She is a perfect saint to turn to for mothers who live in fear of what may happen to their children. May your motto: My God must be first served, be mine also; so that through me, He may build His kingdom here on earth. The patron saint of Latin America, indigenous Americans, and the Philippines, Saint Rose of Lima is known for her extreme piety, severe . The homage paid to Saint Monica by women of every age is prompted by the personal Calvary she experienced for seventeen years of her life. To win her freedom and entrance into the religious order, she had to find the courage to fight racism and injustice. In England alone these numbered over 40,000 so not all of the Patron Saints and their chosen patronage are included in this website. By fulfilling the duties of your state in life and practicing the evangelical virtues as spouses and as parents, you have modeled for us an exemplary Christian life. ~ Saint Nicholas/Saint Dorothy the Patron of Brides. And this mere girl, this Little Flower, with the simple, humble heart of a child? She is a frequent guest on podcasts, radio shows, and has appeared on EWTN, CatholicTV, and ShalomWorld. She remained a permanent novice at the convent of the Carmelites until her death, she never founded a religious order or went on a mission, and she only produced one piece of writingyet she remains to be one of the most beloved and popular saints of the modern world. Material: Sterling silver. A true pro-life pioneer, St. Gianna was a pediatrician in Italy when she became pregnant with her fourth child. But learning about how the Church has honored such strong, brave women of Christ and encourages us to ask them for help everyday shows us that feminism exists and thrives in the eyes of God. If you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, youre probably already aware of the legend that is St. Faustina Kowalska. St. Clare traded in her life as the beautiful daughter of a wealthy, powerful Italian family to live in poverty and sacrifice. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. Saint Agnes is the patron saint of young girls, as well as rape survivors, the Children of Mary and chastity. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! ~ Saint Michael the Patron of Battles, Germany, Grocers, Police officers, Radiologists, Seafarers. Get educated & stay motivated. As a young woman, Cecilia was forced to marry despite wanting to devote her life to God. Her feast day is January 21, and it is honored in a special way by the Catholic Church. We are encouraged to pray for her intercession daily, as she is identified as the most powerful intercessor of all souls in Heaven (meaning, if you want God to listen to you, tell Mama Mary to help ya out). Unique and powerful characteristics of a strong woman. At one point, she was engaged to be married, but she received a vision of St. Dominic during a period of time when she became violently ill. After she made a full recovery, she donned the Dominican habit and devoted her life to speaking the truth boldly but with charity a rarity for a woman during the era in which she lived. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Patrons of trades and professions There are patron saints who reflect and protect ordinary walks of life such as family, sickness, death and trades and professions. Saint Sebastian He is commonly depicted in art and literature tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows. St. Rita of Cascia. Maryobedient to God, courageous and brave, loving and gentle, active and prayerfulis the ultimate feminist. Earlier this afternoon, my daughter found a truck tire submerged in our neighborhood creek. The saints of the ages inspire and instruct us in how to lead lives of holiness. But her great accomplishments, which served God, couldnt have been achieved without courage. When she refused him, he stabbed her fourteen times, eventually killing her. Her rite of passage was her choice to cut her hair and exchange her extravagant clothes for a plain robe and veil. Born a princess in Burgundy, Italy around 931, Saint Adelaide of Burgundys father passed away when she was only six-years-old, and she was married to Lothaire, the king of Italy when she was sixteen. Saints & Angels. West Indies - Saint Gertrude. Not only did she take the courageous step of moving to a foreign country, Canada, but this religious sister also cared for Indigenous people and colonists, founded a womens religious order, and began schools. The legend of Saint Agatha attests that Christ appeared to her as she lay dying and restored her breasts . Resources to introduce our girls to Sts. Let's shine a light on some of these fascinating and fearless female saints: Number 6: St Agnes (c.292305) Number 5: St Brigid of Kildare (c. Number 4: St Etheldreda (d. Number 3: St Clare of Assisi (c. Number 2: St Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) And they help us to seek refuge in Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. In many cases, the fact of existing patronal devotion is clear despite historical obscurity regarding its origin. To the haters that say the Catholic Church oppresses women, I say: Jesus chose a woman to be His personal secretary and gave her all of the resources that she would need to accomplish His will. She is one of the patron saints of France. Who else is a better representation of Gods adoration of women and the Churchs regard for femininity other than Mary, the mother of Jesus? Who is the patron saint of women finding a job? Description. Clare gave up her luxury lifestyle to pursue the heart of Christ through simple living. It was the night before Christmas, and everyone in the house was jolly. what your child's quirks and struggles mean, and how to address them, which strategies you can use to help your child thrive, not flounder, 100 Perfect Patron Saints for Exceptional Catholic Kids. Whether they stoically faced suffering due to illness, persecution or poverty, all of these great female saints can serve as our role models as we seek courage. As an 11-year-old, she almost fell victim to the sexual advances of a teenaged boy named Alessandro. 3. How could a list of inspiring women saints be complete without the ultimate saint Our Lady? Shes an incredible woman to admire, because she overcame many obstacles in her life death of children, her spouse, and rejection and persecution from family and friends when she chose to convert to Catholicism, among others yet she persevered and, because of this, was able to establish an indelible legacy. Mairead Geary @IrishUSAMom After having dreams about Maria handing him white lilies, Alessandro repented, begged Marias mother for forgiveness, was able to attend Marias canonization, andbecame a laybrother of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Zelie and Therese and Servant of God Leonie, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Zelie Martin, of St. Therese resources at Shower of Roses. These two Christian martyrs died for their faith in the early 3rd century. Maria Gemma Umberta Galgani (12 March 1878 11 April 1903), also known as Saint Gemma of Lucca, was an Italian mystic, venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church since 1940. When she was 21, Catherine started receiving mystical visions from God, in which He told her to go out into the public and serve the poor and sick. Though she was never married, she was known to pray on behalf of the hopes and dreams of all true lovers. She is a true miracle worker of healing and can be invoked by those who are discouraged by their illnesses. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". By the time she died, she and her religious sisters had established about 50 Indian missions in the United States. Early in life she struggled with alcoholism, sneaking draughts of wine from the family cellar, before being caught and subsequently giving up the habit. She was dramatically transformed during her life from a person who was possessed by demons to someone who became a close . After everything she had endured, she finally became a Daughter of Charity in 1896. He attempted to rape her, but she resisted, telling him that it was a sin against Gods will. Clare joined the Benedictine nuns under Franciss instruction, despite her fathers attempts to bring her back home. She expressed her love for God through small acts of kindness: smiling at sisters she did not like, eating her meals without complaints, taking the blame for something she did not do without arguing. Living quietly at home, Catherine joined the Third Order of St. Dominic where she learned to read and practiced charity by giving away her familys food and clothes to the poor without permission (you go, girl). When he learned they were to be sold into such a life, he secretly left gold on three different occasions to provide dowry money so they could be married. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. As eight women among the multitudes of brave women and men who have been declared saints, they encourage us by their example to hold on to our faith, even when its not easy to do so. Saint Monica is the patron saint of wives and mothers. A contemporary of St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila was a Spanish mystic, Doctor of the Church, and a reformer of the Carmelite Order (the Discalced Carmelites). Born a Christian peasant, the saint said she received visions of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. This mother of the once-wayward St. Augustine is the perfect intercessor for mothers and children everywhere. Once her husband died, she joined the Third Order Franciscans and took vows similar to religious ones, including celibacy. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love. Though desiring to be a saint (but discouraged by the grandiose stories of the saints before her), Therese was not determined to be great. Saint George is considered as one of the strongest military saints and one of the most worshipped saints in the Catholic Church. Although meditating on the lives of brave men who are now saints can help us find that courage, we can also look at the lives of the brave women who are now saints, and we can find that same inspiration. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, Patron Saint of Doctors, Mothers, and Unborn Children. Patron Saints. List of Catholic Female Patron Saints in Alphabetical Order. He soon became her second husband and eventually took over the kingdom. Who are the patron saints of lost articles? Catherine is a prime example of how a daughter of Christ can still devote herself to the poor and sick in addition to creating reform for society, and she prayerfully embraced her spiritual gifts from God without fear or hesitation. It seemed as if all the bones in my body were wrenched asunder. Although she lived a much longer life than St. Agnes and St. Joan of Arc, Saint Josephine Bakhitas youth was filled with tremendous suffering. JEANNIE EWING is a Catholic spirituality writer and national inspirational speaker. A Doctor of the Church, the saints little way of love and Christian spirituality encourages people to love and serve God with a childlike trust in His eternal goodness. Always carrying a love for the poor, Elizabeth grew up performing various works of mercy on behalf of the suffering, sick, and homeless. Her parents were displeased at her rejection of a potential marriage suitor, yet she persisted in her contemplation of the Blessed Sacrament for hours on end. She bravely rejected all proposals and on hearing Gods call, fled to a convent to dedicate her life to Him as a Maronite nun. She refused to marry even though she was punished multiple times for rejecting suitors, and she converted to Catholicism when she was 19, taking vows of chastity and pledging to marry Jesus instead. Saint Agnes. Saint Patrick Who was Saint Patrick? Often, such saints are chosen too as a symbol of hope. Uneducated and extremely poor, she was dismissed as ludicrous and even blasphemous. At the canonization Mass, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that all are called to become saints. She lived during the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. 1. This French-born Canadian saint is the ideal person to pray to for Ukraine children whose education has been interrupted. She gave up her tribe, her reputation, and even sacrificed her safety to follow God and devote herself to Him. At only 13 years old, she was receiving visions of saints Michael and Catherine telling her to drive the English out of France and to protect the Dauphin. The Church has made official designation of . Joan of Arc, because strong-willed girls dont take no for an answer. Having consecrated her virginity to Jesus, the young noble girl underwent torture and was eventually beheaded for her faith. A woman of incredible humility and integrity, St. Rose was born in France in 1769, became a religious sister, and eventually was sent to the United States when she was 49 years old. Check out some of these bad-ass lady saints for your daily dose of feminist positivity! April 15, 1667 or 1668, Rome, Papal States by Pope Clement IX. Feast Day: 19 March, 1 May. And lucky for you, there is a Saint for everything. Love11. Brewers have a whole assortment of patron saints to call their own: Augustine of Hippo, Luke, Nicholas of Myra, Amand, and Wenceslaus. She was executed for . In Roman Catholicism a person often elects . She eventually converted to Catholicism because of her dsicovery of the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and joined the Discalced Carmelites. In a world where religious freedom is in jeopardy for all traditional religions, and violence, poverty, illness and disaster continuously impact our society, courage is desired and needed by many. Size: 1 inch. James had a special place among the disciples: with Simon Peter and his brother John, James traveled up Mount Tabor to witness the Transfiguration of Christ and joined Jesus in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. She knows great pain but still keeps her promises. Before passing later that day, she said that she forgave Alessandro for his sins, and Alessandro was sentenced to 30 years in prison for multiple occasions of unwarranted seduction, attempted rape, and murder. St. Olga was a pagan queen in present day Kyiv (called Kyivan Rus ) from 945 to 960. In 1931, Faustina was visited by Jesus Himself as the King of Divine Mercy, and He asked her to be a secretary of Gods mercy, spreading His plan for redemption to people all over the world. They have mental strength. Is there a patron saint for women? And yes, I will admit - it is a struggle to parent my son. A member of the court, Elizabeth used her power and influence to advance charity in the kingdom, and she was dedicated to living the Franciscan practices of simple living, wearing plain clothing and spending time every day to bake bread for the poor. When Gianna was pregnant with her fourth child, she was told by her doctors that the birth would be high-risk and that she should have an abortion if she wanted to live. Katharines heart was so full of charity that she renounced everything in order to give her all to others. By Chloe Langr. St. Therese was a very sensitive child and cried often. St. Gianna sacrificed herself for the sake of her child, a most unusual and extraordinary decision, especially in our era. She was also frequently ill; once, she was so gravely ill that she neared death. Brigid was venerated as Mary of the Gael, a saint for women, shepherds, beggars, refugees and those in childbirth. 10 of the Most Recognizable Patron Saints. Her faith in God gave her the bravery to stand up to powerful men and their persecutions of the Christians in her time. Recall that Paul was minding his own business, following his strategically mapped out second missionary trek in Asia Minor, when the Holy Spirit dramatically and abruptly changed Paul's GPS settings and diverted him to . He married an awful woman named Guinmarie but they remained childless. Resources for introducing our daughters to Joan of Arc: Teresa of Avila, because a strong-will is best rooted in grace, I remember . On her wedding, it said that she sang her heart to God. Also known as St. Rebecca, this Lebanon-born 19th-century saint had to cope with family pressure to marry at the age of 14. Despite an ill-tempered husband, a critical mother-in-law, and a stubbornly sinful son, she persisted in an intimate prayer life with God, interceding often on the behalf of others. Look to the Maid of Orleans when you need a prayer warrior for those who need strength, courage and perseverance. At age 7, I knew the story of St. Agness martyrdom and St. Cecelias pagan upbringing (I think this sums me up pretty well). While Felicity had just given birth, Perpetua left behind a child whom shed been nursing. The "Maid of Orleans," St. Joan of Arc is a legendary French saint who led her people to victory during the Hundred Years' War. As a convert to Catholicism from the Anglican faith, St. Elizabeth carried a profoundly reverent devotion to the Eucharist, Scripture, and Our Lady. It's FREE! The earliest records show that people and churches were named after apostles and martyrs as early as the fourth century. 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