Free people need a moral compass only derived from a foundation in a faith. I am the most liberty orientated candidate on the ballot. I plan to pitch an artificial uterus: Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon $ 10 Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity" by M.D. Although OI believe it is the independent right of any pregnant woman to choose her path, I do not believe it is responsible for the government of all people to motivate actions one way or another. Colorado spends over $13B on repairing or replacing damage from crimes. I believe strongly in prison education to ensure prisoners have something to turn to when they get out, allowing them to become productive members of society while also saving money by keeping them out of prison in the future. Colorado should outlaw abortions except where mothers life is in serious danger. Additionally, a minor child does not need a consent from a parent or guardian to have the abortion. I will uphold the constitution. He is the son of Nery Maria Novelo and Ramon Rodriguez (deceased), and he has onebrother and four sisters, who live in Merida. The prevalence of digital media makes Colorado Revised Statute 18-7-502 difficult to enforce. This diversity is an asset and a blessing, and should not be suppressed by draconian immigration laws. Prop. Only the federal government can create a path to citizenship or right to work, but Colorado can and should protect the rights of immigrants who do find work, regardless of they are documented or not. Access to pornography should be restricted for minors in Colorado. They should vote for me Bc I will represent their individual interest and bring their voices to the floor. ", "Through our faith in Jesus Christ, we Catholics are called to prayerfully participate in political life, fulfilling our duty to form the moral character of our society for the common good of all. Prayer Guide for the Persecuted. While I am very concerned that pornography is too easily accessed, I also believe that if we allow the government to create legal or technical restrictions on pornography access, we will have given that same government the ability to restrict access to any content labeled dangerous. Instead, we should seek market-based solutions that incentivize ISPs providing ways to restrict content on a customer-by-customer basis. Subsequently, he worked 14 years in the retail nursery industry as vice president or general manager for divisions of Sunbelt Nursery, Inc. in Fort Worth, Southern California, Phoenix and Atlanta. Learn More. We are facing a horrendous assault on the Family we face equally horrid attacks on individual responsibility and the right to maintain our blood-bought heritage of religious and other defining liberties. That is lacking in Denver right now. I use medicaid myself. He served as Director for the Office of Liturgy and Master of Ceremonies in the Archdiocese of Denver from 1990 until 1995. My Plan involves such. I believe that I am a responsible choice to represent all of the constituents in my district, not just those of a particular faith. In fact, the Kingdom of God is a government, and how better to bring it to earth than by impacting civil government, especially on the local level? Work is as much about personal dignity as it is about earning money. I would support families in using their 529 savings to educate their children and their choice of which schools to attend. . I will support legislation that promotes private investment and competition in the energy sector of Colorado. From 1999-2001, he served as the first Rector of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver and Chief Executive Officer of Our Lady of the New Advent Theological Institute. Love and devotion make a family. pornography is exploitive, damaging and addictive (enslaving); it is also associated with abuse, extortion and human trafficking, undermining the Rights of all participants. Gods Word never changes. As such, we encourage Christian voters to vote for men and women who will support religious liberty, work to strengthen the family and parental rights . You may be trivializing the agony of some of these decisions by pointing out only that this Act allows for elective abortion for every week of pregnancy. Our Declaration of Independence recognizes that all of humanity is endowed with the Rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, but does not ensure anyone has or is provided anything, regardless of immigration status. I firmly believe in and will fight to protect the rights of the people to determine their own futures as long as those choices do not interfere with the rights of others. I advocate to support their journey to financial independence. Voting Resources View All Clergy Legal Resources For specific guidelines to ensure voter guides are appropriate for distribution by churches and other non-profit organizations, please visit the Legal Resource section of our website. Should Colorado law provide incentives for abortion providers to move to Colorado to meet abortion demand from out-of-state pregnant women? In total, there are more than 5,414 Catholic youths under religious instruction in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. [2] Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s. No. I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. This guide focuses on contested primary races, whose outcome will ultimately decide the contours - and decisions - of our executive and legislative bodies. He was the dean of the Theology Department of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome (1994-1997). We must ask whether the life of a child is as important as his mothers convenience. Colorado has the responsibility to protect her citizens first, last, and always. It is the states role to support that and not take it over. If the legislators put this into law, it would draw illegal immigrants and drain the resources for our schools and hospitals as it has already done in communities across the nation. to observe truth-in-advertising and libel laws. I believe in fiscal responsibility first since the money belongs to the American taxpayer. My Faith Votes | COLORADO ( Pick a Different State) Pledge. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). We are smart enough to do both, and with His help we can. Affordable, clean, and abundant energy enables everything in modern life and has lifted billions out of poverty. God created marriage between a man and woman. Should the Colorado legislature codify same-sex marriage in law? I will work hard for the constituents in HD 47 and will be a strong voice and advocate for the needs of the district l. I deeply love our country and Colorado. Ron DeSantis speaks, Feb. 15, 2023, at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla. Gov. I will be done in two years as this is not a career choice; it is a civic duty I feel called to. If you have any questions about the evaluations or concerns please contact us at (303) 928-7777. Read the guidelines here: Five Non-Negotiable Moral Pillars of a Biblical Voter listed in our published work Biblical Voter Booklet, A Step-by-Step Guide to Biblical Voting pages 16 -17 As far as encouraging work, I cant imagine any facet of American society not doing just that. Definitely, and Im proud to be endorsed by the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition for my positions on immigration justice. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. Visit Diocese of Colorado Springs Website, WATCH: Colorado Catholic Conference Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health. DeSantis has signed a bill to give himself control of Walt Disney World's self-governing district, punishing the company over its opposition to the so-called "Don't Say Gay" law. If this also becomes the case for reproductive health providers, whether they prescribe/perform abortion services or not, I would be open to attracting providers the same as we would to fill any other need. Bishop Rodriguez was born March 22, 1955, in Merida, Mexico, located in the state of Yucatan. God Bless you all for what you do to help. Should the Colorado legislature restrict the freedom of individuals and institutions to think, speak, work, and act according to their well-founded beliefs? I think we have seen what happens when there exists no moral or religious conscience. Below you'll find a comprehensive non-partisan guide (with many links!) Unable to provide an answer due to the wording of the question. He was incardinated as a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver in 2008. As christians, it is our obligation to give folks a chance to reform. If illegal immigrant, your basic needs should be met then you should be sent back to the country in which you came. Yes. Unless her pregnancy is a direct and imminent threat to her life, he should not be in any danger of losing his own. In the end, my friends in faith are also blessed with the same free will that I have. Porn and kids shouldnt mic, but unfortunately they often do. At some point though, there are reasonable contraints on how we treat each other in a pluralist and diverse society, and when the issue arises, I cannot support using personal belief as a justification for cruel or discriminatory behavior towards others. Colorado ballots are being sent out to all registered voters. Should Colorado law allow families to utilize their own 529 savings account funds for their childrens K-12 education (this has been permitted by the IRS since 2018 but states must opt-in)? 8655 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 866.655.4545 . Science is the best tool we have found to discover facts, and religion, at its best, is the tool that helps us use that knowledge with integrity and justice for all. It is our job to protect children. While there are a host of important issues at play in any election, no issue of more preeminent than the violent killing of thousands of unborn children every day in our nation. I am all about hand ups, not handouts. Get your personalized sample ballot & voter guide, register to vote, and more. Abortion is the premeditated murder of a child. I found Church Voter Guides when my pastor invited volunteers to set up a table at our church. I am unsure of your definition of basic human needs. 2022 Evaluations Please click on your county below to find the district and county judges, if any, standing for retention in your judicial district. He has offered numerous retreats across the country preaching the blessings of ordering our lives in recognition that all we are and all we have is a gift from God. It should protect patients from egregious providers. As a legislator, I will actively consult with and seek the advice of the Catholic Conference. Marriage is a covenant between two people and their deity or belief system, its not a function of nor the proper role of government to be involved in this process and should never have been. Yes, this money belongs to the families and should be able to be spent by families to invest in the best education for their children. The erosion of education by both government and private interest is showing itself to be the greatest danger that America, and democracy have yet faced. Patients and their health care providers should be free of any bureaucratic constraints when determining how to approach that patients care. Propositions, which are law changes, only need a simple majority to pass. REPUBLICAN "Proud to be the party that protects human life and offers real solutions for women" and "strongly oppose[s] infanticide." Supports the following: the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act; a human life constitutional amendment; a ban on abortion at 20 weeks, when unborn babies can feel pain; a ban on abortion based on sex or disability; a ban on dismemberment . Georgia - Senate - December 6th Run-off Early Voting Begins November 28 English Bilingual We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people. The separation of Church and State is only a Constitutional concept in as much as the State is not to: promote an official state religion, make joining a specific religion a requirement for holding office, nor restrict the free exercise of any religion. I honor Him in all that I do. FILE - Florida Gov. But since they are I would support this. So perhaps there could be strict limits on internet use for those who brains should be developing with one to one personal contact, fresh air and playgrounds. I believe that welfare policy should be rolled back to the way things worked before Johnsons Great Society policies were enacted. I am a pro-life fiscal conservative that believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We can not allow separation of church and state to emasculate the Church. I know that the best place for tax dollars is for them to remain in the hands of citizens, and that there is no problem the government cannot make worse with a solution. I cant believe that companies are allowed to sell these thing to our children. I believe that God has called me to be one of these men. Church Voter Guides | Pastor Steve Holt Voter Registration & Ballot Info Help Produce a Voter Guide for YOUR County For Pastors and Ministry Leaders Watch: El Paso County Candidate Forums Now That You're HerePlease Share Our Website With Others: Use Email, Text, Social Media, Carrier Pigeon, or even a Flash Mob. ", "The government has the moral function to secure justice and peace in society. The administrative mis-management would never be allowed in a true business environment so yes, parents should not have to spent taxed money to make up the difference. Absolutely not. I recognize that history has shown that governments who exceed the role of securing our Rights in the pursuit of some humanist utopia have always descended into tyranny. Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, has produced these Voter Guides for the Federal, States, and El Paso County Primary Elections in Colorado, to provide information about each candidate and help inform the electorate. Destroying the energy industry helps them achieve such control. But only when said legislation pertains to affordable and transparent care between provider and patient. Tuesday, February 15, 2022 The Church Voter Guides provide voters with information about where candidates stand on key issues, not a simple yes or no answer. Should the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), which allows for elective abortion during all 40-weeks of pregnancy, be overturned? This sounds like government overreach and I am not for that, but there are and should be laws in place to keep certain unlawful pornographic material illegal to possess and distribute. Working with people at all stages of life and allowing the gift of our Catholic faith to provide direction, support and new life is greatly rewarding. Rather, we seek to equip Christians to fully engage in every aspect of our wonderful Republican form of government, and to utilize all of our rights in order to secure these rights for every single citizen and all future generations. With ballots come ballot guides, and the Colorado Times Recorder has compiled a list of major Colorado voter guides that have been released by progressive and conservative organizations as well as by media outlets and the state of Colorado.. Colorado's Official Guide. There should be NO restriction of ANY kind on persons thinking, speaking, working, or acting according to their well-founded, sincerely held religious beliefs. Although some words are painful and frustrating, religious and personal freedom is only achieved when we allow all people to speak freely without intimidation and censorship. In the meantime, these costly programs increase joblessness and homelessness. Its the how to restrict access that is the kicker. Citizens, especially prayerful Catholics, are required to participate in the political process with well-formed consciences.". I am most interested in rehabilitation beyond the programming offered now. I support DACA, but adults who come here illegally should not be able to jump in line ahead of those who follow the law. . There should always be options for patients to receive the care they believe is right for themselves, regardless of their insurance carrier or whos in-network. I will work to make pathways off of welfare and to a prosperous life. Charity cannot be coerced, but that is the only means by which the government can obtain money to perpetuate a poor imitation of the Christian charity it intends to supplant. These policy decisions are crushing our quality of life and literally killing our kids. Allowing the private sector the opportunity to invest in our future energy solutions will advance technology and create wealth. In 2001, he became parochial vicar of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in North Richland Hills, Texas. Actions by institutions get a little more complicated, depending on whether were talking about private, public, non-profit, or for-profit entities. Id like to place emphasis on enabling work and encourage citizenship so that they are able to afford their own basic needs. I am a proponent of small government and responsible, individual liberty. This sounds amiguous. He has given me many gifts in this life and I believe I have the skills, knowledge, and moral leadership that is necessary to bring people together for the common good. Click Here I believe that all the gimmicky policies insurers issue should be heavily scrutinized by the state insurance commissioner to either allow or deny the sale of a policy offering. Meaning should an able-bodied recipient max out the full 5 years, they must work or wait an additional 10 years to be eligible to recieve again. The Idea of environmentally friendly policy is not the goal of these radicals. I am an active member of the Catholic Church and I support the key social teachings of the church as embodied by the key encyclicals such as Humani Generis, Humanum Genus, and Pasendi Dominici Gegis. I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. Pope Francis appointed Father Rodriguez as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver on August 25, 2016 and was ordained on November 4, 2016 on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of bishops. Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. This is no longer Acceptable practice. Private k-12 education > current state of CO public school system. I do not think governenment should be involved in marriage. Colorado is less than idea so we may only be able to partially amend. Website: Official website. The codification of RHEA effectively ends any Right to Life. At the very least, victimless crimes (e.g., owning one more cannabis plant than the law allows) should not be codified as crimes. Also I believe in religious freedom, They will find my core beliefs closely align with their core beliefs. RHEA promotes and protects Feticide. 2022 Biblical Voter. This means that state law should not include or provide incentives for abortion providers, either individual or within womens health care organizations. Higher energy costs are the direct result of over-bearing regulation and taxation. Vote. The state of Colorado should not be involved in the abortion issue in any way. No, all individuals should have their well-founded beliefs protected. I am fighting for affordable housing and more affordable higher education so that working families have a better chance to find prosperity. Its time to stop doubling down on goofball policy. Yes, legislation should be patient-centered and protect the rights of medical providers. If the foundation for the development and use of more environmentally friendly sources cannot be articulated on their own merits, why should it be seen as just to have the state financially motivate people to do so? I think everyone can agree that late term abortions should only be allowed if the life of the mother is in question. But I also believe, the Earth is a gift to us from God and should be treated with respect. Thats where you come in! Colorado, is less safe, less affordable, and undereducated. Below, you will find voter guides to help you vote pro-life in 2020, starting with comparisons between the parties and presidential candidates on the abortion issue. If the current administration would allow our oil and gas production, we would not have an energy crisis. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Grand Island on June 3, 1994. I am all for everyones equal rights to life, liberty, and happiness as long as it doesnt affect the same for others. Ballot Information Booklet (Blue Book) The purpose of the ballot information booklet is to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis of each initiated or referred constitutional amendment, law, or question on the ballot. Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, has produced a Voter Guide for the State Assemblies in Colorado specifically to provide information about each candidate to the Delegates. The punishment needs to fit the crime as a deterrent to future crimes. Clearly, it was never the intention of our founders that religion, and specifically Christianity, would be banned from the public square. Same sex marriage, for better or worse, is already the law. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Fargo on June 12, 2001, and his Episcopal Ordination Mass was celebrated at St. Marys Cathedral in Fargo on August 24, 2001. VOTING YOUR VALUES A GUIDE FOR CHRISTIAN VOTERS When Christians vote en masse, biblical citizenship is . I will support educational choice and parental voice in schools. I am a mom/nana who gets things done. Certainly no one should be forced to perform procedures theyre opposed to, but neither should patients go into a medical situation expecting a certain type of care and finding out too late that they wont be accommodated. This is a first amendment issue. I am not a politician. Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry. Should welfare policy provide a safety-net to improve the immediate well-being of the poor and encourage work? I am for protecting our environment from the drilling site to the gas pumps, to our homes for lights, heat and air-conditioning and to the many businesses and manufactures in our State of Colorado with the lowest possible price. I imagine that many catholics may choose not to vote for me on the grounds that my primary moral guidance is the constitution rather than the Bible and I will support that choice. The truly needy, those who face serious challenges, need our help, but using the power of the government to make this happen does not put the needy in a better position; few rise from poverty because of welfare. We cannot and should not put the safety of law-abiding citizens at risk. This is truly sad if Colorado becomes an Abortion destination. That is why I say: People Over Politics because no government agenda should run your familys life. I go to make a difference, not just be a voice, but make a difference. Voter guides provide background information on the candidates and ballot measures. All state legislative candidates had an opportunity to participate and respond (click here to review survey). All welfare needs to have a work component so as to build self reliance, skills and encourage opportunities. The First Amendment to the United States constitution was intended to protect these rights at the federal level and is affirmed in the Colorado constitution, which means the legislature MUST NOT enact any restrictions on these activities. Colorado has the highest inflation rate in the country, the 5th highest crime rate, and the second highest rate of drug-overdose deaths. Vote Under God. Our Christian Voters Coalition, Christian Voters Guide: Candidate Endorsement Opportunity Form is straight forward and covers a broad cross-section of issues that are of interest to pro-family voters, conservative voters, and Christian Evangelical voters. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. Producers: Danika Worthington, Kevin Jeffers. All marriages are between individuals, whether or not sanctioned by a church. The government should have no role in the matter. The welfare system punishes the very people it is to help by regulations that stops any self-improvement. I want to take reasonable steps to protect the environment, which is important to our Colorado way of life, but also to our tourism and agriculture economy. I spent 18 years in education as an English teacher and district administrator. She actually walked the walk, right into a secure server room back in 2020. No. Green technology is far too underdeveloped to fulfil current demand and will crash the economy. No. I think that more providers may come to Colorado if only because of the new rules of some surrounding states. I have most of the same values. I think private charity is more effective than government welfare. I will do my utmost to protect the individual rights of Coloradans in HD-16. I ask for your vote and support. Green energy should still be in the research/innovation stage, not deployment stage. In 1987, he began graduate studies at San Anselmo University in Rome, earning a Licentiate in Sacramental Theology in 1990. Should health-care legislation be patient-centered and protect the conscience rights of medical providers? Yes. I will be a servant leader who will bring principled and common-sense solutions to the State Capitol so that people and businesses can thrive and become the best version of themselves. The diocese and its parishes provide religious education and formation to more than 9,000 students. We especially thrive in municipal and county elections when there is very little known about many of the candidates because they have never run for office before, or have received very little press coverage. The celebration ceremony of the D-Day Prayer at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Ohio Christian Alliance and Christian Alliance of America at 11:30 a.m. on Veterans Day, will be a time to honor all our veterans and give glory to God. Funding is per pupil and should follow each pupil! Rehabilitation of criminals should always be a goal. I believe in smaller government and lower taxes, which means as a law maker, I would be less likely to redistribute peoples earnings to support anti-Catholic causes. And I will uphold the constitution without reservations. I attended a Catholic Grade School and High School and understand the value of a private sector education. He has served the diocese in various capacities including Director of Ongoing Formation of Clergy, Chair of the Personnel Board, member of the Diocesan Finance Council, the Presbyteral Council, and as a member of the Diocesan College of Consultors. California Secretary of State 916-657-2166 Email California Election Information. Personal adult responsibility needs to be exercised as well. I am deeply interested to hear the perspective of your organization. FILE - TCU quarterback Chandler Morris scrambles out of the pocket during an NCAA college football game against Baylor in Fort Worth, Texas, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021. Under current law, Legal immigrants are required to show that they can support themselves before they enter the United States. This has two facets that are important to explain. Go to to check the status of your ballot. I believe wholeheartedly in harm reduction, housing first, and prioritizing caring support over punitive action. From God and should follow each pupil is less than Idea so we may only be able to their! Citizenship so that working families have a work component so as to self... Should Colorado law provide incentives for abortion providers, either individual or within Womens Health organizations! Be suppressed by draconian immigration laws and always the research/innovation stage, not handouts Colorado! Green energy should still be in any danger of losing his own pupil and should free. # x27 ; ll find a comprehensive non-partisan guide ( with many links! educational choice parental... Protected by the Colorado legislature codify same-sex marriage in law in law on... 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