated he all the new goings on made him feel rather helpless as all he could do was press the bell and wait if he needed something. Why the Individuals might be at an increased risk of Harm or Abuse. Risk factors are not determinative and not everyone who is identified as at risk become vulnerable. Any workplace where individual's display difficult or challenging behaviour that workers are not trained or supported to deal with An individual may have particular care and support needs such as a sensory impairment, a mental health issue, dementia or a learning disability. He felt very responsible for his weight gain but was reluctant to do anything about it even though he was classed as morbidly obese. The Child Health Profiles and Public Health Outcomes Framework also include a number of indicators related to county lines exploitation, such as: Better Health is a nationwide programme that motivates and supports adults to take action to improve their mental and physical health including helping them to eat well, move more and quit smoking. Increased levels of loneliness, social isolation and reduced personal resilience have impacted young people and older adults, as well as the wider population. Risk and protective factors may be found at an individual, family or environment level and can change over time depending on factors such as age. Use to answer question 10.1e of the Care Certificate, Registered in England & Wales No 02697556, 8 Cartwright Court, Bradley Business Park, Huddersfield, HD2 1GN. Negative experiences both at home and in the community may mean that children are not only at greater risk of poorer outcomes because of these experiences, but also of engaging in harmful activities as they grow up which increase their risks further. You need to ask yourself questions and then do problems to answer those questions. The Best Way to Find and Attack Vulnerabilities. It presents an engaging social science perspective relevant to everyone exploring how we, and society, care for the vulnerable. Transportation networks are fundamental to the efficient and safe functioning of modern societies. She remembers referrals flooding in as other agencies classed more cases as child protection, terrified of missing "another Baby P". This is typically an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse by someone who is, or has been, an intimate partner or family member. Study for free with our range of university lectures! What is vulnerability and example? Many of the elderly are admitted to hospital due to something caused by a physical vulnerability. . Main messages. Hospitals have special floors, showers, seats and beds. easily brakes bones, has reduced strength, reduced movement or dexterity. Disability results from the interaction between individuals with a health condition, such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and depression, with personal and environmental factors including negative attitudes, inaccessible transportation and public buildings, and limited social support. Local authorities have social workers who deal specifically with cases of abuse and neglect. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It is about considering the wider determinants of health, and shaping services which focus on improving the health of those who face the greatest disadvantage and are at higher risk of poor outcomes over the life course. However, it also includes some potentially less obvious acts, such as physical punishments, deliberately making someone physically uncomfortable (for example removing blankets) and involuntary isolation or confinement. Psychological Vulnerability is when someone is vulnerable to emotional or behavioural harm. Family members would bring in unhealthy food for him; they were advised against doing this but made no attempt to stop. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Carefully-researched and highly readable this textbook looks at the experiences and health and social needs of key 'vulnerable groups'. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. While Mr. A was in the community hospital calming and relaxation techniques were taught to him to try and overcome his anxiety. What does emotional vulnerability look like? In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct (NMC 2008) all names and placement details will be concealed, and I will refer to the patient as Mr. A at all times. What is the definition of vulnerability in healthcare? As a health and care professional, there are a range of reasons why it makes sense to measure your impact and demonstrate the value of your contribution. Example: Wooden homes are less likely to collapse in an earthquake, but are more vulnerable to fire. These tend to consist of poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness. physical factors - the magnitude of the event and the type of event social factors - the number of people living in an area near to a hazard economic factors - the vulnerability of people affected . Sharing with someone something personal about yourself that you would normally hold back. It's important to know the signs of abuse and, where they're identified, gently share your concerns with the person you think may be being abused. While he was in a community hospital a council funded cleaning team organized his house in order for him to be discharged back to a manageable house. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Many of the patients could be considered vulnerable. Find out more about abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. This would quite possibly be due to the fact they did not understand or know about the condition and fear of the unknown leads to negativity in some cases. Examples of vulnerability Telling others when theyve done something to upset you. Social vulnerability refers to the characteristics of a person or group in terms of their capacity to . Having the willingness to feel pride or shame. Social care and support is usually paid for by: people who need services and their families by the local council's social services department Types of social care and support include: help at home from a paid carer meals on wheels having home adaptations household gadgets and equipment These 2 courses equip staff, volunteers and community members to provide practical and emotional support, as well as recognising people at risk of distress: Staff members should consider their own wellbeing and need for support, including accessing supervision where available. In 2014 to 2016, the level of inequality, or gap, in life . I have outlined Mr. As conditions and how he was affected by physical, psychological, sociological and environmental vulnerability. Both of these in addition with being an older person would have led to him to be vulnerable in various aspects. What type of person is likely to be vulnerable? 208p. If an adult has told you about their situation, you might want to talk to other people who know them to find out if they have similar concerns. Through the MDT meetings it was decided that Mr. A would have to go to a residential home as it would not be safe for him to go home. DEFINITION. What is the example of social vulnerability? Showing a part of yourself that you may feel sensitive about, exposing something that makes you feel seen by others. There has been growing interest around trauma informed practices as an approach to mitigate the barriers that those affected by trauma can experience when accessing care and services. Some people are at increased risk e.g. Protective factors in individuals include: Protective factors in relationships include: Protective factors in communities include: Resilience is the capacity to bounce back from adversity protective factors increase resilience, whereas risk factors increase vulnerability. Due to all of these points Mr. A would be classed as frail elderly. Having the willingness to feel pride or shame. By adopting this approach with everyone accessing health and care services, professionals will enhance access for all most notably for those who may find it more difficult to get the support they need. Physical Security Assessments Identifies vulnerabilities in physical security. Most individuals improve over time, but difficulties with communication, social adjustment andindependent livingcan exist and continue into adulthood. The burdens experienced by the person living with dementia, their caregivers, healthcare, and society persist unabated. 1. MindEd have developed an adverse childhood experience e-learning programme for professionals and volunteers. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. As a result, IoT security has recently gained traction in both industry and academia. This essay may contain factual inaccuracies or out of date material. Much public health work is carried out by, or on behalf of, governments. The cost of late intervention is estimated at 16.6 billion a year. The first, titled Arturo Xuncax, is set in an Indian village in Guatemala. The rapidity and intensity of anger, often in response to a relatively trivial event, can be extreme and can get so intense, they may go into a blind rage and unable to see the signals indicating that it would be appropriate to stop. (Attwood, 2006). Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Addressing vulnerabilities in professional practice, Core principles for health and care professionals, Further reading, resources and good practice, nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3, PFA for those supporting children and young people, Everyday Interactions Measuring Impact Toolkit, a good practice guide to support implementation of trauma informed care in the perinatal period, concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma informed approach, alcohol reducing violence in the community, Making Every Contact Count (MECC) brief intervention training, adverse childhood experience e-learning programme, a good practice guide to support the implementation of trauma informed care in the perinatal period, more likely to have lower educational attainment, 4 times more likely to have special educational needs (SEN) than child population overall, association between children in care and offending, more likely not to be in education, employment or training, more likely to live in poverty and experience developmental delays, more likely to have communication difficulties, youth custody disproportional health needs (mental health, alcohol, and learning disability (LD), witnessing violence increased risk smoking, obesity, depression and sexual behaviour, housing poor respiratory and mental health, prevent vulnerability and adverse experiences, intervene early when vulnerabilities arise, mitigate the negative impact of these circumstances throughout the life course by creating a healthy and supportive environment, low social integration and poor social mobility, lack of infrastructure for the satisfactions of needs and interest of young people, a culture of violence, norms and values which accept, normalise and glorify violence, healthy problem solving and emotional regulation skills, financial security and economic opportunities, understand specific activities and interventions that can address the impact of vulnerabilities, think about the resources and services available in your area that can help people who are vulnerable or have experienced trauma, understand the principles of trauma informed practice, put measures in place so that individuals feel emotionally and physically safe, consider the wider impact of your actions, ask what they need to feel safe and how you can create a safe environment for them, do what you say you will do when you say you will do it, be transparent and do what you say you will do, give relaxed, unhurried attention listen effectively, not overpromise always manage expectations, always explain clearly and transparently what will happen next, validate any concerns as understandable and normal, be clear about what will happen and what they have control over and choice in empower them where possible, understand local services and support agencies so that you can suggest places to go to access help, validate peoples feelings and engage with them in a non-judgemental manner, listen to what they need and ensure they are signposted or referred to appropriate support, not take over encourage and empower people to take positive action themselves (with your support if they want it), have an awareness of your own cultural values and an awareness and acceptance of cultural differences, consider how you can expand your own cultural awareness familiarise with the worldviews of cultural groups other than your own, ask people about their culture to understand their preferred language, how healthcare decisions are made in their family and whether their culture prohibits any healthcare procedure or tests, be aware of how health inequalities impact on peoples lived experience, build protective factors and promote resilience where possible, be open to consider how certain practices and policies may unintentionally increase harm particularly to those who have experienced trauma and discrimination and take action to change these, create a working culture which is respectful and inclusive of peoples diverse life histories and models to staff an approach which is followed through in their work with individuals, identify staff learning and development needs in relation to vulnerabilities and trauma informed practice provide access to appropriate training, provide a psychologically safe environment for staff by ensuring adequate supervision is available, consider your own wellbeing and need for support, including accessing supervision where available, engage in full partnership working to achieve the best outcome for the vulnerable child or adult, embed a person centred engagement and risk management approach, understand the wider health and wellbeing needs of your local population using the, invest in workforce development and training to embed a system of trauma informed practice, 16 and 17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET), first time entrants to the youth justice system, children with social, emotional and mental health needs, violent crime including sexual violence. With time Mr. A seemed to come around to the idea and realise it was the best option for him and by the end of my student placement Mr. A told me he was looking forward to moving out of the community hospital and into the residential home. Sometimes when a person with Aspergers feels angry, they cannot easily pause and think of alternative strategies to resolve the situation. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Therefore, assessment of physical vulnerability is a fundamental step in reducing landslide risk. A physical vulnerability is when a person has an increased risk of injury. At the community hospital Mr. A would often get aggressive or rude when more than one nurse would be in the room. Barnardos is a non-profit organisation that provides support to children and young people against abuse and exploitation. A dietician came to evaluate Mr. A and a plan was made but not stuck to by Mr. A. He relies on his brother to take him out to socialise. Mr. A was 67 and according to the Geriatric Pharmacology Research Group in Newcastle upon Tyne, The frail elderly are individuals, over 65 years of age, dependent on others for activities of daily living, and often in institutional care. During care planning, involve a practitioner who has the knowledge and competence to work with a range of social care, health and housing services, including those provided by the voluntary and community sector. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. The list below includes ways to apply this principle you should: The list below are ways to apply this principle you should: Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a globally recommended training for supporting people during crisis and emergency situations. Nearly everyone can relate to the concept of medical vulnerability as it is defined here. Mr. As outbursts would have offended some people and cause them to detach themselves. It is therefore possible that multiple forms of CM (i.e., lack of care, psychological abuse, and physical and sexual abuse) predict the development of a vulnerability pertaining to self-definition issues that may or may not be accompanied by a preoccupation toward attachment issues. Health inequalities are avoidable and unfair differences in health status between groups of people or communities. It has been defined by Brene Brown as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure" (2012). Mention some of the things that concern you for instance, that they've become depressed and withdrawn, have been losing weight or seem to be short of money. Although it allowed Mr. A to interact with people, all be it virtually, which was important in developing his social skills it did however mean he did not have to move and so made little effort in changing his lifestyle. The World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Public Health Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions published a number of case studies and good practice examples. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. There are a number of resources and tools available for health and care professionals. The different types of vulnerability In the table below four different types of vulnerability have been identified, Human-social, Physical, Economic and Environmental and their associated direct and indirect losses. Despite a 2015 target for 5,000 additional GPs by 2020, the number of qualified permanent GPs has fallen. Especially depression, recently losing a partner, not having friends or a social network, living alone or not having contact with their children. Reaching out to someone you havent talked to in a while and would like to reconnect with. You need to solve physics problems. Trauma informed practice aims to create safety for people accessing services by understanding the effects of trauma and its close links to health and behaviour. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSA) trauma and justice initiative have developed a concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma informed approach to develop a shared understanding of these concepts that would be acceptable and appropriate across an array of service systems and stakeholder groups. Joe is at risk from harm and abuse due to his physical impairments. In this essay, I will examine one of the patients I came into contact with regularly. Roper, Logan and Tierney(1980) published a nursing model outlining 12 activities of daily living that are crucial to a person basic needs, some of which are essential such as breathing, eating and drinking and others which enhance the quality of life such as work and play and expressing sexuality. As the aging population continues to increase, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias are becoming a global health crisis. Or it might be that someone appointed to look after your money on your behalf is usingitinappropriately or coercing you to spend it in a way you're not happy with. Frail elderly with serious physical, cognitive, economic, and psycho-social problems are at especially high risk. 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