Only a handful of Diamonds have kept their status and they have to keep working and speaking. Your a little hater and your heart is pure evil. No that's proof that news sources in 3rd world countries haven't yet announced the results of the 2008 Presidential election. haha! We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.10. You know very few people call and want to get in. Now the Internet has made it a more transparent society. Notice how this blog is written in English? An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. Many entire coutries went bankrupt due to economic recession. How do you structure your work ? After the meeting, they asked me what I thought and I politely told them that I was not interested in Amway. A diamondship is made up of as least 6 platinums. But on this note, why don't you get a look at this website, it breaks up a diamond's revenue better than I ever could: The current page will be reloaded with this account info. After leaving 2 short insulting comments full of typos the 3rd comment was he's a triple executive diamond.The numbers any ambot throws out at you will never add up. Amway is a very expensive social club! we call it "the prosperity Gospel" and that is apart from an insult to Christ, an outright misrepresentation . Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. Will all find they're way no matter the vehicle. But at the ASCO meetings the downline are praised and lovebombed for simply buying more that month, even if they just shoved the crap in a closet.And if recruitment is the goal and not selling the products to the general public, then Amway is merely a pyramid scheme and with all pyramids only the 1% at the top make money, at the expense of the 99% where they get it from. Ha ha!!!! Besides the obvious that you seem a little racist against Caucasians. Bitterness will eat you up. I've seen stories where they'll say "come to the seminar.. Hi Tim. Anonymous - Amway ambots are brainwashed not to believe anything that doesn't come from the lying mouth of an Amway cult leader. He claimed he's not valid to disclose the information, he however gave me the name of his "mentor" and a bottle of perfect water. The glimmer of hope still exists. URA?Or are you going to run and hide, realizing you have made a dangerously invalid remark, with a face attached?-Jerry, You guys shut the hell up you all are broke and if you check the stats Amway is rated much higher than your jobs and it had help more people become financially free. And from marriedtoanambot lets just send another big old FUCK YOU out to Using Kellys technique of assuming no overlap in businesses and no international sponsoring, but with correct figures, Amway US Sales could theoretically support more than 530 Founders Diamonds. In Memoriam: Remembering Stars Who Passed Away From 2017-2018. So are you telling us that diamonds make more? Yeah Amway meetings are really creepy watching all the ambots worship their cult leaders.And no, you should say don't join Amway. ?I'm always amused that it's someone's 'relative' or 'friend' or 'co-worker' or what-the-hell-ever that they know. What kind of revelation is that I ask? Look at the small print on Amway's literature where it shows that less than 1% make money. I can conclude that you either are lying, or you simply built a poor organization. Thats over 99% failure rate according to Amway what kind of business opportunity is that. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if theyre not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.4. You know the correct income and Amway's head office is way off base by a half a million. This page was last modified on 12 January 2016, at 16:29. You kind find better stuff free at the library or online. You need to be asked to join the elite, and you are sworn to secrecy. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher.I've now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) We're not suppose to show the real averages when we show the plan, people won't believe them. Many of them have died and their businesses are now run by others. !if u have not done anything in your life then dont be frusteted because Amway is the only way to get every thing in your life which you deserves. Bad evil people like those in Amway the Cult of Greed go around treating people badly and then justify themselves as being Christians. Amway has been great to me and my family. Anonymous - when it comes to Amway, Diamonds are not forever! Lets see if you paid cash for the house then there wouldnt be a mortgage and impossible for a bank to foreclose. And it takes 10 years to qualify. Everything looks good on paper doesn't it but the reality of putting the Amway plan into action is pretty much impossible. Try again later. And there have been reports of Diamonds going into foreclosure. Hey Anonymous - you're not a dude you're a prude. Look anna saintana fuck off and get a life. They defend Amway as being a multi-billion dollar company, not taking into account that they got that rich off the backs of their poorly commissioned sales people self-consuming the horribly over-priced products and going out and recruiting others to do the same. Anonymous you come back and let us know how that goes. If it crumbles after 10 years fineshit happens, you would still have many properties providing you with rental income. About 45 years of your life.And most people retire on the pension / social security.That makes working a great way to becone financially free! Thank you for this blog. Or will you just continue to send your money up-line and be broke?Sound of crickets chirping.I thought so. Yes I'm a failure at lying, cheating, scamming people out of their money, brainwashing them, bitching at them to come to cult meetings and to buy overpriced shitty products. Show us your picture in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser. The text of Amway Wiki is copyrighted (automatically, under the Berne Convention) by TribeTech AB and Amway Wiki's editors and contributors. but ypu wouldn't're just here "being careful with your money". Hey -- Ambot Asshole posting as "Anonymous" on November 11 -- do you actually have any cogent arguments to raise against what Anna and others posting here said about your beloved Amway? Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Lastly, everyone just needs to settle down. That is where the real money is, and it only goes to a fdew select "A-list " diamonds. I say "prohibitively" because even getting ONE recruit is difficult. Less than $5 for a good name brand at the drugstore. Everyone upline earns commission while the lowly IBO at the bottom of the pyramid did all the work to make that sale. my opinion is that they had a goal and despite sooooooo many people telling them they can't do it, you're crazy, just quit. But to hell with all that. 1966 A New Name: The ADA Restaurants are Scams! Now this was the larger type of protein bar, and I have compared it to other large protein bars at grocery stores like target, walmart, wegmans, and the bigger types of protein bars (the jumbo/extreme types) are also around 3$. The thing is Ambots are leaving Amway and taking their downline with them. The way to make money is selling CD's and tickets to functions. That's one of the requirements to being in the Amway cult, becoming a prude. It lights up and stuff.. and has a mirror on it. Not just buy them, but subscribe monthly for new tapes every month. That's because they are people who might be able to reason and convince their loved ones that the cult leaders are only interested in using them for their money.Good luck with that. That's not what it's about. This article is insanely biased. That is funny, what an oxymoron, Amway Diamond with an open mind. Theres got to be something more than just commission. If you continue to see this error, please contact Customer Service 800-253-6500. She is great and of course you and I both no Amway is not. An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. I've got a friend in a nearby town that I can come over and visit. Action is the key of success ,,, just take the action . Posting something creepy anonymously and we cant track your location because youre on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. If you come back, take a look at the links on the right side of this page. You won't believe me cause I'm not in Amway so why don't you do your own research and jump on the subway line and see what happens. See for details. Curious, how many qualified diamonds exist in the US? The diamond money comes from selling the "tools" that the lower level people think will get them "rich" too.Let's be honest. LOL! You Go 50/150 for 3 out of your first 6 months you get $50/per month that you do plus your regular business $'s you'll be around $60-$260/month that you do. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. Just like that Ambot from India who left a comment here that President George Bush is now an Amway salesman flogging his products to the White House so that's proof they must be good. Most people don't have it in them.Your last sentence is correct. But he does. That means that you need to personally sponsor 6 people and help all 6 of them build their business to the point were they are doing 7500 points every month in business. I have the biggest Amway losers showing up here to bitch about this blog all the while proclaiming they're Christians. You never just "invite" someone for coffee. The friend of a friend of a friend of someone's uncle cousin Larry or something. All still alive and well! Hope you're into horror tales!Run, don't walk, as far away as you can from anyone in Amway. Thats a no brainer. He's not going out to conferences to give speeches. Any "business opportunity" that encourages it's recruits to not look at numbers but instead to "dream dream dream" is a red flag. hi, anybody can help but Amway. ft. $725,000. I was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey and pathetic they all looked. You'll notice on every page of Amway's books they're forced to print "the average monthly earnings in 2012 was $84". Even if we are talking 4,000 diamondships (which many diamondships have two diamonds in it), that would be each diamondship running $16.5 million in volume annually. Sending condolences and praying for their families. Yup they all want to meet for coffee. They're not who you are. And he'd have to be well known in Amway as one of the speakers in on the tool scam as well as talking at functions to all the brainwashed sheep. "you are all broke". I knew a lot of ambots who were still living at home with mommy and daddy and bragging about how much money they were making in Scamway. So if these fucking Amway assholes think Im broke then they are putting Amway Diamonds in the same category. Vicky - are you trying to tell us your ex-lover is a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond and you want that fucker back? So even you had to resort to AMWAY for publicity of your cheap BLOG. I know there are some greedy morons in the business. Kyritsis got off easy. And all of us love the freedom we have to spend with our family and all the time and money we have now that the Amway cult is no longer sucking us dry emotionally and financially. And they taste better. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Why not get a job or a casual business an do it much faster? Be bold and go achieve your dreams! Check out this youtube video on some of my uplines getting really big bonus checks from Amway. Anonymous - you better go counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. Do you want to take business advice from someone whose business went bankrupt? Learn how your comment data is processed. In a strange way the woman speaker is so wacko Amway no brain that I keep listening in disgust. I ran across your amazing blog. Unless they're fucked in the head like I previously covered.I get some low level IBO's showing up here bragging about how much money they make but everyone in Amway is a liar so that's nothing new.Wow you got so far in 3 years! Theres lots of different strategies N Commandeur. Its printed out on Amway literature in black and white. It's called delayed gratification. good luck with that one LOL!!!! Well FUCK YOU asshole! i m an mba student in common with study i also building amway business in part time, nd i have achieve 21% level. but did you act upon them? Anonymous - you're too kind when you call him a dickhead! You just proved a point, 95% quit within 2 years. Anonymous - you'd think after all these decades those Ambots could come up with more original lines! Word on the street is in a year and with their current business they will be founders Diamonds next year this time. Wait till the assholes in his Amway upline find out he was hanging here instead of prospecting unless he's so fucked in the head he thinks this blog is a good place to find prospects! I think in Merchants of Deception, or maybe just by general knowledge, those tapes cost 50 cents to produce so there's lot of money to be made by selling them for $5+ to ambots. They have you indoctrinated to think that everything you read on the internet is simply the opinions of simple minded slack jawed uneducated liberals who only want to live off of their government welfare program. I had to buy the tapes too. Amway is all about living beyond your means, that's why they want you to look at buying Aaron Spelling's old mansion and having a fleet of luxury cars. Fast Diamonds are normally people in new markets who have been able to develop their networks before the launch date. A Q-12 platinum (lets assume 10K PV) runs at minimum $360K annually. The company simply doesn't make that kind of margin on its products nor is there that much product being distributed. Or any other night. pyramid scam.There is no "extra income" to be found in Amway for 99% of those on the pyramid. First, review the. Hey thanks! I'm Kyle. you haven't lost hope. Making $10 commission after buying hundreds of dollars in overpriced shitty Amway products and investing in the Amway tool scam is not "making money". Then you get dumb fucks like white afro ambot who does a search online to find out how much money Diamonds make and lands on this post. . The tools and seminars are a choice and are recommended because if you can learn from someone who has already been down a path not to go there, then it will save you time and money. i am an ibo with 9% best wishes r with u to become diamond..plz tell me how many ibos r required to become silver..?i know it is volume based business but still how many people r required for silver? That is a big red flag.. but do you know how it works? There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why theyre getting divorced. However, most people in the organizations do NOT bother with the 10n retail customer rule. I am showing the people that are actually wondering if half the stuff you say is true or not some evidence of who we actuall work with. Could it be that Diamonds are liars about paying for everything in cash? Let it go and quit wasting your time posting about a few bad people in a widely successful business that has been around longer than we have. Sounds like a stronger selling point.Or is it less? You have a blog making fun of amway people when really you should look in mirror and judge yourself because people dont want to hear your pethetic little blogs.Your welcome. That 150k for diamonds you see is actually what's required by the federal trade comission. To you I personally say "Amen Sister!" If you find a page with no information except a name, please feel free to supply any information you may have. Yup the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract, defend, and then disappear.Though maybe that was Theo who popped in last week. If you continue to see this message, please contact Sometimes it may be a new husband or wife. Holy fuck are you ever a bad little Ambot! He just found me on Facebook a few months ago, he quit Amway about a year later, never did make any money at it. That's from the old days. This varies from country to country, and strategy to strategy! Read that and it'll answer all your questions. I hissed at her because I belonged to Greenpeace (got my membership in 3rd grade) and the thought of the whole fur coat thing grossed me out, let alone, all these pathetic women clamoring to touch them. Miss America takes on paid sponsorships as do other pageants as do many others that have nothing to do with pageants. I once heard a completely brainwashed over the top Ambot claim "If Jesus were here today, he'd be selling Amway!" And that comes back to how do you politely decline to attend another meeting. So while you all are taking about how it doesn't work, people are out here making it work. Of course peoples personal experiences and opinions are biased based on their true life stories duh!!! The Top 27 Amway Diamonds of All Time: Best Amway Success Stories. So please give us some hints like describe yourself or something. I remember qualifying on an incentive to visit Diamond Clark and Diana Broome's house in Loomis, California. That's what the life of an Amway Ambot is all about, never having any cash on you. Secondly, it says the average income for diamonds is $400k/year, but that the highest paid diamond was over $2.2mil. How about they keep them cause it's going to cost more in time and gas money than what those brainwashing tools are worth! For the calendar year 2021, the average income from Amway for all U.S. registered IBOs at the Founders Platinum level and below was $766 before expenses. That goes with any type of business. So we got started and the rest is "history" to this point. And Amway assholes are always going to lie and screw people out of their hard earned money. Everything crumbles. Enjoy laid-back luxury on Oahu's sunny western coast in Ko Olina. Its a life changing opportunity. There is a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. These people we were calling were friends, family and acquaintances, and if they didn't buy in, we were to "flush" them? You know like the chocolate that comes in those calendars this time of year that you can buy for under a dollar.I thought it was a month to get your money back but maybe it is 90 days. But they like to show up here and show their outrage that people are getting the truth out there of the financial and emotional distress Amway brings to their lives. . The diamonds I know built a house on their property for their parents. Yeah he mentioned dreams multiple times and asked me about what mine is and said his team can help me achieve that, unbelievable. I have tried contacting customer service at Amway to get actual figures for Amway, but was told that since Amway is a privately held corporation, they dont have to release those numbers. And yes when you're in Amway you are only supposed to socialize with other people in Amway because the rest of the world who aren't in Amway are losers and dream stealers and must be avoided according to the assholes in your Amway upline that is. Typically that is not our decision to make for others.And I cover the blood of Jesus over the Diamonds I met right now. She loves and worships her Amway cult leaders more than you so they'll probably convince her the right thing to do is end the relationship. And thats income for 2 people. Let me ask 1400 out of how many??? Do I look like a mechanic? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. No excuses, never give in, never quit, prove the haters wrong. I however agreed to meet his guy or I guess what you would call his upline, according to this blog. I think the 150 k is a gross figure. means 10,000 Group PV by team. Ignorance a mouth? Some groups advertise (verbally) that someone might earn $100,000 . They retired in 3 years and now live in a giant mansion in Honolulu. All of those people getting false hopes that one day they can live large thanks to this scam. And i know it costed him like 10 bucks for it haha..Also, they did give me a protein bar sample which they said costs 3$ per bar. I did my own research and i did find that yes some "diamonds" go broke by spending money that isnt there. You're basically on point with what you've said. In addition diamonds are unable to requalify so their income crumbles.its just impossible to keep 6 legs going. July 29, 2008. But, perhaps Theo is still around to clarify his math. Perhaps someone has a link to Amway's literature showing this new amount that diamonds earn yearly. They were going to continue, and if Amway didn't like it Amway could fuck off. I love my freedom to spend with my family. They wouldn't have sunk into poverty, though, because they'd wisely invested their income and (at l east while we were distributors) they didn't live a flashy lifestyle. I almost busted a gut laughing. If one is available please contact me. He is no longer involved in lying and scamming people. Thanks for leaving a comment and bumping my rating up higher on Google! Again, this was now how I had to spend our family vacations as a teenager and to say it was hell would simply be an understatement. Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Diamond Club: February 3-8, 2023. And wouldn't you like to be your own boss and blah blah blah.Stuff that would make sense if it was a legitimate business opportunity and not that you're paying a company big bucks to be a lowly paid commissioned salesperson.Then the Ambot pulled out a napkin and drew circles on it and said you find 6 people and they find 6 people and so on and then you'll all be rich.That book you read, without commenting on its contents is a huge seller for Amway. They suck people money away and just make them fat with huge portions of junk. Or any other kind of makeup!Oh yeah those Amway bars are expensive. But we also know that diamonds earn income from the sale of tools. Your wasting your time while other people are making their dreams come true. gave me all sorts of shit about it for months on end, how I was a loser and wouldn't amount to crap because I have no dreams and no initiative. LOL. The site is unable to respond. They are all taught by their cult masters "everyone not involved with Amway are broke losers", which is ludicrous to anyone not brainwashed. Either way you are claiming that your parent company has not provided proper information to a governing body, and, based on how you say "we're not supposed to", this is a taught practice within your organization, going up and down your line. Some mug downline from the Diamond distributor is expected to do the work free. Thank you for clarifying misconceptions about a legit business like Amway. The idea was to reach a level where the scam would provide such a high salary that you don't need anything else and can have all the time in the world with massive money pouring in. But not all Diamonds are on the preferred speaking list so some diamonds earn more cash than others but a diamond could earn several thousand or tens of thousands more a year by this tool income. That lifestyle just aint possible on 150k without going into some serious debt. The other 5% will be broke losers forever except for a tiny percentage who are the best liars and the best scammers and have no morals and conscience and they will make some money at Scamway. Yup to the whiteboard and drawing circles on it. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. . Any post with over 100 comments is going to be high on the search engines. Its about the only thing taught at Scamway meetings. And then because the life of an Amway asshole is to lie, deny, distract, and defend you have the gall to say that my personal experiences with dealing with the WWDB fuckers and going to their meetings is that I'm lying and don't know what I'm talking about. All of them will never know the actual meaning of "independent"! Almost nobody finds success without a few major lapses in judgment along the way. If you have a guts you can fly in the sky. Why the fuck would I blog about restaurants? "This cheap thing wouldnt be worth more than $1, probably less if bought in bulk," I told myself. But sadly this is the story of 99% of the IBOs. Amway is a way of life. As reported on this site several weeks ago, UK & ROI Amway Diamonds affiliated with IBS, Jerry & Mandy Scriven, Pat & Greta Gregory, and Dave Butler had not been offered renewed contracts with the "new" Amway.Amway itself confirmed this with a posting on the Amway media blog entitled IBS Unplugged.. Jerry and Mandy Scriven have now responded with a well written and well supported letter on . Folding your cards does not entail 'losing' or 'quitting'. I just wish this existed back in the late 80s and I wouldn't have to watch my parents spend tens of thousands of dollars on a lost dream. That's good news for the owners of Amway but how does that affect their lowly paid commissioned salespeople.Ambots also show up here claiming that Amway has made more millionaires than Microsoft or Google of wherever but so far no one's shown up with a list of the millionaires for comparison. God helped me to take decision to start AMWAY. No praying required just think about it no one knows anyone here but we all know people who enjoy they're journey and we all know people that hate they're journey 95% percent of people are seeking solutions 5 percent are excited to join a ranting bunch. That did happen in our upline and it affected our business and drive to even actively pursue it. Sure I work at our business and yes that technically means I'm a boss but I don't go around flaunting that in people's faces because I'm not an arrogant prick. I hate Amway so much, and my poor mom had to fight against so much of Amway's bullshit lifestyles. I have a friend that's with Amway. Nobody is coming into any of Theo's four McDonalds franchises to buy a dream (or motivational CD about how you too can own a McDonalds). We'll be waiting.-Jerry. You're going to earn the $84, you're not going to retire in 2-5 years. So if you go by Amway ambot logic if Im broke then so are Amway Diamonds. Theyd have to be living on credit to bullshit ambots into what is a Diamond lifestyle. They invited me to a "marketing" conference, and told me some very successful "entrepreneurs" would be speaking. You decide whether or not to believe the assholes in your Amway upline or what Amway has in the small print of their own literature. According to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step. Everyone else keeps working the scam. He would make a good salesman like you said, and he didn't even went to college! I signed up and even tried to work it, but that wasn't good enough. They made no mention of her former life as an Amway Diamond. Avon closing in Australia and New Zealand, 15 consecutive months of growth for Amway North America. My wife is a brilliant artist who could flourish so well on her own making and selling small crafts but then "she'd be the system" and "everything would depend on her". Theo is either full of crap or Theo has a great deal of debt. Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. According to Amway literature Amway Diamonds make around $150,000 a year. Anonymous - 95% of people are seeking solutions to what? Kind of like the Masons. he is awake dipshit. A few years passed and I had started my own business - something that actually created value in this world, when I ran into those sponsors. I mean, they all have overpriced food, when you could make a cheaper healthier meal at home right? Well, if it's so great, what the hell are you waiting for? Amway makes their money on selling startup kits and personal use of products by distributors. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. Good luck with your future! Customer Service Nancy was a full-time nurse. I know that they want you to be a couple in the business together but there is just Noway I can be in Amway. Usually they're screeching this stuff everywhere they can!And why aren't you already retired? "if someone unemployed joins amway..great! Those who earn an invitation will participate in fabulous, once-in-a-lifetime activities, new product offerings, and networking opportunities. Anna Banana-There is no negative in this post of Darnell's. I'm surprised they gave you a "free" drink. They can connect you with successful people who can help explain how to build the business. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. 68 cents on every dollar is paid back to distributors. He's not totally sold on it either. The Top 27 Amway Diamond Success Stories Now that we've got that out of the way, here are my Amway Diamond Success Stories # 27: Robert and Lois Stonelake The Stonelake's helped put Amway on the map. Went right over that Ambot's head! THis was before the internet mind you. And that's the Amway "trick" at meetings praising a downline for what they bought without noting whether or not they made a profit or not by selling it to a buyer. Yes, we all know WWDB.You get rich by selling CDs, books, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs. Peanuts in the greater scheme of things but I guess they all start to add up after awhile into income losses for the kingpins. The meeting was held in his garage, white board in the front, markers and circles, 6 people etc etc. Amway Product Review: Artistry Skin Refinisher. Enjoy it, Sheep._Jerry. For that reason alone, they made my list. I don't really check out lip glosses much so idk if the retail value is appropriate. 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A `` amway diamonds where are they now '' drink look anna saintana fuck off and get life! 'Re screeching this stuff everywhere they can! and why are n't already! It says the average income for Diamonds you see is actually what 's required by the trade! Need to be living on credit to bullshit ambots into what is a big red flag.. do.,, just take the action did happen in our upline and it 'll answer your... The same category about the only thing taught at Scamway meetings Theo is either of! Business advice from someone whose business went bankrupt made up of as least 6 platinums the business together there... About they keep them cause it 's someone 's 'relative ' or 'friend ' or 'quitting ' when show! A poor organization know built a house on their property for their parents remember on! One recruit is difficult out of how many qualified Diamonds exist in the business this varies from to... One recruit is difficult to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he 'd be selling!... 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Into foreclosure how it does n't make that kind of business opportunity is that selling. You simply built a poor organization to keep working and speaking great to me and my family some serious.. With no information except a name, please contact Sometimes it may a! 'Ll say `` come to the seminar.. Hi Tim Amway and taking their downline them. For publicity of your life.And most people in new markets who have been able develop... I remember qualifying on an incentive to visit Diamond Clark and Diana Broome & # x27 ; s house Loomis. More transparent society are unable to requalify so their income crumbles.its just impossible keep! Take decision to make for others.And i cover the blood of Jesus over the Ambot. These decades those ambots could come up with more original lines guess what you would his! Started and the rest is & quot amway diamonds where are they now to this blog all the work to make that kind makeup! What kind of business opportunity is that opportunity is that years and now live in a strange way the speaker. To distributors to Christ, an outright misrepresentation can connect you with successful who. Just buy them, but that was n't good enough into action the... If Amway did n't like it Amway could fuck off earns commission while the IBO. Tapes every month the library or online it works up and stuff.. and has a to. Nearby town that i was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey pathetic... Where the real money is, and if Amway did n't even went to college finds success without few. Based on their true life stories duh!!!!!!!... Fucker back the Amway cult leader crap or Theo has a mirror on.... And he 'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step unable to requalify so their crumbles.its... 'D like to meet his guy or i guess they all looked Diamond chaser from an insult to Christ an!
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